Tian Cai tcai.shanghai@gmail.com cargocollective.com/caitian
The concept of the project is to research he character of a cardboard box through various acts of tying, exploding, cutting, and tearing. We were requested is to create anything based on exploring and thinking process via a cubic meter cardboard box.
Tian Cai tcai@uarts.edu cargocollective.com/tianantian
However, the five concept sketches on the previous page didn’t satisfy my curiosity. I decided to have a last try on the project before the deadline. Hence, the plan was to use 30 firecrackers, tape, and a cardboard box for my final experiment.
The inspiration of the Thai Lamp came from using abandoned waste-stuff from real life to create new valuable furniture. The components and materials of the work were all found and picked up at the garbage dump nearby the suburban area in Shanghai.
Tian Cai tcai@uarts.edu cargocollective.com/tianantian
Sketches for the initial ideas.
‘I had three chairs in my house, one for solitude, two for friendship, three for society.’ from “Walden,” written by Henry David Thoreau. The set of chairs actually conveys the relationship between ‘man’ and ‘ego,’ ‘others’ and ‘community.’
Tian Cai tcai@uarts.edu cargocollective.com/tianantian
Sketches for the initial idea.
SKATE 2008
The idea of skate compote was inspired by a kind of cartilaginous fish, skate, whose wing moves up-and-down all the time.
Tian Cai tcai@uarts.edu cargocollective.com/tianantian
I used to record my night’s dreams during college life. Here are thirteen dreams that I had from April to June in 2011. It is probably the high pressure that enabled me to remember those dreams. Additionally, I tried to record them in sequence.
2011 May 17 Peristalsis of Trash Bags
Tian Cai tcai@uarts.edu cargocollective.com/tianantian
The graphic on the right presents the various interpretations of my 13 dreams which happened from April to June in 2011. What I did is to record those interesting dreams through different medias, poems, illustrations and stories.
自然而然的东西总是好的 树上的蝉鸣为你演奏管弦乐 ………………………………… …………………………………… ……………………………… 低音部分由路过的飞机轰鸣完成 ((((((((( 戛然而止/// ////////////////////////// 蟋蟀以低鸣带出下一个乐章。。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。 。。。。。。。。
Tian Cai 09/30/2011 Three Months’ Dreams Visual Biography - Design Method I
I used to record my night’s dreams during college life. Here are thirteen dreams that I had from April to June in 2011. It seems to me that probably the high presure enabled me to remember those dreams.
01 Classy Restaurant & Debussy The Glasses and tableware were golden. People around me talked and laughed. The face of the man sitting in front of me was vague. And the goose liver was too hard to bite. It’s the composition by Debussy all around us, not the moonlight.
14 A Book Cover, A Line Of Words Sky was far and gloomy. The greyish vague seemed to be some high objects. There’s a line of words on the book cover: Cloudy, some time, Lin Lu.
21 Stiff Puppet I couldn’t stop moving from unknown lakes to woods. I felt exhausted. Finally, at dusk, some weird puppets came to dance around me, accompanying me.
卑微的,选择企图实现和诋毁渴慕; 无能的,选择感受渴慕。 眷恋记忆中所留下的感受, 像毒药侵蚀我黏糊糊的灵魂。 过去了的柔软感、赤裸感、撕裂感、炽 热感、窒息感…… 当下,我感到无知。 我待我的渴慕碎去, 这样我就不必去担心连自己都萌芽了。
25 Railway With No Ends
27 Old Camera & Oranges
Movie - Visages Swimming Bank Reading - The Unberable Lightness of Life
Class Movie - Masculin Feminin Breaking up with ex-boyfriend
Modeling Chong’s Opening Ceremony IELT Exam
Movie - Blow Up Swimming
I was in the first carriage of a train, having no idea where it’s heading. It kept accelerating till an unexpected speed. I tried to flip the handle so as to stop it... Cutting Bangs Visiting Grandma
yx. and I went to the Gothic Church. The sunset went through the colorful windows, shone on us. We relied on the windowsill, peeling the oranges.
03 Crossing Gaps It’s just like some nagative space. I could only saw the gaps in front of me. I couldn’t help jumping across them otherwise I would fall.
