1 minute read


Dear Cal Student:

Whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student, Berkeley Career Engagement is eager to help you achieve your goals. No matter what brings you here, our first-class staff, programs, and resources are ready to support you every step along the way. We look forward to assisting students and alumni with career exploration, internship & job searching, and the graduate or professional school application process. To assist in the process, we are pleased to provide this Career Readiness Workbook. As you begin planning for your career, we can assist you with the following:


Assessing your strengths, values, personality and skills

Understanding and demonstrating the career ready competencies essential for careers success

Finding meaning in your experiences, interests, and goals, and translating that into a rewarding career


Many students have questions about which major or career field to pursue. We are committed to helping you make good career decisions. To this end, we have several online resources, including “What Can I Do With This Major, and you can explore what previous Cal students did with their major.

Throughout this workbook, you will see symbols that reflect the eight Career Competencies we have identified as essential for success in the workplace; see page 5 for more information. We encourage you to access our website: www.career.berkeley.edu to explore all of our resources and services.


We strongly encourage you to use Handshake. Through Handshake, you can search for full/part-time jobs and internships, research employers and learn about our career-related events.

Employer Engagement

Use Handshake to sign-up and interview with employers from across the country. RSVP for Career Fairs and Information Sessions to meet and network with potential employers,

Professional Photo Booth

Berkeley Career Engagement houses the only IrisBooth on campus. Stop by and use the booth to take and edit professional photos for your LinkedIn profile.

We are eager to support your career development process and look forward to working with you.


Sue Harbour, Associate Dean & Executive Director


2440 Bancroft Way

Email ontheweb@berkeley.edu


Schedule via career.berkeley.edu

Follow us on Social Media



Wearededicatedtoadvancingequityandaccessto careerresourcesforeverystudentandrecentalumniof UCBerkeley.

Weengagewithstudentsontheirjourneytoreflect,discover, anddesignapersonallymeaningfulcareer(CareerClarity).

Weconnectstudentswithalumni,employers,andtheirlarger professionalcommunitytoforgemeaningfulrelationshipsthat willguidethemintotheirearlycareer(CareerConnections)

Weempowerstudentstodeveloptheprofessionalconfidence andexperiencenecessarytosecurethecareeropportunities theyseek(CareerCompetitiveness).

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