6 minute read
By Brian Hoover, Senior Editor / Photos by: Ezequias Gonzalez
Performs Critical Infrastructure Work at LAX Consolidated Rent-A-Car (ConRAC) Facility
The Landside Access Modernization Program (LAMP) is a multi-billion-dollar capital improvement project that seeks to enrich passenger experience, relieve congestion, and enhance Los Angeles International Airport’s (LAX) status as a world-class airport. Critical components of LAMP include the construction of an Automated People Mover (APM) system, Intermodal Transportation Facilities (ITFs), associated roadway improvements, and the new Consolidated Rental Car Facility (ConRAC). If you have ever rented a car at LAX, then you know how confusing it can be at times with all of the many rental car companies situated in and around the airport. The ConRAC facility at LAX is one of the significant components of the LAX LAMP project. Designed to consolidate rental car operations into one convenient location adjacent to the 405 freeway, ConRAC will be fully operational by 2023. The ConRAC facility will specifically allow the more than 20 existing rental car locations to relocate into one massive 6.3 million square foot facility. This consolidation will eliminate more than 3,200 shuttle trips a day as ConRAC will be directly connected to the APM train system. With an estimated capacity to hold 21,000 rental vehicles, ConRAC will have the honor of being the largest rental car complex in the world.

Above: W.A. Rasic Construction installs Arbor Vitae 34.5 KV precast maintenance hole for LADWP.
PCL Construction Services, Inc. is the design-build contractor on the ConRAC facility project, and there are dozens of additional subcontractors working under PCL on this job in many capacities. W.A. Rasic Construction (W.A. Rasic) is currently on-site at LAX, working on two separate contracts at the ConRAC project. The first contract is the Abor Vitae Permanent Duct Bank Project, where W.A. Rasic is installing multiple duct banks for LADWP to provide electricity to the ConRAC facility. The second contract is also for LADWP, where W.A. Rasic is installing a 48” Earthquake Resistant Ductile Iron Pipe (ERDIP). This section is considered Phase 3 of the Century Trunkline Unit 1 Project.
Abor Vitae Permanent Duct Bank Project
W.A. Rasic began the Abor Vitae Permanent Duct Bank Project in Jan. 2021, with a completion date scheduled in Sept. 2021. Mike Finan has been with W.A. Rasic for 18 years and is the project manager overseeing both W.A. Rasic ConRAC projects. “We began the duct bank project by first identifying the utilities and coordinating all construction and design details with the larger ConRAC team,” says Finan. “We then moved on to begin installing the LADWP maintenance holes for the electrical vaults. We excavated and placed 10 electrical vaults, with each one being 16-feet wide, 20-feet long and 20-feet deep.” Hill Crane Service provided a 265-ton crane to set each precast vault, while Trench Shoring Company was the source for all of the beam and plate and other shoring. “We are in the middle of excavating and placing the vaults right now and will begin placing and connecting the conduit between each vault next,” says Finan. “We will also be performing a 161-foot jack and bore under the new Metro Crenshaw Line to install 48-inch casing.”

Above and Below: Trench Shoring Company supplies shoring to W.A. Rasic Construction shown here installing 48” Kubuta Earthquake Resistant Ductile Iron Pipe (ERDIP).

According to Finan, the casing and duct bank run will go from multiple locations and draw power from existing LADWP conduits. “We will be installing 38,000 linear feet of 6-inch conduit, 17,440 linear feet of 5-inch conduit and 1,400 linear feet of 4-inch conduit for the future installation of the 34.5KV power lines. The duct bank conduit will be encased in concrete and the trench slurry backfilled,” says Finan. “This contract also calls for approximately 6,039 linear feet of open trench duct bank excavation of multiple depths from eight to 20 feet.” Trench Shoring Company will be supplying material for beam/ plate shoring of the jack and bore section, trench box shields with spreaders, plates, and hydraulic jacks in other open cut areas. “We will also be performing asphalt and sidewalk removal as we excavate to install the new vaults and various conduit,” says Finan. “Our crews will restore the pavement sections as the job proceeds.”

Earthquake Resistant Ductile Iron Pipe (ERDIP) Installation on Phase 3 of the Century Trunkline Unit 1 Project
W.A. Rasic is performing the ERDIP waterline installation simultaneously with the construction on the duct bank project. The ERDIP contract also began in Jan. 2021 and is scheduled for completion in Nov. 2021. “What makes this job interesting is the 48” ERDIP that was purchased from Kubota Corporation. We are installing 3,150 linear feet of this earthquake-resistant pipe that was delivered to LADWP by ship from Japan,” continues Finan. “Around a dozen members of our crew were trained by Kubota Corporation Pipe Systems Unit personnel, and we began installing the ERDIP along the future Concourse Way on March 8. We purchased specialty equipment and tools from Kubota to install the ERDIP that will be inspected by a registered and certified Kubota employee as it is installed.” Finan says that the average depth of excavation on the ERDIP section is from 14 to 18-feet. W.A. Rasic again used trench shields from Trench Shoring Company in these areas. “The ERDIP also calls for the installation of four 60” prefab concrete maintenance holes, says Finan. “The entire ERDIP section is being constructed in three phases. We are doing Phase 3 while two separate construction companies perform the other phases.”

Setting bottom section of 34.5 KV precast maintenance hole.

Above: Excavation and installation of shoring at grade for the 48” Kubota ERDIP.
Finan says that his crews are working in and around many other trades on both ConRAC facility infrastructure projects. “There are multiple levels of agencies, stakeholders, and numerous trades working in and around this project, and we have to keep them all happy. That can be a challenge at times, but nothing we have not faced before,” says Finan. “There is so much going on simultaneously, all within confined areas and within an active airport where our number one concern is always safety.” Finan continues to explain that W.A. Rasic is fortunate to be working with so many talented and professional companies and agencies on this project. “I want to thank everyone at PCL Construction Services, Inc., LADWP, Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA), and LAX ConRAC Partners (LAXCP) for being so great to work with and around,” continues Finan. “I also want to recognize our public works division manager Jeremy Juarez, our dry utilities division manager Cliff Ward, our general superintendent Jeff Ray, our superintendents Cody Roller and Mark Stewart, our project engineer Ezequias Gonzalez and our senior estimator Mark Setzer. These jobs run smoothly because of our talented and hardworking operators, laborers, carpenters, teamsters, and other workforce members. We want them all to know just how much they are appreciated.”

Above: 3,150 linear feet of 48” Kubota ERDIP ready for delivery at the LADWP yard in Sylmar.
The new ConRAC facility at LAX will have a price tag of around $2 billion before being fully open to the public in 2023. W.A. Rasic’s two contracts will come in at approximately $14 million. At W.A. Rasic, the more challenging the project, the better. “We love these types of jobs, and we look forward to many more like these in the future,” concludes Finan. Cc