没有岩穴,没有冰河, 没有暖流,没有海王, 没有无奈、剩下无奈, 无奈人类眷恋死亡了的快感, 无能于感受存在了的兽性的体悟。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 倾听那粗糙的凹洼的岩石, 连同摩天的山岭那边传来清晰的符号, 欢愉的跳跃着, 象给予我无限的恩赐, 让这群无能的感受着“渴慕”。
17 Peristalsis Of Trash Bags
Paying Phone Bill Class Yoga Reading - L’amment
Movie - Trois Couleurs Lecture
In the empty room, there’s a giant trash bag on the floor, slowing moving to me.
29 It’s So Sad to Stay In Desire There was no water in the cave. I felt thirsty, I clearly saw the faint light in the end. A soldier with the green whiskers was still on guard before the entrance to cave.
Illustrating Class Personal Training Reading - L’amment
05 The Desire Broke
Karaoke With Chong, Tia
I saw the blue, shining walls of the Unknown City before me. The Puma King of the city was beside me. Somehow, it came through the air, being carried by a cyclone.
118 我不知不觉寄养了一只宠物。 它有时毒的像只刺猬;有时却娇的如头绵羊。 它经常会脑茫同时吹大泡泡, 又紧接佯装自贱自省…… 我养着它, 觉着其可憎得像下阴井里的不知颜面的妖精, 窜逃在角落演洋相百出的戏。 不禁,又可怜它像只骄纵的鸵鸟, 至死都不将知晓何如至此。。。
73 288
16 I Hate Such Restless Calm
Movie - How to Train Your Dragon
Mengze took a needle and thread, preparing to sew the stripes of silk together. I sat next to her, reading boring papers. I couldn’t stand the slience in the room, but part of me hated to break it in the meantime. 23 A Pet To Be Trained
Modeling Lecture Class
The scene was just like the movie the dragon to be trained, but I had a monster. 25 Denaturalization
Going to IKEA Movie - Illusion
I woke up in my bed, realized that somehow I turned to a man. I was too scared to tell my mom about the denaturalizaiton. Then I got up, tried to figure out whether I could stand to pee like a man, and it worked. I slept with my best girl friend to see how it felt. But I felt nothing. 30 Collapsed Cliff This time I was in Iceland. The mountains there were all emerald green. I tried to climb to the top of the mountain, intending to jump off the cliff.
Hot Pot With Jin, Chong, Tie Movie - El Secreto De Susojos
The Urban Trees Guide project was completed by me and my co-worker in MiD, Ben Hilson. The concept came from our shared interest in the trees and green environment of the cities. After researching cities with the most population, as well as these titled the greenest cities in the world, we started to build up an interactive interface for a potential audience, who may possess the similar curiosity of urban trees.
Tian Cai tcai@uarts.edu cargocollective.com/tianantian
The interactive website was mainly composed of four sections, homepage of cities’ background, interface of tree quantity, tree density, and the rate of tree per person.
Philadelphia 148,566 f
Tree / Person
Interface of six cities’ background information. = 100
Tree Quantity
600,000 550,000 500,000 450,000 400,000 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000
Internationalization of Higher Education 1920
Education Funding in the South 1919
Following World War I, there were strong government movements toward peace and anti-war sentiments and the need to avoid further wars. On method was to focus on internationalization of higher education. For example, in 1920, the Belgian American Educational Foundation instituted a program with over 700 students, in which American students went to study in Belgium and vice-versa.
The Education Timeline project was accomplished by me, and two of my co-workers in MiD, Alex Visconti and Kelly Babcock. The concept was to do research on how big world events in history and three other themes: regulation and legislation, culture and society, as well as technology, influenced American Education from 1910 to 2010.
WWI 1914–1918
World War I was a major war centred in Europe that began
Central Powers. A post-World War I baby boom combined
on July 28, 1914 and lasted until November 11, 1918. It
with the Compulsory School Attendance Law influenced
involved all the world’s great powers, which were
an increase in primary and secondary school enrollment in
assembled in two opposing alliances: the Allies and the
the United States.
Detailed information in the graphic diagram.
Women granted suffrage paved the way for the children of future generations by creating greater career opportunities for girls and women; as women gained a stronger voice, girls became more involved in the workforce and education and prepared for roles outside of the home.
Tian Cai tcai@uarts.edu cargocollective.com/tianantian
The Design Process Based on the concept of Design Thinking, we applied the methodology of Design Process as a tool to the projects we encounter.
