Alternative medicine and complementary medicines do not fall under conventional medicine. Alternative medicine is the medicine that is used instead of modern medicine. Complementary medicine used along with modern techniques heals people. Alternative and complementary medicine can improve the overall health of a person. Alternative medicine and therapies are in practice all around the world. Some doctors have started using unconventional medicine. People now study alternative medicine as a career option. The National Institute of Health has categorized alternative and complementary medicine into five broad categories:
1. Body and mind therapies: The therapies aim at healing the relationship between body and mind to keep them healthy. Body and mind therapies include the following: Meditation: Meditation is the process of calming the mind. Meditation can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, etc. Biofeedback: It is a process that converts the involuntary processes of the body into audio and video signals. These sounds can help manage the signals. It relaxes aching muscles, etc. Hypnosis: It is the state of deep relaxation. Hypnosis helps the patient with anxiety attacks, panic attacks, etc.
Yoga: A combination of controlled breathing and movements used to lower stress levels, etc. 2. Biological-based therapies: The therapy uses plants and foods to heal people. Some of them are: Supplements: Dietary supplements are plant-based that can provide us with the appropriate nutrients to heal our bodies. Plants: There are a lot of medicinal plants that are used as medicines or as means to manage pain and other symptoms. Plants include cannabis, mushrooms, etc. Diets: The diets suggested by professionals aim at reversing lifestyle disorders. They use a balanced diet to cure obesity, etc.
3. Energy-based therapies: The therapies manipulate energy fields to heal patients. Touch: Therapeutic touch allows the practitioner to run their hands over the patient’s body to restore the energy flow. Reiki: Reiki frees blocked energy and helps the body heal. The practitioner can either touch the patient or treat them from a distance. 4. Therapies based on the body- The therapists move parts of the body to relieve ailments. Massage: Massage is used as a healing method all around the world. The masseur uses his fingers to press and knead the patient’s body to relieve the tension and make them feel better.
Chiropractor: It manipulates the muscles and bones to heal the body. They reduce pains and other ailments. 5. Whole medicine- It is a complete branch of its own. Chinese medicine: Chinese medicine is supposed to be the most complex. The Chinese believe that the mind and body should be in sync to achieve good health. It uses herbs and other physical therapies in its healing. Ayurvedic medicine: Ayurvedic medicines have been a part of India for thousands of years. They believe in the harmony of all the elements in the body like water, fire, earth, and space.
Homeopathy: It was used in Germany first. To prove the effectiveness of homeopathy many types of research are being done. Many other therapies and medicines are used all across the globe. Some have become famous, and others practiced in villages and deep jungles. People have become more aware of the benefits of alternative medicine. People like Caisey Harlingten have pledged to make the world a healthier place.
SOURCE CREDIT: sey-harlingten-the-categorization-of