Cal-Salt volume 1, issue 1

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Cal -Sal t

Calif or n ia Salt w at er Kayak Fish in g

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1879 Shell Beach Rd, Pismo Beach, CA 93449 - 805-622-9251

Of f eri n g t h e t op b ran d s wi t h t h e b est servi ce, we' l l get you on t h e wat er wi t h t h e gear you n eed . We k n ow k ayak f i sh i n g!

p r o k a y a k f is h in g .c o m

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Ph ot o: Am os For em an An gler : Ru ben Ledesm a w it h a beau t if u l Son om a Coast Copper f r om h is St ealt h Pr oFish a 460.

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Cal -Sal t Calif or n ia Salt w at er Kayak Fish in g

Volu m e 1, Issu e 1 FEATURED ARTICLES: 10 Not Just for Newbi es 12 Cal -Sal t Seri es 25 Product Spot l i ght - Suspenz: DLX Sand Cart 26 The Devi l i s i n t he Det ai l s

8 Edi t or's Journal 20 PRO Ti p 22 The Tackl e Box 24 The Top 10 30 Gear Gui de 33 Event Cal endar 36 The Last Word 38 The Gal l ey: Cevi che

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Cal -Sal t Calif or n ia Salt w at er Kayak Fish in g Publ i sher/Edi t or Eric Tebbets Cont ri but ors Ryan Arguello Richard Moiola Andy O'Brien John Parker Tom Reilly

Advert i si ng Cont ri but i ons Have a great idea for an article or some awesome photos? Let us know. Send us your ideas, pics, or tag us in your posts! @cal_salt on IG

Moment um Paddl e Sport s, Inc 1879 Shell Beach Road Pismo Beach, CA 93449 805-622-9251 Copyright 2018 Momentum Paddle Sports, Inc. All rights reserved. Cover Phot o: Andy O'Brien with a Spooner's Cove lingcod from his Wilderness Systems Thresher 140.

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r eebslu r

Cent r al Coast Kayak s Guided Kayak Fi shing Pi smo Beach - 805-773-3500 -

Licen sed, exper ien ced gu ides Rock f ish , lin gcod, & m or e Pism o Beach , Los Osos, & Cam br ia Kayak , lif e jack et , bait &t ack le in clu ded

cen t r alcoast k ayak

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Edit or 's Jou r n al

by Er ic Tebbet s

California. Where modern day kayak fishing was born with the creation of Tim Niemier?s Ocean Kayak company. It seems funny now, with kayak fishing being as big as it is and growing, that through most of the 90?s it was still mostly unheard of. Sure, people have been fishing from versions of kayaks for centuries. But it wasn?t until Tim Niemier started producing the original Scupper sit-on-top, plastic kayak in the mid-80?s that sit-on-top kayaks gained their foothold and changed the face of kayak fishing forever. I remember the first time I saw an Ocean Kayak in the early 90's. We lived in Morro Bay, CA and my parents wanted to buy some kayaks to cruise around the bay in. I remember my dad coming home with two, blue, Ocean Kayak Malibu II tandem kayaks. These weren?t anything like the kayaks I had imagined. You didn?t sit inside, you sat on top, they were made from a durable plastic, and they had these crazy holes that actually let the water come up into where you sat! We were skeptical at first until we paddled them. It was so easy and stable. These weren?t the tippy, rolling kayaks we had seen on National Geographic episodes. These were kayaks that anyone could use and have fun with. We were hooked on kayaking and eventually on kayak fishing. Since then, kayak fishing has spread worldwide to all types and bodies of water. The kayaks and the industry have come a long way from those early days but at its core kayak fishing remains unchanged. A way for adventurous anglers, to get offshore and get to their fishing grounds. Anglers willing to forgo motorized boats and instead relying on their own power and the quiet simplicity of their plastic craft. Embracing the chance to be the Captain of their vessel and to challenge the elements and their prey with nothing but their wits and their mettle. We started Cal-Salt Magazine as a way to chronicle California saltwater kayak fishing. To reflect on the history of the sport and to cover the exciting progression of this lifestyle, this brotherhood that has welcomed so many of us. Join us as we share kayak fishing stories, adventures, and updates from the place where it all began. Cal-Salt! If you would like to contribute, have an idea for an article, or would like a chance to get your photos published hit us up at or tag us on Instagram @cal_salt

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Ph ot o/ An gler : Th ien Dan g of t h e Kayak Cit y Fish in g Team , w it h a ch u n k y Cam br ia, CA lin gcod f r om h is Hobie Ou t back .