LIBERTY RESOURCES 2011.9 ~ 2012.6
Liberty Resources is an non-profit organization in Philadelphia USA, which helps the people with disabilities live independently in the community.
Gathering qualitative data with a human centered approach by considering ethnography and outliers.
Making sense of the qualitative research gathering through abductive thinking, visualizing information, and sorting data. This process allows for producing generative thinking.
Develop a concept that was informed from synthesized research into a model or system that is able to be tested and observed.
In this step we observe the successes and failures of the prototype in a real situation that may reveal that more research or synthesis is needed.
Take observations from testing and develop new versions of the prototype.
Tian Cai tcai@uarts.edu cargocollective.com/tianantian
Guided Tours Our team observed Liberty Resources’ environment and interviewed Theresa about the history of the organization.
Contextual Interview To get a better understanding of the work that had been done with Liberty Resources in the past, we interviewed students that had collaborated with them previously.
Contextual Interview Since our team had little understanding of Liberty Resources, we relied on an interview with our client contact, Nancy, to get a broad overview of the issues they deal with.
concept map After observing that Liberty Resources’ environment and the interviews and meetings with the staff, we came up with the concept braindmp to understand our client.
Secondary research
Contextual Interview
Additional secondary research became necessary as we worked deeper and deeper into the complex systems.
Follow the Money: Financing Home and Community-Based Services
Follow the Money: Financing Home and Community-Based Services Joshua M. Wiener, PhD Wayne L. Anderson, PhD
Pennsylvania Medicaid Policy Center University of Pittsburgh 2009
Interviews with Liberty Resources Consumers were a vital part in our design process.
Joshua M. Wiener, PhD Wayne L. Anderson, PhD Pennsylvania Medicaid Policy Center University of Pittsburgh 2009
flow diagramming To better visualize how the company, Maximus, operates, we created a flow diagram (seen on page 30).
flow diagramming Our group started reviewing the interview with Glenda at nursing home, and brainstorming and collecting the meaning statements.
Activity analysis We observed the actions, process, and system of the Advocates in the Independent Living Services Department.
In making sense of our collected research, we noted the key interactions among the project’s stakeholders. We found that the storytelling could be a powerful point of entry in this project.
“ We believe... By leveraging Liberty Resource’s powerful stories as tools, and sharing them with the right audiences, we can affect positive change for people with disabilities.”
Sharing Marsha’s story: “In terms of Marsha, the most impressive thing is her addressing how her life changed because of the Liberty Resources picnic, by seeing those people with even more limitation living an energetic life in community, she uttered “How stupid of me. Being that pessimistic and upset with my disability in the past.”
Sharing Michael’s story: Shadowing Shadowing Advocates as they visited Consumers in nursing facilities helped us to better understand how the nursing home transition process was being communicated.
“Michael Bencrowsky, when I first met him, he told me that it costs three times as much for tax payers to support people with disabilities living in nursing homes as opposed to supporting them to live in the community. He told me about the protests he went to, and how he Advocates for proper policy at the governmental level.”
Sharing Sue’s story: “To be reunited with her children she lost when she first acquired her disability, Sue has re-entered a nursing facility across the country to be closer to them. It is the only way to receive the services she needs without being placed on a two year wait list for what she needs to live independently..”
flow diagramming To help our team identify the stakeholder interactions and understand how storytelling could be used as a tool we used a flow chart to show relationships.
storytelling To present our point of entry, we decided to use the key design tool we were proposing– storytelling, to communicate our idea.
The “Story” and Power of Storytelling 9 3 LRI tries to document but it is an afterthought/ too busy in the moment.
Mayor Nutter
What isn’t being told that needs to be told?
“Americans aren’t ready to see people with disabilities fight for their rights.”
Re-humanizing 1. 4. 7. 8.
Philadelphia Inquirer
7 Glenda tries to get outside everydayrain, shine, snow.
Documentation of Individuals/ Successful Transitions
1 The Mayor doesn’t understand the problem with Philadelphia Nursing Home.
The media doesn’t “get it.”
2. 9.
3. 7. 8.
How do you tell the story of what it’s like living out in the community?
The Power of Storytelling Understanding Nursing Homes
Infographics Tools for Activists and Advocates 5. 8.
5. 8. 10.
Why is a nursing home the entitlement? Corruption?
Why wouldn’t someone want to leave the nursing home?
6 People living in a nursing home might not have family to take care of them.
The 5th Core of the CIL 5.
