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Cajetan Iwunze


When is the chain of oppression going to be removed from the Igbos? How many more need to die in the hand of terrorists and ritualists before the Igbos can walk the walk of freedom? How many more need to be kidnapped and killed before the world can take notice to their plight. How long will the Igbos live in Oduduwa apartheid before they can breathe the air of freedom?

By Oyimoluwa Ife (NewNigeria)

Nigeria is regarded as the giant of Africa because of her population and oil wealth. She is also the most corrupt country in the world and one of the poorest nations in filament of the earth. Since independence, Nigerians have not existed as one Nation but as scattered nations bind together for a common purpose (Iwunze 2011). Because of their institutional arrangement, it has been difficult for Nigeria to put in place any meaningful plan for economic development. Different


Cajetan Iwunze

countries are established within the country operating like mafia states (Iwunze et al. 2011). As Nigeria search for her political messiah to save her from tribal nationalism; disagreement and corruption saw the first military intervention. A long drawn out war was fought for three year. The policy of ‘no victor, no vanquish’ was implemented to rain in peace in 1970 (Forsyth 2001). From 1970-1976, Nigerian Economy was the fourth largest economy in the world behind Japan. Before General Obasanjo came into power in 1976 and set up the third development plan under the Adabayo committee. Immediately, Nigerian Economy disappeared and Obasanjo went to IMF to take the first international loan which vanished inform of capital flight and Austerity measure introduced under the umbrella of Operation feed the nation(IMF 1980).

Obsanjo first act in power was to sack all Igbos from their jobs as a means of achieving the policy of total wipe out of the Jew (Igbos) in 150years; thinkered by Obafemi Awolowo. The only job left for the Igbos to do is to bury their own dead since 1999- present day (Anyalekwe 2012).

By Emeka Anyalekwe (Ekenga News)

In order to perpetuate this Oduduwa apartheid the Lagos state governor enacted a law forbidden Jews (Igbos) from owning property. What should have been a federal government property has been turned into Oduduwa capital; where Igbos are not allowed to own property nor breathe the air of freedom in their own country. Since Igbos were banned from taken up employment, the


Cajetan Iwunze

people have decided to become patty traders to end their hunger pain (Eke 2011). To stop them from earning a living, their shops were taken away from them and redistributed to Yorubas . 16-25year old of Igbo origin is hunted like bush animal; anyone caught is locked up as a means of social control. By the time they came out from castration they have turned into economic vegetables (Walker 2011).

By Andrew Walker (BBC News)

In Obasanjo’s second missionary journey to lead Nigeria; Obasanjo was determined to turn himself into a life president. He was prepared to go to any length to achieve his political ambition even if it means bringing back the old Oduduwa tradition of Human Sacrifice. As a result a Jewish (Igbo) boy was brought to London and used for ritual so that he (Obasanjo) can have the opportunity to rule the country as long as he lives (Home Office 2003). £8bn was paid to senators to amend the 1999 constitution so that the dictator (Obasanjo) could be allowed to become the first Nigerian political emperor (Meadow 2005). Any voice of descends was met with brutal force; kidnapping, torture and murder became the instrument of this Oduduwa social control. Apo six are some of his victims while the criminals were rewarded with millions of pounds and freed on medical ground as a thank you for carrying out the genocide (Walker 2011).


Cajetan Iwunze

By Andrew Walker (BBC News)

The reason Oduduwa apartheid was ranging like wild fire is because nothing happened when Chuba Okadigbo was taken to a gas chamber and gassed to death for being a Jew (Igbo) and the pedigree of repression stepped up against the Igbos which made it impossible for the Igbos to speak out as a result, while the International organisations turned the other side.

As a dictator, Obasanjo was determined to accomplish that policy of total wipe out of the Jews (Igbos) as stipulated by Awolowo. A year into his civilian administration he gave the Northern Nigeria the permission to turn a circular state, into an Islamic state (smith 2009). This gave birth to Boko Haram which is responsible for the current genocide going on in Nigeria. As the systematic killings of the Igbos were going on, the Nigerian media dominated by the Yorubas turned a blind eye. Only when the human curling is reported abroad, in a foreign media it is then the Nigerian media would come up with a massaged figure and tells the country ‘it is only one person injured not killed’ (Ukame 2011).

By Amaechi Ukame (Nigerian Voice)

The whole essence is to stop the world having a glimpse into this inhumanity to man going on in Nigeria. To cover it up, some Nigerian elites mainly from the South West organised what they called ‘Occupy Nigeria,’ since they are the only people who can speak and the world hears them (Jackson 2012). They were going about campaigning against any reform that would end criminal activity within Nigeria oil economy. Mobilising people around the world to match under the slogan, ‘occupy Nigeria’ as a cover up to the


Cajetan Iwunze

genocide unleashed against the Igbos (Emenike 2012). None of them came out to match against the genocide going on in the country. Their response to the crisis was that Igbos should leave and go back to the East. As a means of forcing GEJ govt out of power if he dear tries to reform the criminal culture embedded in Nigerian Economic system during Obasanjo administration. If he (GEJ) survives, his govt would be weakened and he would abandoned the idea of reforming the economy and concentrate on fighting Islamic terrorists that Obasanjo created; thereby losing focus on reform. The interest of the criminal elite behind these atrocities would then be protected The question now is, ‘what is the way forward for Nigeria?’ How can Nigeria Join other emerging economies? These questions have been answered in this book titled, ‘The Political constraints on Nigerian Economic Development Since the Independence’. This book serves as a Revelation of the current state of affairs in Nigeria and how Nigeria can overcome this turbulent time and emerge stronger as a nation.

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