10 | Cal - Sal t M arch 20 18 10 | Cal - Sal t M arch 20 18 and landing. As warm as it was, I couldn?t wait to get in the water to cool off.

Saf et y. It 's not just f or newb ies. With the end of the 2017 kayak fishing season behind us and the 2018 season approaching fast, there has been a lot on my mind to step up my game. New gear, new swimbaits, and improvements to my kayak. After thinking about all of that stuff there was still one thing missing. SAFETY!!! I had heard that Tom Reilly from Central Coast Kayaks in Pismo Beach was going to be putting on a kayak safety class on January 13th. I contacted him and got signed up. I was really looking forward to it and hoping that there would be more people that would be just as excited as I was. As the date got closer I found out that there was only going to be two of us taking the class. At first I was a little bummed out but then I decided that it would actually be a good thing there was only two people in the class, more one-on-one instruction. The day started at the shop where Tom and his staff made sure we had everything we needed to stay safe and warm on the water. Mind you it was actually a 75 degree day which made it a great day for taking the class, but we still had to make sure we were going to be warm enough when we went into the water. The reason we were going into the water was because it isn?t just a safety class, it also teaches you self rescue and how to help rescue others as well. We arrived in Avila around 9:30 to begin our adventure and proceeded to unload our kayaks and get into our gear. Tom started out by explaining some basics about such things as paddles, first aid kits, pfd?s, and getting familiar with the design and features of our kayaks. Tom also taught us how to read the launch

After going over the basics it was time to get into the water and paddle out. One thing I wasn?t expecting the class to cover was paddling techniques. I learned so much about different ways to move my kayak around on the water with very little effort. After that we got into the part I was really looking forward to, the rescue part of the class. First, Tom explained to us exactly what we were going to do. He explained everything in such an easy way that it made me feel very comfortable performing the skills we were learning. It started out with Tom telling my friend Mike to start rocking his kayak side to side so it would flip. He did and he fell into the water. Tom then explained to him how to flip his kayak back over and how to get back into it, step by step. Mike did exactly what he was instructed to do and was able to get back into his kayak without any problems. Now the whole time I was watching this I was thinking "WOW! The way Tom explained that it made it sound so easy." Now it was my turn. Tom turned to me and said ?OK Richard, rock your kayak side to side as hard as you can and flip it." Well, guess what? I couldn?t. My kayak is a Santa Cruz Kayaks G2 and is so stable that I couldn?t flip it. I had to jump into the water and flip it by hand. Now I was used as the example for how to help rescue another person. Mike came over to the opposite side of my kayak and again Tom explained in an easy way, how he could help me. Mike held onto my kayak as I went through the steps to get back into it. As we went on with the rescue part of the class we learned other ways to help each other and ourselves back into our

11 | Cal - Sal t M arch 20 18 kayaks. The next part of the class was training on how to tow a kayak as safe as possible. Then, we worked on some more paddling techniques. As the class was coming to an end there was still one more thing to learn. The dreaded surf landing! Tom had us scope out the landing area to figure out the best and safest place to land. He landed first so he could watch us come in. Now mind you, the swell and waves weren?t that big but we still didn?t want to yardsale the landing. To yardsale the landing, means getting rolled in the surf and losing all of your gear in the process. First it was Mike?s turn and he pulled off a great landing. Then it was my turn. Let?s just say it wasn?t the most graceful landing but I didn?t flip! Again the Santa Cruz kayak was just too stable to go over. At the end of the class Tom said we both did a great job and suggested that if we wanted to get better we should practice as much as possible, either in the bays or lakes. To stay up on my new skills, I do plan on doing this as much as possible. The biggest thing I learned that day was what the limits of my kayak are. We had a great time. Paul and Ryan from Above the Hook Productions were there filming the class so please go look for the video on their YouTube channel. I really want to thank Tom for putting on a great class and teaching us valuable skills I feel that every kayak angler should possess. I also want to thank the staff at Central Coast Kayaks for making sure we had all of the proper gear that we needed to stay warm in the water. I didn?t cover every detail of the class because I really want you to take it and experience it for yourself. I hope all off you consider taking this class or one like it in your area. It isn?t only a good way to keep yourself safe but also a way to learn how to help the people you go out fishing or paddling with.