Support Networks
5. 6.
The Power of Storytelling| 10.03.11
This is the tool that we used to visualize the possible uses of storytelling that could address several areas brought up in our research and conversations at Liberty Resources. The gray circles are the main problems and opportunities that we believe can be addressed through the process of storytelling. The blue squares are references from our synthesis that helped us arrive at storytelling as a possible project point of entry. They are based on conversations with Norma and Nancy, interviews with Michael and Glenda, research on nursing homes, and our individual observations.
time-lapsed video
In order to communicate one of our more conceptual ideas, we created a time-lapsed video of the prototype being tested with real people, in a real environment.
To help the clients imagine how the prototypes or services we were proposing could be feasible, we talked through possible scenarios of use.
experience prototype By allowing our client to experience the prototypes we had constructed, we were able to observe and reveal some unanticipated issues.
Further Developed
Liberty Cards
A simple booklet of the step-by-step process for a Consumer to transition out of a nursing facility.
Fundraising Cards
A card with an inspirational story to encourage individuals to donate to Liberty Resources and support a Consumer transition to living independently.
iPad Application
An accessible tool used for Advocates to use when visiting a Consumer. It includes a map of the process and stories of hope to share with Consumers.
Come. Listen. Respond.
A tool to test the general public’s responses to stories, as a way to prototype different stories to eventually be told to WHYY.
Community Storybook
A book of stories to be passed between Consumers that builds community and allows stories of hope to continue to be told.
23 | Introduction
Previous presentation with the board members and staff at Liberty Resources. 12/2011
Prototype 1: Liberty Cards
Prototype 2: iPad App
Further Developed Prototype
Conceptual Prototype
Target Audience Advocate
Focus • Transition Process The Transition Program at LRI assists people with disabilities to transition out of nursing facilities to community living.
• Advocacy System The current Advocacy System is composed of twelve advocates, and one coordinator, who holds monthly meetings like this to exchange information about Consumers in nursing homes. The system works on the first phase of the Consumer Transition Process, which is collecting required identifications and forms.
Research Tools - Observation Different levels of physical or mental limitations.
Excessively paper-based Advocacy System
From my observation, I found that all advocates in the system possess different lev-
Meanwhile, speaking of communication and coordination, the system is excessively
els of physical or mental limitations. Based on various disabilities, each individual has
paper-based, the structure is really outdated and unsystematic. For example, the
developed his or her own system of documentation for the Consumers. So there
way the director of the transition process assigns new Consumers is based solely on
is no standard system for Liberty Resources to collect the required information.
a piece of paper. This prevents the Advocates from being consistent with their own documentation tools (notebooks, cellphones, etc.).
Research Goal
Shadowing and Focused Interview
To understand the nature of Advocates’ work from their perspectives. • How do they document? • How does the current system work? • What is the detailed transition process? • Where does the system break down?
The research tools that I used
I learned a lot as an observer at the 1st advocate meeting, because it got to the
are shadowing and focused
heart of how the current system works. Additionally, I reached out 5 advocates as
interviews with the Advocates.
my main contacts and set up my Research Goal for the following research task.
I designed 8 questions according to the research goal and Question&Answer notes to keep myself organized and informed. Question & Answer Notes from 5 focused interviews with Advocates.
Braindump about the Advocacy System.
After 5 focused interviews and 6 shadowings at 4 nursing facilities and 1 I.D. agency, I started mapping out the observation, connection and deduction in my mind. Shadowing the Advocate, Gary Isaac @ Cheltenham Nursing Home. 03/1/2012
Braindump about the Design Opportunities, Potential Solution & Next Step.
Braindump after shadowings and focused interviews with 5 Advocates. 03/23/2012
Meaningful Statements & Key findings “The required forms include Outreach Form, MFP Form and Narrative Log. And I have to make copies of them because paper work
Separate required forms easily got missed by the Advocates and the staff at Liberty Resources.
“My old files were lost. They are useless. I save my consumer’s contact information in my cellphone. Also, I let them have my name and number (via a random piece of paper) before
easily got lost at Liberty Resources.”
I leave.”
Herman Dawning
Gary Isaac
“The most challenging part is to remember each consumer’s situation. I have 4 new consumer’s every month; that’s a lot of work. The Liberty Cards are off the hook, and I tried secret-
Don’t remember how much identification has been collected and where the Consumer is in the process.
ly keeping one so that I can use the checklist to
No unified way to give out the contact information of Advocates at Liberty Resources.
