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Zoetis is excited to announce its partnership with Select Sires Inc. to help cattle producers gain more from data. The partnership provides a grid marketing service, GeneNet, which will provide Performance Livestock Analytics customers a designated marketing platform to communicate and promote the value of their cattle. Select Sires’ farmerowners will gain value with access to the Precision Animal Health portfolio from Zoetis, including beef genetic testing and Performance Livestock Analytics software.
The GeneNet grid marketing service negotiates fed-cattle pricing based on carcass traits including quality and yield grade. With this partnership, Performance Livestock Analytics customers receive an exclusive offer to use GeneNet’s competitive marketing grids and gain bargaining power for the cattle they raise, plus carcass data on those cattle.
“This partnership creates an opportunity for producers,” said Justin Sexten, head of Industry and Network Partnerships, Precision Animal Health, Zoetis. “GeneNet allows cattle feeders to leverage their animal data from our management software to strategically market their investment in quality genetics and exceptional management. This information arms them with collective negotiation power on GeneNet’s marketing grids to communicate to buyers the value of their cattle.”
Cloud-based software developed by Performance Livestock Analytics, part of Zoetis, helps digitize cattle records and turn data into actionable insights to inform strategic decisions regarding health, genetics, marketing and financials.
Sandra Utter, GeneNet manager at Select Sires Inc., said the collaboration with Zoetis will help drive better genetic and management decisions to breed and market quality cattle.
“Because Select Sires is positioned at the front and back end of the beef production chain, we can help beef producers capture and analyze data that allows them to create, measure, manage and make changes to increase profitability from conception to consumption,” Utter said. “Data captured in Performance Beef can help us evaluate cattle performance in the feedlot and provides the necessary history and genetic makeup critical to successfully marketing on GeneNet grids.”

Through this partnership with Select Sires, Zoetis will begin the development of connecting the carcass data to the digital ecosystems for Performance Livestock Analytics and BLOCKYARD™ to enable seamless management and genetics decision-making tools. This integration will provide customers access to carcass data within their current platform for Performance Beef®. This will help minimize data entry and provide producers insights into how their use of elite genetics is performing.
For Zoetis and Select Sires customers interested in learning more about competitive and profitable marketing opportunities for their cattle, visit GeneNetBeef.com.
California Beef Cattle Improvement Association and California Angus Association Central Valley Tour Stops
• Billy Grissom Cattle, Almonds & Compost Operations
• Bob & Suzy Erickson Commercial Cattle Operation/Federal Waterfowl Conservation
• Faith Ranch Retained Ownership Operation/Wildlife Refuge/Conservation Ranching
• Gonsalves Ranch Locker Beef Program, Bull Development Center & Feedlot
• Blue Diamond Almond Plant and Growers' Store

• Vintage Angus Ranch Seedstock Operation
• JLG Enterprises Inc. Beef and Dairy Genetic Services and Bull Stud Facility Robotic Commercial Dairy
• EZ Angus Ranch Angus Seedstock Operation (Northern Division)
• Feed Mill at A.L. Gilbert Company – Farmers Best Feed
• Aemetis Inc. Advanced Fuel Ethanol Plant
• Boviteq California ET and IVF Reproductive Technology Center
• Hilmar Cheese Company Plant and Visitor Center
Speakers, Dinner and Shopping Opportunities
• Certified Angus Beef® Steak Dinner at Gonsalves Bull Development Center with Address by American Angus Association CEO Mark McCully
• Dinner at EZ Angus Ranch featuring Gallo Wines from Vintage Angus Ranch
• Shopping at the Blue Diamond Almond Growers' Store
• Shopping at Hilmar Cheese Company Gift Shop and Deli
• Great Food and Fellowship with Overnight Stays in Turlock, CA
Tour Package Pricing and Detailed Event Schedule: https://www.flipsnack.com/C5C7CFB9E8C/CBCIA-CAA-Tour.html

CBCIA @California Beef Cattle Improvement Association on Facebook
CAA @California Angus Association on Facebook or www.californiaangus.com