Ri chard Moi ol a Tom Reilly can be reached at Central Coast Kayaks, 1879 Shell Beach Road, Pismo Beach, CA 93449 805-773-3500 or at

1/ 2 page ad

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TheCaliforniaSaltwater Kayak Series brought byEricTebbets

Photo credit by Monterey County Convention & Visitors Bureau

In 2015 I started the Estero Kayak Challenge, a benefit tournament for Heroes on the Water. The tournament is held annually the first weekend of June, in the coastal waters along San Luis Obispo County. I enjoy fishing in tournaments and I usually do a few a year and whether I?m competitive or not I like the camaraderie, the competition, and getting together with like-minded men and women. Everyone enjoying the brotherhood of kayak fishing. I've always liked the idea of tournament trails or series, where angler's compete against

each other over a longer period of time and I have often wished there was a saltwater series that I could join. There are some well known series out there

like Kayak Wars, Extreme Kayak Fishing, and a host of freshwater series that run across the country. As freshwater kayak series such as Kayak Bass Fishing and the Kayak Bass Series grow in size and popularity it?s hard not to take notice. But for saltwater anglers the options are fewer and farther between, especially in California. In October of ?17, while beginning the planning process for the 4th annual Estero Kayak Challenge Tournament, I had a thought. ?Wouldn?t it be great if there was a saltwater series where

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" Wit h 840 m iles of coast lin e, Calif or n ia h as n o sh or t age of of f sh or e f ish in g oppor t u n it ies."

angler?s from all over the state could compete and why isn?t there one? Once the idea of starting a California saltwater only kayak series got bouncing around in my head I couldn?t shake it. With 840 miles of coastline, California has no shortage of offshore fishing opportunities. But, that distance also poses challenges for how best to have anglers compete against each other from north to south and do it fairly. Like everyone I am busy with a job, family, a business, and all the other things in life that takes up time. I knew early on that if I was going to attempt to do this I was going to need help. I enlisted the help of my close friends Andy, Chad, and Tom and together we set out to create a new saltwater kayak series that highlights the diverse California fishery in a fun and challenging competition. We set out to create the only statewide saltwater kayak series in California.

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" We set ou t t o creat e t h e on l y st at ewi d e sal t wat er k ayak seri es i n Cal i f orn i a"

We started by taking a look at other popular series and trails around the country. After looking at other tournaments that cover large geographical areas we immediately realized that an online, app based component was necessary to link anglers in the north to anglers in south and everywhere in between. With that as the core we built the rest of the competition around the online challenge. Not wanting to lose the traditional feel of in-person

distance. The four of us all live

tournaments we chose to also

in the same area and we all

include a number of those

already run the Estero

throughout the state. Our idea

Tournament, leaving us all with

was that throughout the series

little time to run multiple

anglers could earn points and

in-person, full blown

qualify for an in-person,

tournaments. Luckily, we

Tournament of Champions, to be

happen to know the directors of

held near the end of the season,

other tournaments that occur in

where all of the qualifiers

other regions of the state. If we

compete head-to-head.But, here

could convince those guys to

arose the problem of time and

include their tournaments in the

15 | Cal - Sal t M arch 20 18 series it would be problem solved. After making some phone calls and explaining what we were doing and how their events would fit into the series they all agreed to be a part of it. Relieved, we now had the final piece of the puzzle in place. The rest was putting together all the little details that turn an idea, into reality. Fast forward to today. After a ton of planning, phone calls, emails, late nights, and then the crazy idea and development of this magazine you?re reading, we have arrived at the beginning. The start of Cal-Salt, the magazine and the statewide tournament series. This is just the beginning and we know that hurdles, changes, and critiques are coming. We welcome them in the interest of making this the best tournament series we can. We are proud of what we have put together for you and we feel like it meets the goals we started with. To offer anglers a fun, fair, and competitive tournament series that highlights the kayak fishing lifestyle and our diverse California fishery in a safe and responsible way. We hope that you feel the same. For complete tournament details, rules, and registration information go to the website at

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2018 Cal -Sal t Scoring Mat ri x

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Ph ot o:Kayak Cit y Fish in g Team m em ber Th ien Dan g - Pr eppin g f or lau n ch on t h e Cen t r al Coast

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w it h Tom Reilly

Don't Get Lef t Out in t he Col d!

It?s that time of year when the seasons are changing. Both air and water temperatures are dropping and the fishing is slowing down. As air temperature drops we bundle up to stay warm. However, that might not be enough on a cold winter?s day.