“Most consumers are not thinking actively straight. They hate nursing homes, but also hesitate and fear to move out, feeling like it’s the end. It was a big impact on the consum-
Big impact on a consumer if the Advocate can share his/her experience of transition and encourage them.
ers when I shared my 6 year’s experience in nursing homes; I was where they are at.”
track my consumers.” Virginia Simmons “I make my notes on iPhone, transferring it to the computer. Then I edit the contents and email it to my coordinator. I back up with a driver
“I usually meet my consumers at identification
Using iPhone, computer, and email is easier than using all the paper, because of the limitation in writing.
agencies if they have paratransit service, but it always takes some time to explain where the agencies are located and sometimes I need to be at a nursing home to show them
every month. It’s easier than using all the pa-
how to get on CCT if it’s their first time.”
per because I’m not good at handwriting.”
Maria Bottigile
Michelle Mclandee
It takes long time to explain to a Consumer where all the I.D. agencies are located and how to transport there.
Transition Process The Transition Process from nursing facilities to the community consists of
Based on our work from last semester, I interviewed the director of the transition
three phases: “ID Collection,” “Housing Program,” and “Last Step to
process, Norma, to make sure each detailed step was accurate. I then revised and digitized the entire process, as a transition map.
* Consumers should start 2A & 2B simultaneously.
I.D. Collection
Intake Form Outreach Form MFP Form Paratransit (Optional) Birth Certificate Non-driver License Social Security Card Medical Record
Housing Program A
1. Housing Application 2. Submit to PHA 3. Choosing a new home 4. Security deposit for new home 5. Signing new home lease (A Copy to Norma) 6. Applying for funds and getting approval 7. Requesting a check from Felicia 8. Getting key from landlord
Last Step to Community
1. Discharge Meeting - Gather a 2 weeks’ supply of medication 1) Complete a wheelchair evaluation 2) NHT Services - Liberty Resources 3) Support providers nurses refer consumer to community resources. 4) Support provider sends report to the State for approval. 2. Before you move out 1) Setting up a bank account
Housing Program B
1. Enroll with Maximus 1) Maximus and PCA provide assessment 2) Maximus arranges County Assistant Office to provide financial assessment. 3) Choose support provider through Maximus. 2. Maximus sends assessments to State, if it is approved, it will be sent to chosen support provider. 3. Norma contacts Maximus for SC Agency + staff from
Map of Transition Process. 04/17/2012
Liberty Resources + the consumer in nursing home. 4. Support provider assessment of support services needed + home mod + set discharge date based on mod dates.
2) Acquiring furniture and other household items 3) Moving to your new home 4) Move out day 5) Shop for groceries 6) Move belongings
To improve the efficiency of the Advocacy System and
Digitize the whole Advocacy System of Transition
speed up the Transition Process for Consumers
Process at LRI by building a bridge between a
became the goal of the project.
paper-based system and digital technology.
This research and synthesis process has been quite inspiring because it got to the
I realized that the original idea of the iPad App design is quite beyond
heart of how the Advocates work. It presents so many details about the challeng-
where the current system was, and I felt the need to build a bridge
es in the internal system. The problems of inefficiency and inconsistency stood
between the current paper-based system and the “high-tech� digital
out. Hence, I discovered that my role is to help the advocates streamline what
they do and change the nature of the task, that is, to improve the efficiency of the Advocacy System as well as to speed up the transition process.
Advocate’s Booklet
The Road to Independence
Building a bridge between the
Exploring the digital solution
paper-based system and
for the Advocacy System.
digital technology.
Further developed prototype
Conceptual prototype
Advocate’s Booklet
Building a bridge between the paper-based system and digital technology. The Advocate’s Booklet turned out to be the
The Advocate’s Booklets have two versions:
first step towards the whole new digital sysOne is “Monthly tracking form”, which is more like a
tem in the future.
master booklet with an overview of all Consumers’ information that were assigned by the coordina-
It was designed as a paper-based booklet.
Advocate’s Booklet Monthly Tracking Form
tor in a month.
