book 6 4
show 6 5
20 Students
15 Miles of String
16 Pieces of 4’ x 8’ OSB
20 Books
6 LED Lights
3 Cans of Black Paint 6 6
13,000 Holes 6 7
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P r o c e s s
The idea of creating an assemblage of products to be made and sold re-purposes the lives of homeless individuals by providing working opportunities that instill a sense of ownership and purpose. These initial studies explore the relationship of program to function and those living within the facilities with the intent to expose the issue of homelessness. 7 0
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Programmatic Diagram
The initial design process began with the idea of closing San Julian Street for the production of goods from recycled materials. The proposed pods would serve as multi functional facilities that would cater to the production of those goods. Located within the production area would be housing units for those working within the facility, as well as the market which would occur during weekends for these products to be sold. 7 4
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The intention of this design was to create a structure above ground that would support these pods used to produce the goods and to also create a separation from the production and selling of these goods. Another consideration was to create a visual connection for the pedestrians with the production area in which these the other functions revolve around the assembly line.
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Gesture Models
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The exploration of this design was an effort to convey some organic feature that would provide contrast to the context of the site. This juxtaposition allowed for the creation of dynamic spaces and fluid movement through the site that displays a certain linearity to San Julian Street. The emphasis of this design was to influence pedestrians to move through the site to experience the nature of the area and promote awareness to the homelessness in Los Angeles. This prcoess began by mapping out the open space within the street to determine which sites could become buildable. Upon deciding which areas to build, I then researched the five most attainable recycled materials and placed them according to the size of the site.
Parking Parking
Parking Open Space
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After realizing that my previous attempt had no relation to it’s context, I resorted back to an earlier physical model that ephasized structure and the construction of a building. This iteration provided the exposure that represented the individuals living on Skid Row. This idea lead to the creation of pods which would become suspended within the frame work provided to house the individuals as a temporary means of shelter. These 5’ x 5’ x 8’ modules would be constructed at the production facility by the homeless which would then be transported along a track that is supported by the frame above.
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Collection Point
Shelters Production 9 2
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