On the Central Coast of California the ocean temperature begins to dip into the low 50?s and can get as cold as 45 degrees F. However the air temperature doesn?t often dip below the high 50?s during the day. Keeping warm is fairly easy to do when you stay on top of your kayak, but if you take a tumble into the water, staying warm can be challenge. Most of the kayak fishermen in other parts of the country are paddling in air temps below 40 degrees F and water temps around the same. Staying warm is VITAL to being on the water and making it back to the launch spot. Many paddlers often dress to keep warm while paddling based on the air temperature. However if they fall in or have their kayak swamped, cold can set in quickly and not only ruin your outing but could be life threatening. Dressing for the water temperature should be a factor when heading out for your next fishing trip. If you were to fall in the water you could be faced with a challenge to keep warm. According to the Minnesota Sea Grant program, as water temperature drops below 60 F so does how long you can survive.

Most of us never think about falling in, but we do want to stay warm. Often when we head out in the cold we tend to be wearing more clothing and have less flexibility. ? Falling in the water is the last thing we want to do. I have heard from many people that if they fall in, they can swim. This is often the reason why some people choose to not wear a lifejacket because of this ability. However, when the water temperature drops into the 50?s and you fall in, cold water shock can set in. It?s a similar feeling when you get in the shower and the water is cold. It becomes hard to control your breathing and you jump out of the shower. In cold water shock, you begin to hyperventilate and cannot focus on any purposeful movement like swimming or getting back onto your kayak.

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Professor Gordon Giesbrecht (or Professor Popsicle ) from the University of Manitoba has done lots of research on this process. He has come up with a time frame to think about. If you fall in the water you have between 1-3 minutes to get your breathing under control. Have someone dump ice water on you and see for yourself how hard it is. Now think about being fully submerged in the water, not too easy right? Next, you have ten minutes of meaningful movement. Getting yourself back in the kayak, getting your gear stowed away and then paddling. If you stay in the water because you are too tired or unable to get out, then you have 1 to 3 hours before becoming unconscious or hypothermic. This last time frame depends on the water temperature, your fitness level, etc. So his formula looks like 1-10-1 for easy remembering.

As kayak fishermen we often tell ourselves that we are close to shore and if we fall in, we could easily get back to shore. According to his research and data from the USCG, 90% of fatalities occurred when people where not wearing life jackets and 43% were less than six feet away from safety. So should we stay home and organize our tackle then? Maybe for some, but if you want to fish, dress for success and dress for the water temperature. Here are some ways to dress for the water temperature. Keep in mind that you loose heat 25 times faster when in water than air. I will start with the lower body first. I like to wear layers of fleece which is water wicking versus cotton that holds onto water. I put all this underneath chest waders with integrated booties or a dry pant with waterproof booties. Keeping my feet dry and

Con t in u ed on page 22

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warm is a priority for when launching from shore rather than a dock. Then, once again I layer the top. I choose synthetic fleece that will keep me warm even if wet and then add a wind proof layer such as a paddle jacket or rain jacket. Here you can either put your PFD under or over your wind layer depending on conditions. Don?t forget your head. You can loose over 10% of you body heat there, so wear a beanie, insulated hat, etc. Your hands which tend to get the wettest of all could be put into gloves or pogies. Pogies can insulate your hands but attach to the paddle while allowing you to take your hands in and out of them to tie on lures or release your fish. I often like to take chemical warming packs just in case. They don?t work when they are wet but if you keep them dry, they are awesome to warm up your digits. Lastly, don?t forget to stay hydrated!! It is often hard to think about drinking water when it is so cold out but water and snacks help to keep your internal heater going. Hope to see you on the water and let?s hope for good fishing!

Th e Tack le Box ?Lures created for bottom fishing need to be built tough in order to be fished continuously in rough reef terrain. Eyes need to be long lasting. Paint needs to be high quality and durable enough to withstand a constant beating," Rolland Felton

y l l i e R m o T

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Ph ot o cr edit : M ik e Ar ias An gler : Jim m y Car it h er s

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Th e Top 10 on t h e w at er saf et y it em s

by Tom Reilly

A PFD - When worn, it can keep you afloat if you go for an unintentional swim. Many are designed for fishing and are comfortable, good looking and functional.

A bilge pump - This handheld pump can be used to get water out of your or a buddy's kayak. Many pump out about 8 gallons/minute, they float and are lightweight. They can also be turned into a water gun to douse your friends!

A paddle float - This inflatable bag goes over your paddle blade and when used right, can help you get back into your kayak from deep water or to aid someone else. As an outrigger, it can help stabilize your boat. They also make a great camping pillow covered by your t-shirt.