Specifically, I used normal conventions of 8 and half by 11 paper and Tabloid. Because it could work better in the Advocates’ paper
The other one is “Consumer tracking form”, which is
more like “one for one document,” which means one However, it was also designed in the
Advocate, one booklet for one Consumer. It provides all required forms, Narrative Logs, identifications and “How
Advocate’s Booklet
structure that would lead the Advocates
Consumer Tracking Form
to think about the future digital portion.
To” steps that one Consumer need for the Transition Process. It also has a piece that focuses on Consumer, so the Advocate can rip it off and leave it with the Consumer.
Inspiring Stories! I used to live in four different nursing homes for five years because of my terrible health condition. I was losing all my hope until one day I started my transition process with Liberty Resources. I realized that even though I was that sick, I still had my rights and choices. And I tried my best to move out! Now I’m on my own, living in my own apartment. Sue August, 2010 My experience with nursing home made me feel so frustrated. I had stayed there for 7 years and the food I had was terrible. I always wanted to leave and I had waited for such a long time! Still I’m glad that I can make it! Now, I can shop with my friends in any grocery store. Yes, I did it, so can you! Glenda December, 2009
Liberty Support Your First Steps to Living Independently
I used to abuse my body because I thought it was turning against me. I was so unsatisfied with my life until one day I attended an activity hosted at Liberty Resources with other people with disabilities. After seeing others with even more limitations than me, living happily in the community. I realized how stupid of me before! And I decided to be grateful for the life I have. Marsha May, 2008
The editing process of the “Advocate’s Booklet.”
Advocate’s Booklet
Building a bridge between the paper-based system and digital technology.
Brainstorm the structure of “Advocate’s Booklet.” 04/17/2012
The user scenario of the “Advocate’s Booklet.”
Advocate’s Booklet
Building a bridge between the paper-based system and digital technology.
Testing the “Advocate’s Booklet” on Advocate Meeting. 04/20/2012
• Virginia:
The checklist is an excellent reminder, keeping her from losing the documents.
• Maria:
Thorough design & quite self-explanatory.
• Gary:
Stories and pictures will support the Consumer to have more faith in process.
• Norma:
The checklist helps Liberty Resources track Advocates’ work.
Feedback from the Advocates. 04/20/2012
2 The Road to Independence
When I was in the process of creating the Advocate’s Booklets, I also had my eye on the iPad App as a digital possibility.
Exploring the digital solution for the Advocacy System @ Liberty Resources.
Consumer A
Consumer F
Consumer B
Consumer G
Social Security Card
In the Transition Process
Your Current Consumers Consumer A
Consumer H
Birth Certificate
Consumer D
Consumer Y
Non-driver License
In the Community
Liberty Resources
No longer in Transition
Consumer E
Brainstorm the digital design patterns which can meet the needs. 04/01/2012
Consumer B
Consumer C
Information Architecture of “The Road to independence“
2 The Road to Independence Exploring the digital solution for the Advocacy System @ Liberty Resources.
Wireframe of “The Road to independence“
The user scenario of the “The Road to Independence.”
This is a collaborative project that I worked on with Kelly Babcock in the MiD program. Our design intervention was constructed from the research findings we had gathered last semester during our work with Liberty Resources. We explored how to create meaningful conversations by eliciting empathy from people through the use of emotional common denominators. By removing explicit references to people with disabilities, the user was able to re-frame their point of view and reflect on their own experience when they felt a similar emotion.
Tian Cai tcai@uarts.edu cargocollective.com/tianantian
The Design Process Based on the concept of Design Thinking, we applied the methodology of Design Process as a tool to the projects we encounter.
Gathering qualitative data with a human centered approach by considering ethnography and outliers.
Making sense of the qualitative research gathering through abductive thinking, visualizing information, and sorting data. This process allows for producing generative thinking.
Develop a concept that was informed from synthesized research into a model or system that is able to be tested and observed.
In this step we observe the successes and failures of the prototype in a real situation that may reveal that more research or synthesis is needed.
Take observations from testing and develop new versions of the prototype.
Gathering qualitative data with a human centered approach by considering ethnography and outliers.
Making sense of the qualitative research gathering through abductive thinking, visualizing information, and sorting data. This process allows for producing generative thinking.
Johnny Goldstein helping us visualize our concept
Constructing the first prototype in MiD Studio scenarios To help the audience imagine how the prototypes or services we were proposing could be feasible, we talked through possible scenarios of use.
