Caisey Harlingten : The Meaning And Benefits Of Complementary Medicine
The word Complementary means something that adds value to another. Complementary medicines and therapies with conventional allopathic medicines treat people more effectively. Complementary medicines help in making modern treatments more effective. Complementary medicines are used worldwide by doctors and patients. Complementary medicine improves the overall life of people suffering from chronic diseases like cancer, etc. The few complementary therapies used are Chinese medicine, homeopathy, Ayurveda, massages, naturopathy, etc. Some complementary therapies are proved effective by extensive research. People have started studying and researching complementary medicine. Caisey Harlingten has dedicated her life to studying mushrooms as a source of medicine.
Research of complementary medicines: Researchers from all across the globe are trying to study and test complementary medicine. Many questions about complementary therapies have been answered, but some remain a mystery. Countries and the World Health Organization are working together to find pieces of evidence that complementary medicines work. The safety and efficiency of drugs are studied all around the world. In the United States of America, The National Centre for Complementary and Integrative Medicines helps people choose safe complementary medicines.
Should people use complementary medicine? People use complementary medicines with traditional medicines to deal with chronic diseases, side effects of allopathic medicines, treat symptoms, or stay healthy. Before using complementary medicine, the person should talk to his doctor. Many complementary therapies like acupuncture, yoga, etc., are safe under the guidance of professionals. One must choose their trainers carefully. Complete research is mandatory before choosing a mentor. People research a lot before choosing a doctor; the same applies to a complementary therapy practitioner. A doctor knows about a person if he discusses the complementary therapies and medicines he uses. Health insurance covers some complementary treatments. One must be aware of all the aspects of the treatment before they start practicing it.
Some risks related to complementary medicine: All that shines is not gold. Complementary medicine is used all around the world. They are not controlled or regulated by any authority. Complementary medicines are a risk when taken instead of conventional medicine. Complementary medicines increase the effectiveness of modern-day medicine. One might miss out on life-saving treatment. Most natural products are safe, but some may react with other medicines causing more harm than good. Since complementary medicines are unregulated, people might be a victim of fraud.
Benefits of Complementary medicine: Complementary medicine does not concentrate on a particular organ or disease. It aims at improving the overall health of a person. Complementary medicines have a more personalized approach. A complementary medicine practitioner understands the full history of the patient. People feel better just talking to the practitioner. Most complementary treatments are cheaper than conventional treatments. The side effects are less because the complementary medicines are natural. Complementary medicine is used more as a way of life rather than just a solution to a problem.
Experts like Caisey Harlingten vouch for new sources of complementary medicines. Complementary medicine aims at providing safe methods of treatment for people in need. SOURCE CREDIT: ten-the-meaning-and-benefits-of-complementary-medicine /