VHF radio - A great way to communicate on the water with your friends, other boaters, or the Coast Guard/Harbor Patrol. Many of them float and have a weather channel feature as well.

Tow rope - This 12-15?piece of rope could save you or your friends kayak. In the event of a tired or injured paddler, or very strong winds, you can connect your boat to the other boat and tow them back to shore or safety. You can use a piece of line or get a tow bag with two carabiners and a quick release if needed.

Waterproof cell phone bag - Great for getting fish pics without getting your phone wet or slimy or for emergency calls.

First aid kit - This should be accessible to you and in a dry bag or dry case. Small cuts on your fingers or palm tend to bleed a lot. Bring bandaids, gauze, waterproof tape and latex finger cots.

Food and water - Staying hydrated and energized is important to keep you fishing all day and making it back to the launch safely.

Pliers with a lanyard - Most do not float so having them attached to your PFD or another spot will make them handy and accessible.

A landing net - A net can get fish on board faster and more safely, often without injury to the fish. Plus, many states require anglers to have a net in their possession.

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Pr odu ct Spot ligh t

We have tried just about every cart on the market and while most of them are fine for hard surfaces we were never satisfied with their performance in soft, beach sand. So we were excited o try out the DLX Balloon Tire Sand Cart from Suspenz. Suspenz is located in Atlanta, GA and produces high quality storage and transport systems for canoes, kayaks, and SUP's.

First Impressions The DLX Balloon Tire cart comes with huge , quick release 12" inflatable balloon tires mounted on a tough, powder coated, aluminum frame. The aluminum frame is lightweight but well built with stainless hardware and the powder coating gives it added durability and a nice finished look. The frame also includes four rubber sleeves to help cradle the boat and keep it from sliding. Also included with the cart are a set of cam buckle straps, a convenient hand pump, and a weight capacity of 175# that will handle most kayaks fully loaded.

Performance Our testing ground for any cart is the sloped beach at Spooner's Cove. Evan carts that we have had high hopes for have failed miserably in Spooner's deep, soft sand. So I loaded up my Wildy Radar 135 with my normal load of gear complete with pedal drive and started the drag from the parking lot. Going downhill the cart did great as expected. It rode high on the sand and was an easy pull to the water's edge. Now for the real test, going back uphill. To my surprise and relief, the cart rode high on the sand and was one of the easier pulls I've ever had at Spooner's. The cart felt sturdy and the straps held the fully loaded Radar snuggly in place.

Takeaway We've been looking for a well built, full size balloon tire cart with a price tag under $200 for a long time. With the Suspenz DLX Balloon Tire cart we have finally found it. With the build quality, the included features and a price of only $189 it is a winner in our book. Check out Suspenz for a full line of storage and transport options.

Eri c Tebbet s

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The Devil is in the Det a

Pr e-Pl anning As competitive kayak fishermen, we travel all over California looking for new and interesting places to fish and to film our adventures . Before deciding where we are going to fish, we carry out a large amount of preparation and research. During this time we talk to locals from the area we plan to fish and gather intel on current conditions and the current bite. We then reach out to other members of our club to see if anyone is interested in joining in the adventure. With our San Diego fishing trips we usually shoot for March and September. During the month of March the weather and water conditions can be a little more ?aggressive". If you fish this area in March plan on higher winds, colder air and larger swells. The bite in March can also be tough. So right about now you are probably asking ?why go then?" The reason is because we want to time it to possibly land a nice White Sea Bass or a large, home guard Yellowtail. The bites are few and far between but if you do hook up it?s a good possibility that it will be a big one! When fishing during these colder months you should plan on fishing deep, with live baits or heavy irons and jigs. Dead bait will also work although, live is always better. As for the month of September, the weather is more predictable and the fishing is more stable. The fish also tend to be closer to the surface so we often flyline live bait during this time.

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ails Logi st i cs To narrow down an actual day during the month to go we begin by looking at weather forecasts for the month. Searching for the best possible window. We will also look into the moon phases for the month. Sea bass love feeding on squid and squid come out during the full moon. After deciding on the days it?s time to book a room. I always attempt to find rooms as close as possible to the launch site and I look for rooms with kitchens and dining areas. We do this because you can save a lot of money by bringing your own food and cooking in the room. We also don?t want to be hermits, so we look for rooms that are near things to do. When fishing in La Jolla we usually stay at the Residence Inn, located just 5 minutes from our launch sight. This place has in-room kitchens and is within walking distance from the Rock Bottom Brewery, where we go each night to have a few beers and talk about our day of fishing. When booking a room, remember if you are a AAA member be sure to mention it because most places give a discount.

