Caisey Harlingten - Mushroom Has Been a Source of Medicine Through Out Our History
Proof of usage of mushrooms and its extracts can be found throughout history. Mushrooms were used to cure deadly diseases like cancer. Mushroom is being studied extensively to study their chemical nature. Treatment of cancer has become an obsession as it is one of the most life threatening diseases of today. Researchers want to find a sure-shot medicine for cancer. Fungi like cancer are rich in nutrients that have been known to increase the disease fighting capacity of the body. There is a vast variety of mushrooms that grow in places all over the world. Researchers are trying to explore mushroom to their full potential.
The advantages of using mushrooms in medicine Natural: Mushrooms are natural. They grow in abundance in areas that have the right type of climate. There are thousands of varieties of mushrooms that grow all over the world. Mushrooms were considered gourmet food. They are now used for their medicinal value. Mushrooms are the fruiting part of a fungus. Fungi mostly grow in wet and humid places. Researchers have been studying the different types of mushrooms to find the different types of edible mushrooms.
Can be grown easily: Mushrooms are now commercially grown in climate controlled houses. The climate controlled houses allow the mushrooms to grow without getting spoilt because of weather and climate changes. Mushrooms can be grown on a small scale without too much investment. Mushrooms can be grown on natural or artificial logs. They do not need a lot of maintenance. There are around 2000 known varieties of mushrooms but very few are consumed and grown commercially. Mushrooms grow on saw dust, corn cobs, manure, etc,.
High Nutritional value: Mushrooms have a high content of protein. It is consumed by weight watchers and others. They contain other nutrients like potassium, Vitamin D, etc, that helps in the growth and development of the body and mind. They are known to lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of strokes, and improve gut health. Mushrooms contain bioactive compounds that help controlling blood sugars. Mushrooms are used in the treatment of cancer and other neurological diseases.
No side Effects: Mushrooms are natural hence the extract of mushrooms has no side effects. Mushrooms are used in various medicines and also used to counteract the side-effects of modern medicine. Doctors in Japan prescribe mushrooms as medicines for patients with stomach cancer as they are known to increase the life-span of patients with cancer. The positive effects of mushroom have made it a popular choice in alternative medicines. Gone are the days when people would mindlessly pop pills for every small discomfort. People have become aware of alternative medicine and therapies that can help them. The sedentary lifestyle that has become a norm because of the pandemic has given rise to various health problems.
People are opting for alternative therapies like chiropractic care, acupressure, acupuncture, etc. Modern doctors do not like people practicing alternative medicines. They are not aware of the techniques used in alternative medicine and therapies. People like Caisey Harlingten are torch bearers of alternative medicine. They have dedicated their whole life in studying, researching and developing alternative medicine. SOURCE CREDIT: y-harlingten-mushroom-has-been.html