Caisey Harlingten- Meditatio n as alternative therapy
Meditation is the practice of achieving a state of a clear and calm mind. Meditation helps relieves stress and helps in addiction treatment programs in many countries. Doctors use alternative medicines along with modern medicines to help the patients. Meditation helps addicts maintain a state of calm and manage situations that trigger their need for the substance. Patients who join rehabilitation centers practice meditation every day. Alternative medicines have become popular in most developed countries. Colleges offer certified courses in alternative therapies. Caisey Harlingten is one of the few people who have dedicated their lives to alternative medicine. Caisey Harlingten — The Future of Natural Medication Like Mushrooms.
What is meditation? It is the practice of sitting in a quiet place and focusing on a particular object to calm the mind. Meditation teaches us to let thoughts cross the mind without stopping to evaluate them. Meditation goes hand in hand with breathing techniques. Mindful and deep breathing is a part of the meditation process.
Types of Meditations: There are different kinds of meditation. A person has to choose the one best suited for him.
Meditating Mindfully: All types of meditation require the person to be in a mindful state.
Mindfulness meditation emphasizes that a person must allow thoughts and feelings to pass through the mind without evaluating them into good or bad. All emotions must be treated equally and must not affect the person.
Meditating Spiritually: This meditation helps human beings establish a connection with God or a power source. People meditate to connect with the universe and send positive energy for its healing. Most religions teach meditation as a source of connecting with the divine. Spiritual meditation sometimes involves the use of various fragrances to calm the mind.
Meditating with focus: It involves the person concentrating on one of the five senses that is smell, touch, taste, hearing, and eyesight. The person must divert all the thoughts to a particular sense organ. The person can concentrate on a small light or the sound of specific music, etc.
Meditating in motion: Carrying out activities that allow the body to move slowly and mindfully. It must not involve sudden movements of the body. Walking through a quiet place helps concentrate and sort the thoughts. Motion meditating helps the person enjoy the calm while being aware of their surroundings.
Meditating with a Mantra: A phrase, a word, or a sentence repeated continuously in a trance-like state. The words can be related to God or any word that the person sees fit. Instead of focusing on breathing, the person concentrates on the word.
Meditation has many mental and physical health benefits. Meditation practiced daily can help get rid of addictions, stress, and depression. Recent research has found that meditation can lower blood pressure, anxiety, pain, etc. The use of natural substances in medicines like mushrooms has also gained popularity. Alternative therapies help heal the body as a whole. Caisey Harlingten Explains the Different Types of Mushrooms Used in Alternative M edicine . SOURCE CREDIT: meditation-as-alternative-therapy-7c021d59466e