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Pacif ic Jack M ack er el ak a Span ish

Pacif ic Squ Pacif ic Ch u b M ack er el ak a Gr een back

Sabik i r ig u sed f or cat ch in g bait f ish

Pr ep Tim e With the room booked, what do we do the rest of the time? This is when we gather our equipment and decide what types of rigging we will take to fish with. The gear you fish with, as always, is dependent on water conditions and the type of fish you want to target. When we fish the San Diego area during the colder months we usually fish dropper loops using size 4/0 to 6/0 circle hooks. Attached to these dropper loops will be the local bait. During the hotter months we tend to lean on the simple setup known as fly lining a live bait. Your chances of success all comes down to the live bait. White Sea Bass favor live squid so always bring your squid specific sabiki rigs. This particular bait can be hit and miss and in most cases, a miss. So be sure to bring you standard sabiki rigs for that fin bait. Both Yellowtail and White Sea bass will eat fin bait, especially those greenbacks (pacific mackerel). Out of La Jolla you will catch both greenbacks, that are turquoise/green in color and Spanish mackerels, brown in color. But, in my experience, Spanish macks don?t work as well so I typically throw those back unless bait is hard to find. To keep your baits alive, I highly recommend a good livewell. The towable live wells work but you can?t hold as much bait and after a long day that extra drag wears on you. The more active your bait is the better, so keep them healthy. If I notice a bait going sideways in my tank I will grab it and throw it out.

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Squ id cat ch er r ig

u id

A Hobie livew ell bait t an k an d a m an u al t ow beh in d bait t an k .

Essent i al Gear Along with the livewell, here is a list of our "essential gear": PFD, VHF marine radio, sun protection-both clothing and sun screen, bilge pump, GoPro-up to two of them to document your trip, small knife, etc...I like placing all my gear into one large rolling case and I encourage the other guys to do the same. It?s amazing how out of hand your gear can get not having it in one area. It makes traveling much easier. Hopefully this bit of information on how we setup our trips to the San Diego area helps you out. Thanks for taking the time to read this and be sure to checkout our YouTube Channel, Above the Hook. Click the Above the Hook logo below to see how we did on our last La Jolla trip.

Ryan Arguel l o from Above t he Hook Product i ons

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Gear Gu ide

By An dy O?Br ien

Feat u r in g f r esh n ew gear ever y issu e!

Wilder n ess Syst em s Pr o St af f

Th e n ew Wilder n ess Syst em s, Wildy Fish er PFD in Wildy gr ey/ or an ge w it h r ef lect ive det ailin g.

Wildy Fisher, including the high visibility, stowable hood. With multiple zippered pockets and plenty of lash points to hold all of your retractable tools and other accessories this PFD provides a lot of storage options without being overly bulky.

Welcome to the first Gear Guide column. Each issue we will feature a new piece of gear that we feel is worth checking out. Wilderness Systems has come out with some very nice, branded kayak fishing accessories over the past year. Designed for anglers looking for high quality accessories from one of the premier kayak manufactures in the industry.

One of the latest products to come out is the new Wildy Fisher PFD. Wilderness Systems teamed up with Astral to add their own touch to an already high quality and popular PFD. The first thing I noticed when I opened up the box was the nicely embroidered Wilderness Systems logo on the front and back of the PFD, which is also retro-reflective. The Wildy color scheme, including multiple retro-reflective elements is unique to the

The two large zippered pockets up front provide ample storage room and are designed to fit a Plano five compartment box. There are also Velcro tabs included to apply on any small tackle box that will secure the box to the inside of the pocket. So when you lay open the front pockets your box will be secure and easily accessible with one hand. Another cool feature is the collapsible drink holder on the left side of the PFD. Perfect for keeping that beverage of choice close at hand. On the opposite side of the drink holder is a spot designed for organizing and storing small tools or small tether mounted

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Th in Ven t back an d st ow able r ain h ood st or ed in t h e n eck collar .

items. A Velcro secured flap keeps everything secure and out of the way. A unique feature that I really like is the two compartments right where the shoulder straps meet the front of the PFD. These compartments allow you to store small tools or a camera remote for easy access on the water. I have also found that the opening at the top of the compartment is an excellent spot for clipping a VHF radio that will not interfere with paddling or holding a rod while fishing.

