The 35 Best Blogs in Productivity to Read in 2016

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Do you want to achieve more by doing less? Productivity is a big word. It may sound easy to some, but to be honest, a lot of people are struggling when it comes to being more productive at work, at school or at home. No wonder why there are hundreds of productivity blogs writing growth-hacking tips every week! Below are the 35 best blogs in productivity to read in 2016! (Note: The blogs are not ranked in a particular order.)

1. Lifehack “Lifehack is one of the top productivity blogs in the internet today. They publish articles on various topics including communication, productive definition, work, tech, communication and lifestyle. Lifehack is known for their shareable-centric posts that capture the fancy of the readers and motivates them to share what they’ve read online.”

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Why Successful People Aren’t Afraid of Rejection 6 Qualities All Highly Successful People Have in Common 10 Easy Ways to Rise Earlier Than Anyone Else

2. Zen Habits “Leo Babauta’s blog, Zen Habits, focuses on teaching you how to develop simple habits that will help you change your life for the better. The tips and lessons found in this blog are explained in a very simple manner so you can get started right away. Time Magazine hailed Zen Habits as one of the best blogs to read last 2010. So you better check this out!”

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Unconditional Productivity Instead of Goals or Resolutions, Try Creating Rules Overcoming the 10 Biggest Obstacles to Creating

3. Steve Pavlina “Steve Pavlina’s blog is among the favorites of avid personaldevelopment readers. This wellrounded blog caters on topics like productivity, health, career, money, spirituality and habits. Steve’s articles are based on his own life experiences, so yes, you can expect a lot of feels and inspiration from them."

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Remove a Limiting Belief in About 20 Minutes 8 Shortcuts to Desire and Motivation Rapid Improvement

4. Life Hacker “Looking for a quick fix? Life Hacker is the best place to go. According to the owners, Life Hacker is a blog where you can find anything — tips, tricks and downloads — to get the job done."

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Add Some Breathing Room to Your Meeting Schedule With the Margin Method How to Deal When You’re Overcommitted at Work Visualize How You Want Your Day to Go to Stay Focused and Productive

5. Dumb Little Man “Dumb Little Man was founded by Jay White and features a wellbalanced array of niches. According to its founder, Dumb Little Man is “about productivity, exceeding goals, automation, and, well, finding a simpler way for everything.” Definitely worth checking out!"

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Hack the Pomodoro Technique to Boost Your Productivity Increase Your Productivity With These 9 Morning Habits By Mistake: 6 Things You Do That Kill Your Productivity

6. LifeDev “Now this is a blog that you don’t often hear about. But don’t be fooled. LifeDev has something that many popular blogs can’t offer — honesty. One thing I really love about this blog is its sincerity in helping people, no matter how small or big their projects are."

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Deadline Busters: 15 Tips for Generating Ideas When You’re Drawing a Blank Big List of Online Productivity Tools How to Work for Eight Hours Straight Without Hating Yourself

7. The Daily Saint “ The Daily Saint is a popular blog for

professionals who want to learn how to manage their time effectively and get more things done. It also caters to niches like work satisfaction and leadership. Apart from focusing on individuals, The Daily Saint also writes for organizations — a key feature which sets it apart from other productivity blogs in the know."

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Manage Your Email Daily How To Recharge Your Batteries Daily, Quarterly And Annually 20 Ways To Deal With Pressure

8. Productivity501 “From the name itself, Productivity501 is a blog solely focused on how to help you become more productive. This top blog only features ORIGINAL contents, so don’t be sad if you don’t see a new post every week. Rest assured, whenever the writers do post something, it will surely be of high quality and value. Productivity501 also has a YouTube channel where they publish various productivity tips and tricks."

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How to Deal with a Boring Job Work from Home Tips Power of Routines

9. Buffer “Buffer is not only known for its social media sharing tool, it’s also famous for its writings on productivity, life hacks, customer and business experience, and more! This five-year old company shows us that its never too late to earn a big name in the Internet. Check out their posts — you’ll never regret it.”

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7 Simple Productivity Tips You Can Apply Today, Backed by Science How Your Productivity is Determined by What You Eat The Science of How Temperature and Lighting Impact Our Productivity

10. Mark and Angel Hack Life “Number 10 on the 35 best blogs in productivity to read in 2016 is Marc and Angel Hack Life, founded by Marc and Angel, a husband-wife blogging duo, last 2006. In this blog, they offer practical tips and advice on productive living. They also use this blog to share insights about key people in and around their lives as well as opinions on any noteworthy events or issues.”

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10 Things Enormously Productive People Refuse to Do10 Simple Habits that Will Save You Lots of Time and Energy10 Ways to Free Your Mind When You’re Feeling Stuck

11. 99U “According to Behance, the company behind 99U, “99U is the missing curriculum for making ideas happen.” This blog features various insights on productivity, career, collaboration and creativity.”

