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Bar 6 Charolais
Jim Ansbach
43861 Burnt Ranch Rd. Mitchell, OR 97750 (541) 462-3083
Annual Bull Sale • February 2024 • Madras, OR
Broken Box Ranch
Jerry and Sherry Maltby PO Box 760, Williams, CA (530) 681-5046 Cell • (530) 473-2830 Office
BBR@citlink.net • www.brokenboxranch.com
Bulls available at Red Bluff, Fallon and off the ranch.
Fresno State Agriculture Foundation
California State University, Fresno 2415 E. San Ramon, Fresno, CA
Randy Perry (559) 278-4793 http://fresnostate.edu/jcast/beef
Bulls available private treaty.
We believe strongly in the value of crossbreeding and the benefits of heterosis or hybrid vigor. Crossbred calves are more vigorous at birth, they are more resistant to disease and they have increased performance levels or weight gain. In addition, crossbred beef cows have higher fertility levels, they are also more disease resistant and they are superior in terms of longevity, an often overlooked but very economically important trait in a beef herd. These combined factors result in the generation of more total pounds of beef being produced from a commercial cowherd when crossbreeding is utilized.
We believe that Charolais bulls are the logical and best choice to use on the Angus-dominated commerical beef cowherd that currently exists in this country. They will infuse the benefits of heterosis and produce the “smokies” and “buckskins” that have been popular with cattle feeders and packers for decades.
Look for these Charolais breeders from throughout the West as your source for Charolais genetics available off the ranch or at leading California, Oregon and Nevada sales. .
Jorgensen Ranch
Fred & Toni Jorgensen
25884 Mollier, Ave, Orland, CA (530) 865-7102
Contact us about all-around trait Charolais bulls available private treaty at the Great Basin Bull Sale in Fallon.

Nicoli Nicholas 6522 Vernon Rd., Nicolaus, CA • (916) 813-2384

Breeding Charolais cattlsince 1959.
75 outstanding Charolais bulls available private treaty this year!
Romans Ranches
Bill & Cindy Romans • (541) 538-2921
Jeff & Julie Romans • (541) 358-2905