Plen t y of st or age opt ion s f or all of you r odds an d en ds.

This vest is extremely comfortable and designed to be worn for extended sessions on the water. The ThinVent back design will accommodate a wide variety of kayak seats. A PFD is something no kayak angler should paddle without and the new Wildy Fisher is a custom take on an already proven design. I am impressed with the fit and finish of this vest.

You can check out the new Wildy Fisher PFD at your local Wilderness Systems dealer or anytime at

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Cali forni a Sal t wat er Kayak Seri es 2018 Tournam ent Sponsor s

Joe's Jigs

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Even t Calen dar Cal-Salt : M ar ch 1, 2018 - Decem ber 31, 2018 2018 M ission Bay Classic: Apr il 14, 2018 4t h an n u al Est er o Kayak Ch allen ge: Ju n e 2, 2018 Cen t r al Coast Slam Dow n VII: Sept em ber 15, 2018 Sim ply Fish in g 2018: Sept em ber 22, 2018

Ph ot o: Er ik Nak am u r a An gler : Ken n y Nak am u r a w it h a M or r o Bay Leopar d Sh ar k f r om h is Hobie Ou t back .

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An gler Rollan d Felt on , h ook in g u p f r om h is Vik in g Pr of ish Reload

36 | Cal - Sal t M arch 20 18

Th e Last Wor d

Welcom e t o t h e Cen t r al Coast In Jan u ar y 2017, I w as u pr oot ed f r om m y It alian h om e of 24 year s an d m oved t o t h e cen t r al valley of Calif or n ia du e t o w or k obligat ion s. Th r ou gh ou t m ost of m y t im e in It aly I w as f or t u n at e t o h ave m ade gr eat f r ien ds w h o also sh ar ed m y passion f or k ayak f ish in g. Af t er ar r ivin g in t h e valley it w as t h en I r ealized ju st h ow f ar I w as f r om t h e ocean . Th at ?s w h en m y depr ession set in . I w as accu st om ed t o bein g on t h e beach in a m at t er of m in u t es, n ot h ou r s an d t o t op it of f , I didn?t k n ow an yon e. Th r ou gh t h e m agic of t h e In t er n et , I m an aged t o ?m eet ? sever al lik e m in ded people w h o in vit ed m e t o join t h em on bot h f r esh an d salt w at er adven t u r es. Th e lak es w er e deep an d cold an d t h e lear n in g cu r ve w as st eep w h en it cam e t o f ish in g t h ese n ew ar eas. Th e Pacif ic Ocean w as a w h ole ot h er t h in g all t oget h er . I w as u sed t o f ish in g t h e w ar m w at er s of t h e M edit er r an ean an d Adr iat ic Ocean s. Ligh t , w at er pr oof clot h in g f or t h e w in t er m on t h s an d sh or t s an d f lip f lops t h e r est of t h e year .Su r f lau n ch es w er e a m at t er of slidin g in t o t h e azu r e w at er f r om m an icu r ed beach es an d n ot spillin g you r m or n in g cof f ee. I didn?t r ealize h ow spoiled I w as. M y f ir st lau n ch in t o t h e Pacif ic w as on a calm day. Th e w at er w as cold, bu t t h e w in d w as dow n an d t h er e w er e bir ds cir clin g over h ead. I t h ou gh t t o m yself t h is is easy! We pedaled ar ou n d f or a f ew h ou r s, cau gh t a f ew f ish an d h eaded back t o sh or e f or a su per easy lan din g. Th is isn?t so t ou gh , I t h ou gh t . A f ew days lat er , I en t er ed m y f ir st salt w at er t ou r n am en t in Calif or n ia. Com pet in g w asn?t n ew t o m e; I w as in f act t h e r ein in g It alian r epr esen t at ive f or t h e Hobie Eu r opean Kayak Fish in g Team . I got t h is!Th e n ext day, w h en I ar r ived at t h at sam e beach in t h e ear ly m or n in g dar k n ess I cou ld im m ediat ely h ear som et h in g dif f er en t ; t h e pou n din g su r f . No on e except m e seem ed t o n ot ice t h is or m aybe I w as ju st h yper sen sit ive t o t h e ext r em ely lou d r oar of t h e w aves cr ash in g again st t h e beach .

