Cáit Keane spring budget update March 2015

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Supporting Citizens and Families


€2.2bn allocation to build social housing over next 3 years, addressing the housing constraints in Dublin South-West



Refund of DIRT on savings used by first time buyers in Dublin SouthWest towards the deposit on a home

200 400

will be increased by €5 per month in 2015


Additional €10m to tackle homelessness, increasing the spend up to €55m

Protecting local communities with the recruitment of 200 extra Gardaí and 400 new Garda vehicles

180,000 older people will receive the increased Living Alone Allowance, now €9 per week

Planning for the Education and Future of Younger Generations

400 920 480 365

920 new mainstream teachers


€1.37m €450m

Supporting the tourism sector with a retention of the 9% VAT rate – this is crucial to the continued development of Dublin South-West

Child Benefit

Home Renovation Incentive Scheme extended to rental properties, benefitting construction workers and homeowners alike


Supporting Key Sectors of Domestic Economy

480 new resource teachers – the total will be 6,705, which is an increase of 21% from 2013 365 new special needs assistants – the total will be 11,330, which is an increase of 7% from 2013 Special Education Measures increased to €1.37m (16% of the education budget) €450m capital investment programme which will see more school repairs completed and built in Dublin South-West

Supporting SMEs through changes to the Seed Capital and Employment and Investment Incentive Schemes

Senator Cáit


Jobs Unemployment has fallen (from 15.1% to 10.6%) for 30 consecutive months since the Action Plan for Jobs was launched in February 2012. I support Minister Richard Bruton’s view that we can deliver full employment by 2018 (two years ahead of target) if we continue on the path of reducing tax on work, improving competitiveness and supporting exports and innovation. Overall, in 2015, our number one goal is to create 40,000 more jobs this year and reduce the unemployment rate to below 10%. By doing this we will reach the target we set when entering office of 100,000 new jobs. The Government remains committed to delivering progressive, sustainable policies to ensure jobs growth and lead to a situation where we can have full employment again.

Budget 2015 – what are the tax implications for you? Visit www.finegael.ie/budget2015 and check out KPMG’s easy-to-use calculator – this will help you to quickly assess your bottom line.



Mobile: 087 8117824 Tel: 01 6183179 Email: Cait.keane@oireachtas.ie

For the first time in 7 years, thanks to the sacrifices of the Irish People, this Government is finally able to put money back into people’s pockets through cuts in the Universal Social charge,(which we hope to be in a position to reduce further next year) also a reduction in taxation and increased child benefit.

Brian Hayes MEP

Tel: 0032 2 2845275 Email: brian.hayes@europarl.europa.eu

Cllr Colm Brophy

Mobile: 086 2509223 Email: cbrophy@cllr.sdublincoco.ie

Supporting Jobs and Getting People Back to Work

Cllr Anne Marie Dermody

Mobile: 087 226 4226 Email: amdermody@sdublincoco.ie

Cllr Paula Donovan

Mobile: 087 220 0741 Email: pauladonovan2014@gmail.com


SPRING UPDATE 2015 Supporting Jobs and Getting People Back to Work


Pathways To Work



6,000 €12 JobsPlus




€1.6bn to Pathways to Work, which will provide almost 300,000 places JobsPlus numbers double, providing 6,000 jobs Low Pay Commission to be established in 2015



TOP 1% PAY 21% of all income tax and USC

TOP 1%

TOP 24% PAY 80% of all income tax and USC

TOP 24%

20% 21% 80%

A Fair Tax System For All

€12m for JobPath activation services The new Back to Work Family Dividend provides an additional incentive for families in Dublin South-West to move from welfare to work allowing families to retain the full Qualified Child Increase of €29.80 per week, per child for 12 months after their return to work and 50% of the payment in the second year

< €12, 012

BOTTOM 76% PAY 20% of all income tax and USC

€ 29.80 PW Back to Work Family Dividend

Top 1% pay 21% of all income tax and USC €1.6BN 6,000 €12M Pathways JobPathtax and USC Top 24% payJobsPlus 80% of all income To Work Bottom 76% pay 20% of all income tax and USC

Incomes of €12,012 or less are exempt Rewarding Work and Creating Opportunities Every worker in Dublin South-West who currently pays income tax or USC or both, will benefit from changes in this budget

80,000 low income workers have USC FOR EARNINGS OVER €70k been removed from the USC

Reduction of the 52% marginal tax rate for those on middle incomes by increasing the standard USC FOR EARNINGS rate band by €1000 OVER €70k

The Government is committed to improving the quality of childcare delivered across the state and has already made much progress in this area. This Government has demonstrated its commitment to children and childcare in creating the first ever special Ministry for Children. Last year the Government launched ‘Better Outcomes Brighter Futures: the National Policy Framework for Children and Young People 2014 – 2020’ This ‘is the first overarching national policy framework for children and young people aged from birth to 24 years and is being implemented by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs in collaboration with all Government departments and key State agencies. This framework seeks to ensure that parents in Ireland are equipped and supported to raise their families. Research in Ireland and internationally is increasingly pointing to the returns that can accrue from investing in the early years of a child’s life. The Department of Education is currently in the process of introducing focused inspections on the quality of educational provision in early childhood education settings participating in the Free Pre-school Year programme. The creation of a dedicated team of inspectors with strong early childhood qualifications and experience will be a very significant support to professionals working in settings providing the free pre-school year. I am currently working to ensure that this inspection service is fully coordinated with the the Child and Family Agency (TULSA) pre-school inspectorate (formerly the HSE pre-school Inspectorate) who have had responsibility under the 1991 Child Care Act with inspections in ensuring the health, safety and welfare of pre-school children attending services. Since the 1st July 2013, inspection reports on early years service have been published on-line at http://maps.pobal.ie/#/map.

Reducing the higher rate of income tax to 40% - this will benefit 742,000 workers


Ensuring low and middle income earners get maximum tax relief by introducing an 8% USC rate for earnings over €70,000 - limiting USC FOR EARNINGS theOVER benefits to high earners €70k

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