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Want to Create Things That Matter? Be Lazy The Secret to Time Management? Focus. Focus. Focus. The 4 Types of Productivity Styles

12. The Fast Track “The Fast Track is the product of Quickbase, an online database software developed by Intuit. This blog provides you with “tools to get the job done fast.”

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4 Big Productivity Traps for Managers Help Your Team Break Bad Habits, Be Happier and More Productive How to Get More of a Sense of Urgency on Your Team

13. Time Management Ninja “Time Management Ninja is a personal blog founded by Craig Jarrow. This popular blog went live in 2009 and features topics in productivity, clutter, wasted time and of course, time management.”

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5 Little Things You Can Do to Be More Productive Do Three Important Things Every Single Day 10 Reasons Your Desk is a Mess

14. Pick the Brain “Pick the Brain sets itself apart from traditional self-help blogs by taking a broader approach. The blog features topics on motivation, self-education and productivity. Pick the Brain was launched in 2006.”

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10 Best Mini-Motivators to Boost Your Productivity4 Thoughts to Stop Procrastinating Instantly5 Steps To Use Mind Maps to Unlock Your Creativity

15. Work Awesome “Work Awesome was founded by Tina Su in 2008 after working as a userexperience designer and software engineer in Amazon. Work Awesome features high quality articles on starting, completing and exploring new things.”

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7 Reasons to Ditch Multitasking 4 Keys to Lasting Productivity5 of the Best Office Designs for Productivity

16. Asian Efficiency “Asian Efficiency features tips and advice on how to complete assignments and projects efficiently. This growth-hacking blog was started by two individuals after their friends who turned to them for productivity advice encouraged them to do so.”

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How to Avoid Doing Things Last-minute Crushing Work Marathons: a 3-Step Productivity Method for Avoiding All-Nighters Getting Back on Track After Your Productivity Crashes

17. Ryan Holiday Blog “Ryan Holiday is the person behind Growth Hacker Marketing, The Obstacle is the Way and Trust Me I’m Lying. After working for American Apparel, Ryan now spends most of his time between his writing and speaking assignments and his agency, Brass Check Marketing. Ryan’s blog features articles on productivity, marketing and a host of topics.”

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28 Pieces of Productivity Advice I Stole from People Smarter than Me Thoughts on Productivity The Notecard System: The Key for Remembering, Organizing and Using Everything You Read

18. James Clear Blog “More than 500,000 people read James Clear’s blog every month. James Clear is famous for his valuable insights in performance improvement, habit formation and behavioral psychology.”

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The Ivy Lee Method: The Daily Routine Experts Recommend for Peak Productivity The Mistake Smart People Make: Being in Motion vs. Taking Action Time Assets vs. Time Debts: A Different Way of Thinking About Productivity

19. The Tim Ferriss Blog “Tim Ferriss is the growth hacker behind the best-selling hits: The 4-Hour Workweek, The 4-Hour Chef and The 4Hour Body. Tim currently works as an adviser for companies like Twitter, Facebook and Evernote. Fast Company listed Tim Ferriss as one of the “Most Innovative Business People.”

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5 Morning Rituals That Help Me Win the Day On The Shortness of Life: An Introduction to Seneca Why You Need a “Deloading” Phase in Life

20. Unclutterer “Too much clutter? Unclutterer is a popular blog devoted for home and office organization. This blog features hacks, tips and organization strategies that will help you get productive in no time.”

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10 Things You can Do Right Now to be More Organized Understanding Procrastination Creating a Productive Work Environment

21. A Life of Productivity “A Life of Productivity is the product of more than a year of personal experimentation by growth hacker, Chris Bailey. To make himself more productive, Chris read as many productivity books as he could and made weird experiments like watching 70 hours of TED talks over a week, meditating for 35 hours and more.”

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10 Productivity Lessons I Learned Writing an 80,000-word Book in 6 Months How to Stay Productive When Everything Goes to $&@%# The Number of Hours You Should Work a Week to Be the Most Productive: 35

22. Simple Productivity Blog “Simple Productivity Blog is owned by LJ Ernest. SPB features valuable and fabulous productivity tips especially when it comes to organizing your home and office. LJ also shares insights from the books she read as well as helpful social media hacks in SPB.”

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Why You Shouldn’t Over-Plan Learning to Say No Do You Fall for These Time Management Myths?

23. The Productivity Pro “Laura Stack is known for helping corporate executives and managers save time and get better results. The Productivity Pro features blogs and resources aimed at those working in the corporate environment.”