Audience The intended audiences were slightly varied per prototype–for prototype one, the audience was the public weekend leisure crowd in LOVE Park, and for prototype two, it was the professional crowd on their lunch hour walking near Walnut and South Broad Street. Each intended audience became
introduced to the conversation through our verbal initiation or by curiosity of the display we had created. They became engaged in the conversation by reading, reflecting and responding to the prompt.
experience prototype
Testing 1st Prototype in the Love Park in Philadelphia. The video of activity can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CfRi-Cva8Q
To help the audience imagine how the prototypes or services we were proposing could be feasible, we talked through possible scenarios of use.
By allowing our audience to experience the prototypes we had constructed, we were able to observe and reveal some unanticipated issues.
Online space fore the conversation http://conversationheartsproject.tumblr.com/
experience prototype Prototype Develop a concept that was informed from synthesized research into a model or system that is able to be tested and observed.
By allowing our audience to experience the prototypes we had constructed, we were able to observe and reveal some unanticipated issues.
iterate Take observations from testing and develop new versions of the prototype.
Testing 2nd Prototype on Broad Street in Philadelphia.
Constructing Prototype 2
Do you feel like the Mayor is listening to what you want for the city? If not, how does that make you feel?
In this step we observe the successes and failures of the prototype in a real situation that may reveal that more research or synthesis is needed.
Making sense of the qualitative research gathering through abductive thinking, visualizing information, and sorting data. This process allows for producing generative thinking.
What if the government wouldn't let you live in your own house, how would you feel?
When was the last time that it was difficult for you to maintain hope, how did that feel?
“When I was in an argument! It sucked!.”
“I would feel disrespected at first and then feel like I have nowhere to belong.”
“When was the last time that it was difficult for you to maintain hope, how did that feel?”
“I feel that the mayor listens to the people of the city but is not proactive about what they say...He listens but does not act on what he listens.”
“Today, it made me feel upset.”
“Hurt. My house is my home, that’s where my heart is.”
How would you feel if your elected politician was ignoring your concerns?
“Right now my hurt is home where are you my honey Kamola I love you love park and Kamola!”
“Frustrated! How could they have that much control over me?”
“Ilkhom + dilorom (from in Uzbekistah) (TKenaro ycnexob) I wish good luck!”
“Normal–because they always do!”
“At a party at my in-laws’ house. It made me feel invisible.”
“I would feel bad and betrayed. Because the Government is supposed to look out for you.”
“Like I was on a downward slope-without an end like I needed a better support network of people.”
“Keep complaining to the government! But I don’t know ‘how’.”
“I felt frustrated and angry. Again, I wouldn’t want my loved ones to feel the same.”
“Furious, and perhaps violent. Actions will be taken.”
“Last year, in January, I had no place to go, with no money, and it was 20 degrees outside. I felt lost, hit rock bottom, but I knew I had to push forward.”
“During a training session at work. It’s frustrating because it was for their benefit.”
“I’d be angry! I bought that house! Kill the Government!”
“When my sister told me she thought my dad was going to die. –Rachel Peterson”
“I felt very sad, didn’t want to stay in the same situation (mood) for a long time, really wanted to have friends. Happy I still have friends.”
“I think the Mayor is doing a good job.”
When was the last time someone didn’t listen to you, how did that feel?
Cards & Blogs Responses
“Like I am misheard and under represented member of the Philadelphia community.”
“Insignificant. As if my thoughts, feelings, opinion was not as important as the others.” “I get made at my wife for that all the time…although usually I’m not listening to her :).”
“Last week, it felt like all the hard work I was doing was for nothing.”
“Like I was invisible. Like the other person felt they were better than me.”
“Don’t you hate it when people don’t listen to you!!”
“I’d move to Europe, Spain maybe.”
“It would make me feel very very upset. I would feel bitter toward the government and wonder how the have acquired so much power. I would wonder when it became appropriate for someone else to decide what it best for myself. I feel as though my individual liberty, rights and freedom are compromised. How can you justify allowing someone who has never lived a day in my shoes tell me where to walk and where to live and what to do... The government has grown in power to make up for its inadequacies, rather than cut its losses and grow anew in a much more powerful and efficient sense. Restore the rights back to the citizens, weak and strong, rich or poor.”
“Extremely frustrated. Confused that the government could have that kind of control over me.”
“When my sister past away, I felt very depressed. I miss her.”
“Within the past month, it makes you feel lost without power and lonely.”