1 minute read

One person’s ability to create change

Rob Williams

The Air Services Australia land, adjoining Barr Creek at Machans Beach, was cleared in the 70s to help with aircraft navigation. What had been a proud forested lagoon became a puddle in a mowed lawn.

I used to wander past and think “someone should get permission to recreate the Melaleuca swampland”, which would have been a vital habitat and integral part of Barr Creek fish habitat. It was obvious to me who that person would be, however it was not for one person with big ideas to approach Air Services Australia with the proposal. I had been a keen volunteer with the Barron Delta Community Engagement Group, so I mentioned my dream to the coordinator and said if the group could get the go ahead I would carry out the follow-up maintenance to ensure the regeneration project didn’t evolve, through neglect, into a strangled vine and weed thicket.

Permission was granted in September 2012 to re-establish the marvellous swampland now known as Radar Lagoon.

Cairns Regional Council has been supportive providing trees and mulch, and most of the residents close by have been very supportive planting extra trees and helping with maintenance.

After 10 years, Radar Lagoon is now a well established ecosystem buddied up with Barr Creek Fish Habitat. Local wildlife includes Shield Shrimp, Triops australiensis (a surprise to me), many frog species, Lace Monitor, wallaby, water snake, nesting Pygmy Geese on a floating reed nest, many nests in trees including the Crimson Finch and Torres Strait Pigeon. The Orange-footed Scrubfowls, of course, think they own the place and dig out as many of my little seedlings as they like. When a Whistling Kite flew down through the canopy and pinned one to the ground I didn’t know whose side to take. I interfered and rescued the scrubfowl so I guess it’s my mate.

Go Go Radar Lagoon! Check it out if you haven’t seen it.

Editors note: This is evidence what one person can do to create change.

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