Marketing report final 1

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Marketing Report

Caitlin McCann Lvl 6


Positioning statement Overview of the market British Red Cross history Industry environment Market research

“Project X is about producing a that could also be featured in t would give the brand more pers alter how the charity is perceiv shoppers and influence buying b graphic. Recruiting a new marke increase sales and reaching out ty brands to grow in the marke

Current consumer profile Competitior analysis conclusion

The aim of Red Cross w make them BRC is quite analysis, an it were to b

a look book for British Red Cross their store window displays. This sonality and essence, therefore ved by the young generation of behaviour amongst this demoet of consumers would ultimately t to young people is vital for chariet�

this report is to cover the potential benefits that introducing a look book for British would bring to the charity. Re styling donate vintage clothing in a way that seeks to m contemporary, the aim is to attract a fresh market of consumers, something that e limited in. This report will cover areas such as the market situation, competitor nd consumer profiles. This will help identify the viability that project X would have if be pitched to the charity.

Overview of the charity market

Researching the industry situation is identifying where the brand sits in the industry as a whole and what it offers to it. The charity industry is very different from regular fashion brands, as they operate in a completely different manner, relying on 2nd hand donations and volunteers. Charity shops sit at the bottom of the fashion cycle. In the UK, there is estimated to be 9,000 charity shops who in total turn over around £970m annually. Donations vary, but clothing is the most high demand and most donated. In recent years, the market for charity brands has become more competitive due to the recession that affected high street brands and a change in consumer buying behaviour. Charity’s such as Oxfam and Cancer Research UK have realised this and re branded themselves to trigger growth and behaving in more of a high street brand manner, produced platforms such as look books, publications, visual merchandising and a strong social media presence to engage their target markets. Although some donors have mixed feelings about charity’s spending their money on marketing strategies, as it defeats the concept of charity in some sense, the general high street shopper is more likely to donate and shop at those who have a strong identity, a factor which is vital for a brand to secure a position on the high street.

British Red Cross History Founded in 1870, British Red Cross are a registered charity who provide humanitarian work, helping victims in crisis both in the UK and overseas. A few from the broad list of services they offer include international disaster relief, crisis intervention, international family tracing, first aid training, medical equipment loan, and HIV awareness. They have 4 values which guide the way they work which are: Compassionate, inclusive, dynamic, courageous. Their charity tagline is “Refusing to ignore people in crisis” In the UK, BRC have around 320 charity stores, selling donations from clothing, accessories and household items. They have a few specialist shops, including book shops, vintage wear and bridal wear. British Red Cross have launched fundraising events such as fashion shows to bring awareness to their brand, however as it currently stands, they have not produced any other fashion related marketing platforms to advertise their stores. Their window displays are simplistic and they have a recurring colour blocking techniques with how they represent clothes. This visual merchandising technique is the only thing that delivers the charity a brand identity in terms of fashion but other than that, it is very lacking. Many of their campaigns, online and on social media are focused on the charity’s work itself - Causing an emotional impact to it’s target market is effective in bringing them awareness and what they stand for, however producing more fashion related content alongside this would encourage more people to shop and donate in their stores.

The micro environment - Pestle Analysis

Political * Brexit. * Refugee and migrant crisis * Wars overseas * Proposed plans for it to be mandatory job seekers work in charity to claim benefits.

Economic * Employment rates in UK

Sociological * Rise of ethic conscious shoppers * The rise of consumers searching for bargains

* High street prices rising



* The rise of digital platforms and internet shopping

* Taxes on sales.

Environment * Where abouts the stores are based – i.e. those that are situated in more wealthy areas of the UK receive more sought after donations.

Market research Addressing the market situation is a vital to make project X more viable as it gives insight in to how much of a gap it would fill. Data driven marketing is finding out the consumers perception of something, primarily through surveys and using the information in a beneficial way. Based on an already existing survey published online, results show that - Women and over 65’s are the most likely people to donate to charity - The amount given by those 60+ continue to rise, whilst the amount donated by those under 30 continue to decline, creating a wider gap.

