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Lettersto the editor
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‘Community’ does not mean much
IS this my community now?
I am a female on my own and was woken up at 4am by an Indigenous female constantly ringing my video doorbell.
I didn’t answer or open the door and after some time she walked away.
I heard a noise in in the courtyard and saw the same lady now checking inside the parked vehicles and the door handles.
I didn’t bother to call the police because she would have gone by the time they got here.
I went back outside to ask the lady to move on, but she got into a heated argument with me and threatened me.
My neighbour came out and gave her two blankets. She took one. Later I saw the blanket was on the ground outside the gate.
No big deal with this whole situation as we all know this is a very normal thing here in Cairns and getting worse.
I was later yelled at by another neighbour for making too much noise.
This is where the situation changed for me and I am now questioning what the word community means for each of us, if anything at all.
Linda Downward, Woree
Don’t complain if the Voice rejected
BRUCE Jones (letters, 14/7), the 1900 federation referendum asked us to give the Commonwealth the power to make laws for the military and naval defence of Australia, and many other powers.
No limits or definitions or word-chopping or drafts of legislation or cost estimates.
Your arguments suggest that you would have voted no in 1900 because of the absolute lack of detail. You are not that silly.
I think it is more likely that you prefer no change to the current wasteful and rort-filled system of providing grants rather than give our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples any voice under our Constitution.
But don’t you dare whinge if no wins and nothing changes.
Sean McGinn, Clifton Beach
Voting yes for the Voice is vital step
I AM writing to express my strong support for the upcoming referendum titled ‘The Voice,’ which seeks to establish an advisory panel of Aboriginal community leaders to provide advice to the government on matters involving the indigenous community.
As a member of our local community, I firmly believe that this initiative is a significant step toward achieving inclusivity, reconciliation, and a more equitable society.
However, I feel compelled to address the misleading campaign being carried out by the ‘vote no’ faction, which has been spreading false information about The Voice.
Their claims that the advisory panel would grant Aboriginals the power to claim white people’s property or control government policies are entirely baseless and intentionally
Vocal Local join our online debate be a
Last week we asked the question: Are you going to the Cairns Show and what will you be doing? Here are some of your comments.
I want to go on the 55m-high ride Warrior. It has the largest and fastest looping ride in Australia.
Plus there are heaps of other rides too, such as The Beast, Sky Flyer, Extreme, Space Roller and Cliff Hanger.
John, Manoora
What do you think about Targa Great Barrier Reef being cancelled again?
@cairnslocalnews designed to stir racist outrage.
It is crucial to set the record straight. The Voice is explicitly proposed as an advisory body, meaning its role is to provide informed recommendations and insights to the government regarding matters that
I’d love to go with the family but we just can’t afford it with everything else going up such as power and rates are due soon.
Megan, Westcourt
I love seeing the best of the region’s agricultural, pastoral, mining and cultural industries and incredible competition in events like the high speed pole climbing, wood cutting and Esky racing.
Bob, Mooroobool
directly impact the indigenous community. It is not a decision-making body with legal authority.
The aim is to create an open dialogue between government and Aboriginal leaders to ensure that policies and decisions consider the perspec-
Come on everyone, come and support the show because it is a show for the people of Cairns and the region at our showground.
Rachael, Edmonton
I love show bags and the animal nursery. I must have a Dagwood hot dog too. That will give me real heart burn though. Lol.
Susan, Edge Hill
If we don’t have young people coming through, our agricultural shows, which are volunteer-based, wouldn’t survive. The show is not just about the rides, but it is a real showcase of hard work and talent. If you walk into the pavilions and watch the cattle handling, you’ll see the talent and craft of our region.
Alannah, Cairns
tives, experiences, and aspirations of the indigenous population. By establishing The Voice, we are taking a vital step toward rectifying historical injustices and fostering true reconciliation.
Charlie Kirkman, Yorkeys Knob