1 minute read
Going to a higher level on safety: Voluntary Protection Program
By Charley Rea, Director of Communications, Safety & Technical Services
Now may be the time for CalCIMA members to consider applying for Cal/OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Program (VPP). California was the leader in the 1970’s in developing the nation’s first Voluntary Protection Program (VPP), a higher level, voluntary, and cooperative program to improve safety at worksites.
The program description tells it all,
The California Voluntary Protection Program (Cal/VPP) is designed to recognize employers and their employees who have implemented safety and health programs that effectively prevent and control occupational hazards. These programs go beyond minimal Cal/OSHA standards and provide the best feasible protection at the site.

With an endorsement like that, why wouldn’t a plant want to seek VPP certification?
The VPP requires a joint commitment and cooperation of labor, management, and government. It requires a rigorous certification, and only 67 plants in California are certified. But, the program has been demonstrated to reduce injuries by up to 80%!
There are 6 essential elements in being VPP certified:
• Management commitment
• Employee involvement
• Worksite analysis
• Hazard prevention & control
• Health and safety training
• Continual improvement
These are among the benefits reported by VPP participants:
• Improvement in employee morale and motivation to work safely
• Lower workers' compensation and other insurance costs
• Comprehensive evaluation by a team of health and safety consultants
• Networking with government and industry
• Community recognition and esteemed public image
• Exempt from some regular inspections
CalCIMA members may want to consider VPP status for one of their plants or mines. In fact, CalCIMA members may already be achieving the necessary high levels in their safety programs. If so, it might be nice to be recognized for that!
Jeff Killup, Chief of Cal/OSHA, says of those in the VPP program, “You guys are like the Eagle Scouts of Safety, and you are the ambassadors.”
• Improved labor/management relation
• Reduction in overall injuries and illnesses
• Higher product quality and work productivity
To help member companies begin a conversation within their companies—including management and employees-about whether to consider becoming VPP certified, the CalCIMA Safety & Health Committee recently prepared a presentation that members can use as a starting point.
The VPP presentation can be found on CalCIMA’s “Tools for Safety” website. More can be found on Cal/OSHA’s VPP website.
Give it a shot! n