From a recent small scaled survey conducted on Survey Monkey between 18-24 year olds, results showed that 72.72% of those in the 18-24 age bracket answered “Never” or “Once or twice a year” when asked how often they shop in charity. 66.66% chose clothing not being on trend, or the idea of wearing 2nd hand clothes unappealing as factors that deter them from charity shopping. 72.73% think charity brands in general have an unappealing aesthetic

A lot of charity stores including BRC don’t have a very appealing aesthetic as they have one objective and are limited on where profits are spent. Data research from previous online surveys has proved that the young generation are the least likely to donate or purchase from charity shops, this resulting from a combination of stigma associated with wearing 2nd hand clothes and the way they are heavily targeted by mainstream high street brands and influenced to stay on trend. Introducing a styled look book for BRC that could also be featured in window displays would alter how charity brands are perceived and influence buying behaviour amongst this demographic. Recruiting a new segment market of consumers would ultimately increase sales and reaching out to young people is vital for charity brands to grow in the market.

Current consumer profile

Current consumer profiles for British Red Cross, like most charity brands are slightly different from those who purchase to those that donate. Donators

Predominantly women Usually of more mature ages (60+) Disposable income Retired Have good personal values


Predominantly women Ages 40+ Conscious about spending money Little disposable income Modest Practical lifestyle Hunt for bargains Wanting one off pieces/ different styles than high street brands, without spending out too much. Shops for clothes at low price brands such as Tesco’s and Asda’s brand GEORGE.

Competitors Looking at competitors in the charity market is important to research as it gives awareness on what what has made them successful so it can be adapted to project X. Traid is the strongest competitor as their USP is their collaborative projects with photographers, stylists and creatives, something which sets them aside from other high street charity’s. “TRAID has committed over £1,505,802 to projects improving social and environmental conditions in the textile industry including improving the working conditions of over 650,000 garment workers, removing children from bonded and forced labour; supporting cotton farmers to reduce and eliminate pesticide use; establishing co-operative textile businesses and developing eco-friendly textile production processes. clothes and cast offs of fabrics are then transformed into high quality stock for their shops” – TRAID website. “Style me in seconds” is a campaign they launched in which they recruited aspiring newly established stylists to create new looks with TRAID donations. The most recent campaign they have launched invited the public to an open photo shoot wearing their favourite second hand clothing, proposing the opportunity to be featured in the campaign which will be presented in TRAID shop windows in November.

TRAID SWOT analysis

Strengths Works in a way that involves young creatives to be involved in projects Has a more contemporary and distinguished aesthetic in general than BRC Has a strong window display in stores Produces publications with some strong styling and photography Has a strong online presence and marketing Interactive campaigns that gets consumers involved

Oppurtunity’s Celrbrity endorsment

Weaknesses There stores aren’t spread in the UK – All of them are in London. Latest campaign “style me in seconds”didn’t convey the vibe of the charity

Threats The rise of other charitys proposing the same marketing strategies/ interacting with consumers on a creative level. Oxfam collaborating with high end industry photographers


Oxfam is another competitor as they also produce a lot of styling and photography in their visuals. In their most recent photo shoot this month, they hired fashion photographer Tim Walker to product conceptual, suite of images of models wearing Oxfam clothes to be presented in the Sunday times style magazine. The campaign was based on the concept of “being something for everyone”. Like Traid, they launch a lot of fashion based campaigns and projects for young creatives to produce, often styling and photography based, all documented on their online blog. They also did an advertising campaign for their online shop, which was shot by well known photographer Julia Fullerton-Batten who “transformed the warehouse into a magical wonderland to create images with the incredible lighting and sense of mystery she is known for. The aim for the shoot was to tell stories and create mini fantasy worlds. The models were Oxfam customers.


Strengths High profile charity Lots of advertising campaigns

Weaknesses Some of the styling for their photoshoots look editorial and impractical Their online store photographs garments placed on mannequins and could be presented better.

Their link with well established photographers Their projects expand from fashion to lifestyle

Threats Opportunities Create a look book for their online shop

Examples of their celebrity endorsement was for the Lift Lives For Good campaign which featured celebrities including Nicole Sherzinger captured mid air.