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As I r eadied m y gear , I h ear d som e of t h e com pet it or s t alk in g abou t ch an gin g lau n ch sit es becau se of t h e con dit ion s. I t h ou gh t t o m yself , if t h e locals t h ou gh t it w as a bad idea, w h y w as I st ill get t in g r eady t o lau n ch ? I qu est ion ed m y f ish in g par t n er s an d t h ey bot h con clu ded t h is w as n or m al an d w ou ld be f u n . I t h in k w e sh ar ed a dif f er en t def in it ion of fun. As t h e m or n in g gr ew ligh t er , I m ade m y w ay dow n t o t h e beach alon g w it h a f ew ot h er dedicat ed f ish er m en . Each w as discu ssin g t h eir st r at egy f or t h e day ?s even t . M in e w as sim ple; don?t dr ow n . If you ?r e r eadin g t h is n ow t h en obviou sly m y st r at egy w or k ed, bu t n ot w it h ou t t h e h elp of sever al ver y k n ow ledgeable people an d som e valu able lesson s lear n ed on m y par t . Un bek n ow n st t o m e, I h ad con n ect ed w it h a gr ou p of k ayak f ish in g en t h u siast s k n ow n t o t h e locals as t h e Pr o Kayak Fish in g Team . Th ese gu ys an d gals w er e t h e r eal deal. If it h ad n ot been f or t h ese f olk s, I w ou ld h ave pack ed m y t h in gs back in t o t h e t r u ck an d h eaded t o M or r o Bay lik e so m an y ot h er s t h at day. Bu t t h is gr ou p t ook m e u n der t h eir collect ive w in g an d gu ided m e t h r ou gh w h at w as lat er descr ibed as a ?t ou gh lau n ch an d en t r y ?. Th ese gu ys m ade it look easy. I t ook som e w aves t h at m or n in g, bu t su r vived t o f ish an ot h er day. Even t h ou gh I lost m y r adio an d m y st r in ger of f ish , I cam e h om e. It ?s easy t o lau n ch a k ayak u n der per f ect con dit ion s. It ?s scar y as h ell t o lau n ch a k ayak in dar k , r ou gh con dit ion s w it h ou t t h e pr oper t r ain in g, exper ien ce an d paddle par t n er s. Wh at got m e t h r ou gh t h at m or n in g w as par t n er in g u p w it h exper ien ced f ish er m en f r om t h at ar ea. Th ey sh ow ed t h is Calif or n ia n ew bie t h e r opes. If you ?r e n ew t o t h e spor t of k ayak f ish in g or even if you ?r e n ew t o t h e ar ea lik e m e, I can n ot r ecom m en d a bet t er gr ou p of passion at e am bassador s t o t h e spor t t h an t h e m em ber s of t h e Pr o Kayak Fish in g Team an d t h e good f olk s at Cen t r al Coast Kayak s in Pism o Beach . If you ?r e look in g f or an excu r sion , t r ain in g, or ju st som e t r an qu il on t h e w at er t im e, CCK can m ak e it h appen .

Joh n Par k er

38 | Cal - Sal t M arch 20 18

Th e Galley

Fr esh Rock f ish Cevich e

Ingredients -

1 pound lingcod, rockfish, or other lean, white fish 3 limes 2 lemons 1 grapefruit Salt and black pepper 1/2 red onion, sliced 2 Roma tomatoes, seeded 1 ear of corn, kernels sliced off 1 jalapeno or habanero pepper, or more to taste 3 tablespoons chopped cilantro

Instructions 1. Slice the fish into small, bite-sized pieces. Cut the tomatoes into pieces the same size as the fish and set them aside for later. Zest 1 lime, 1 lemon and the grapefruit and grate them fine; I use a microplane grater to do this. Mince the habanero fine. Juice all the citrus. Add all the ingredients except for the tomatoes and the cilantro to a bowl or plastic container with a lid and refrigerate for 30 minutes to 2 hours. 2. Add the tomatoes and cilantro, mix well and serve cold with chips. M ar in at in g t im es m ak e a dif f er en ce w h en you ar e m ak in g cevich e. Depending on the size of the fish pieces, you will need at least 30 minutes and normally an hour for the citrus to "cook" the fish. Two hours is fine, but beyond that the ceviche, while still good, becomes more of a pickled fish thing. It's a subtle difference, but you can taste it. Cit r u s m at t er s, t oo. You always want the dominant citrus in the marinade to be either limes or lemons, which are far more acidic than oranges, grapefruits or tangerines. Add these fruits as an accent to the ceviche; I am especially fond of a little grapefruit in the mix.

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