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On the Ragged Edge of Exhaustion: How to Keep Going When You Can’t Take Time Off Five Productive Ideas I Learned from Jason Womack The Motivated Coworker: How to Increase Team Productivity Even When You’re Not the Team Leader

24. GTD Times “GTD Times is the official site of David Allen, the master behind the Getting Things Done methodology. As the name entails, GTD Times offer valuable tips and tricks on how to use GTD tools so you can lead a healthier, successful, happier and more productive life.”

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Four Things Really Productive People Do Every Day Why Relying on Digital Reminders Doesn’t Work Ten Ways to Get More Done at Work

25. Life Optimizer “Life Optimizer was founded by Donald Latumahina from Indonesia. It’s a blog devoted to maximizing your personal effectiveness.”

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A Deadline: Not an Enemy but a Friend How to Become Productive at Home: 5 Simple Hacks A Simple Way to Measure Your Productivity

26. Productive Flourishing “Productive Flourishing was founded by Charlie Gilkey. It “is a community of people who’d rather roll up their sleeves and start doing something with their ideas and vision than merely sit and dream.”

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How to Be More Productive No Productivity System Can Override Your Choices When Thinking Outside the Box Gets Counterproductive

27. The Positivity Blog “Henrik Edberg’s The Positivity Blog features productivity advice inspired by Henrik’s personal experiences. Aside from productivity, The Positivity Blog also caters to other niches such as personal development, motivation and how to increase confidence.”

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How to Stop Procrastinating: 7 Timeless Tips How to Stop Being So Lazy: 10 Simple Habits How to Handle the Digital Stress and Distractions: 10 Small Habits

28. Ian’s Messy Desk “Ian McKenzie has more than 30 years of experience in human resources and marketing. In this top blog, Ian shares valuable insights on time management, productivity and personal development.”

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5 Simple Tips for Boosting Productivity 5 Productivity Boosters for the Afternoon Slump Free Productivity Apps for the iPhone

29. Buffer “Annie is a business coach, marketing consultant and copywriter. Apart from these, she also enjoys writing about productivity hacks and helping her readers solve their problem.”

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The Greatest Business Productivity Blog Post Ever “Time Management”: The Ultimate Snipe Hunt Take Two: The Two-Minute Rule & How It Supercharges Productivity

30. Productivityist “At the 30th spot of our 35 best blogs in productivity to read in 2016 is Productivityist, a site that focuses on improving productivity through coaching, workshops and tools. Founded by Mike Vardy, Productivityist “is a valuable resource in your quest to stop ‘doing’ productive and start ‘being’ productive.”

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How To Spend More Time On Focused Work When Are You REALLY Most Productive? How to Set (and Stick to) Boundaries for Better Productivity

31. Litemind “Litemind is a productivity blog focused on empowering the human mind. It was founded by Brazilian, Luciano Passuello. Litemind has a simple mission and that is to “explore ways to use our mind effectively.”

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6 New Productivity Principles to Live By Overcoming Procrastination by Avoiding ‘Have To’s Overwhelmed by Your To-Do List? Go With a ‘Will-Do’ List Instead.

32. Facile Things “Facile Things is a popular blog that promotes and takes advantage of the GTD system popularized by its creator, David Allen. Founded by Francisco Saez, Facile Things will help “you implement GTD® in an almost intuitive way, even if you have never heard of it”.”

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Closing Doors Is Key to Your Productivity Reach Balance through Your Areas of Responsibility Be proactive!

33. Sources of Insight “Sources of Insight is founded by J.D. Meier, the person behind the betselling work, Getting Results the Agile Way. According to him, “Sources of Insight is the place to help you become a smarter, more creative, and more capable you.”

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Productivity Personas Why Use Routines? The 5 Choices of Extraordinary Productivity

34. A Better Mess “A Better Mess is a personal blog founded by Michael Schechter, who as he said in his website, “struggle with creativity and productivity.” A Better Mess is a place where Michael shares his insights and latest knowledge on topics like productivity, selfimprovement, time management and self-development.”

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Capacity is Not a Myth Yes, You Have A System Getting Back Into Gear

35. Personal Success Today “The last but not the least of our top blogs is Personal Success Today, a personal blog founded by John Richardson in 2005. John loves “productivity, entrepreneurship and studying what it takes to become a great leader.” Personal Success Today is a small community where you learn what works and what doesn’t.”

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Goal Setting Toolkit How to Become an Early Riser and Enjoy The Experience How to Stay Focused: The Power of 48 Minutes

Bonus stuff :)

36. CakeHR “Checkout CakeHR’s blog and read about the latest buzz in human resources, workforce management, personal development and of course, productivity! Cake HR’s blog features articles written for both individuals and organizations who want to make the most out of the way they work.”

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How to be Productive – Simple Yet Tricky Art To Do More With Less 4 Secrets of a Productive Day Lazy Productivity

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