Likewise to TRAID, the charity market becoming more competitive

British Heart Foundation

British Heart Foundation are another well established charity that could be seen as a competitor. They have adapted a brand identity describing it as “An emotive and urgent tone of voice for the BHF along with a bold approach to brand identity around the four principles of Simplify, Intensify, Amplify and Red-ify. The result is an arresting style and tone for the brand, which has so far been rolled out across communications, digital and the retail space” They used celebrity endorsement to create a series of images in their fundraising campaign “Rock Up In Red. “Whether it’s wearing a red hot dress, holding a red bake sale or painting your nails a racy shade of red, it’s the taking part and showing your heart that matters. Every pound raised will help make a difference to millions.” - BHF website. This fundraising campaign raises a lot of awareness to the brand as it attracts celebrities to participate and document it on social media such as Twitter and Instagram. This photoshoot is playful, fun, and although the charity has a serious cause it turns the campaign into something light hearted. The charity’s main consumer is women ages 50+ however they realised that the Rock up in the red campaign had increased the number of 35-49 year old consumers.

swot analysis Strengths High profile Celebrity endorsed

Press activity


Many fundraisers

Their online shop, like oxfam could be better presented visually.

Great marketing and online presence

They have an established brand aesthetic They use the colour red in their campaigns, which keeps in line with their brand identity and logo.

Oppurtunitys To collaborate more with aspiring creatives and stylists, like TRAID

Threats Other brands producing more marketing platforms and improving their branding, likewise to the other charities threats.

Consumer analysis for project X Women Students

Producing a pen portrait and defining the consumer that project X aims to reach is a way of ensuring that the content is relevant. The model used for the look book is representative of the consumer it tries to target in terms of age and overall aesthetic, likewise with the styling, makeup and outfit choices. Taking in to consideration age bracket, hobbies, behaviour and lifestyle choices, this describes the new consumer that the project aims to target.

Ages between 19 - 30 Feminine by nature Shops in stores on the high street such as H&M, Primark, New Look, Zara. Seeks one off pieces but is on a budget Low disposable income Confident in themselves Social media savvy Reads online fashion and lifestyle blogs

Brand onion The brand onion is a visual way or representing the layers of a brands traits in terms of personality, essence, and values. It is a useful tool for grounding and direction to a project and to ensure that the new look look book relates to the the essence British Red Cross.

Brand in action

Brand personality

Brand Value

Brand essence Charity Helping those in crisis.

Affordable prices Niche stores i.e specialising in vintage and bridal wear



Serious tone

Campaigns raising awareness of their cause, urging those to donate and shop.

brand positioning The brand positioning shows where project X sits in the market amongst it’s competitors in terms of styling, photography and identity. Traid Very strong photography and styling, saturated colours.

Oxfam Conceptual styling and photography. Celebrity endorsed, light hearted appeal

British heart foundation Playful aesthetic in it’s campaigns and photography, celebrity endorsed

British Red Cross Minimal aesthetic, neutral colours, practical and down to earth appeal.

I feel that the visuals look book relate to th Cross as the concept recovery. Although Bri charity also do a lot o include in their fundam they do not discrimina or political beliefs bec and every crisis is per asian models within m cate this.

Researching in to the have pitched has give I were to project this

Introducing window dis lot more of an online ficial to the brand. Fro lacking in identity and its competitors. Promo on platforms such as as well as a hard copy stronger to the target - being 19-30 year old to the different campa ing strategies of the m it appears that the wa

is target market particip adapt this method by la cial media to encourage style themselves up in t the BRC vintage stores to be featured in the ne


& Conclusion

I have produced for the he essence of British Red was based on crisis and itish by heritage, the of international work and mental principles that ate against race, religion cause every life is valuable rsonal. This led me to use my look book to communi-

ideas that other charities en me a lot of direction if further.

splays, store layout and a presence would be beneom my research, they are d advertising compared to oting the look book online Instragram and Facebook, y in store would relate t market it aims to reach ds. From researching in aigns, styling and marketmain competitor charity’s,

ay forward for awareness pation. This project could aunching a campaign on soe members of the public to their favourite clothing from and have the opportunity ext look book.

Bibliography Successfully positioning a charity ie; branding is worth it‌ Part 2 Website title: The Bottom Line Ideas Blog URL: Author Anna-Marie Crowhurst Article title: Sweet charity: why second-hand clothes shops are thriving Website title: the Guardian URL: mar/28/charity-shops-thrive-during-recession Article title: Style Me In Seconds - TRAID Website title: TRAID URL: Article title: British Red Cross - Home Page | British Red Cross Website title: URL: Article title: Campaign with us | Oxfam GB Website title: Oxfam GB URL: Article title: Roll out the Red Ball Website title: URL: Article title: Shop Website title: URL: Article title: Junky Styling | Fashion blog | Oxfam GB Website title: Oxfam GB

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