Advert review

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Question Is your production fit for purpose?

Compare with original intentions

Advert Screen capture My advert is exactly 30 seconds, which fits the brief perfectly. Our advert is also appropriate for it’s day time time slot since there is nothing inappropriate, meaning it doesn’t need to be shown after the watershed slot. I also believe my ‘Jeunesse’ advert fits the purpose since it portrays our deodorant in a practical environment and also gets the message of a unisex spray. I know it shows this because we’ve used both sexes using the same deodorant. We had the idea of a unisex spray from the start of the unit, however we had planned to have the advert outside as well to show different sports. Another idea we had was to film in the changing rooms, since that’s where they were more likely to use deodorant. The reason we didn’t follow this idea was because it was

Technical qualities

harder to film in all these different locations without interruptions. By filming mainly in the gym we were able to film without disruption. We still managed to stay with the idea of switching between shots of the girl and boy, since it helped get the point across that the spray can be used for both genders. When filming we intended to use audio of our actors, but due to the noise of the machines and the nerves of our actors, we decided to cut this out of our advert. We also realized that some of the shots weren’t in focus or didn’t have the actor in full shot, which meant that the footage was unusable. Even though there managed to be enough footage, it meant that what we used was limited since there wasn’t enough to make it a bit longer or more interesting. Overall the advert looks smooth and is in time with the music, making it

look professional enough for television. Although there was a problem with some of our footage, it still managed to come out looking good. Accessibility to target audience

What were your contributions to the advert? How did you divide up the work? Did you feel like you worked well as a team?

Our product is aimed at teens between the age of 13-18, which is portrayed by our young, teenage actors. We also used bright, fresh colors in our advert, as well as popular, upbeat music to get the young vibe across for our product. By using these colors and music it not only showed the young side of our product, but also made it more appealing to watch since it gave you sometime to look at, as well as an upbeat song which will get the audience excited and interested in the product. I had many roles in our group related to the advert, such as the main idea gatherer, which meant I put all of our ideas together so we knew what we were doing, as

well as cameraman and director of the advert. I also managed to find the actors for our advert who I knew would be able do to what we needed. I made sure to be as involved in this process as I could, so that the team could work as smoothly as we could. There were problems with other team mates turning up on time for filming, or turning up at all, but in the end it all worked out well and we managed to make a good advert. What have you learned from making your advert? Is there anything you would do differently next time

During this process I learned that creating an advert needs much more planning than I anticipated it would. Without having a shooting schedule or storyboard then I don’t think that we would have been able to make anything like what we did. I also learned how to create logos on Photoshop. I think the one main

thing I would have done differently Is not have it entirely based in the gym, but instead make the situations different, such as just being out and needing deodorant. I’d do this because not everyone does sports or exercises like this, so it can come across as more of a sports product.

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