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MEMBERSHIP MATTERS Highlights From a Decade of Progress
alCIMA has led the way to many significant and successful legislative changes over the last 10 years, sponsoring eleven legislative bills signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown (2011-2018). Their campaign, Distance Matters, delivered a strong message and raised awareness toward the essential nature and significant benefits of having local aggregate resources. Through this particular platform, the CalCIMA legislative team worked hard to establish and build relationships, educate policymakers and advocate for member needs.
Additionally, association-initiated legislation has helped to modernize the Surface Mining and Reclamation C
Act (SMARA), while encouraging the use of recycled concrete, and allowing for automation at plants. Legislative efforts have also served to promote safety features on customer delivery trucks, assisted with compliance relief, strengthened protections for mineral resources, and provided enhanced nuisance protection. These changes delivered not only a win for the industry, but also every CalCIMA member, and the regulatory environment in California. CalCIMA has also been successful in influencing policy changes and amendments. By continually monitoring legislation and regulatory activity, CalCIMA was successful in implementing
As a respected organization, CalCIMA is proud to have worked with Legislators developing 11 bills signed by Governor Jerry Brown. No other organization can claim such a victory.
• AB 221 (Quirk-Silva) Recycling – Concrete
• AB 566 (Galgiani) Aggregate and Mineral Resources
• AB 812 (Ma) Recycling – Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP)
• AB 1142 (Gray) SMARA Modernization
• AB 1518 (Perea) Plants – Automated Weigh Tickets
• AB 2355 (Levine) Recycling – Local Agencies
• SB 108 (Rubio) – Idle Mines
• SB 110 (Rubio) Mines – Nuisance Protection
• SB 341 (Lowenthal) Safety – Back-up Alarms
• SB 447 (Lara) Aggregate – Approved Material List
• SB 792 (Steinberg) Mineral Resource Management Policies
change within SB 375 (Steinberg), the comprehensive land-use planning bill. The CalCIMA legislative team added a provision to require sustainable community strategy (SCS) plans to incorporate designated mineral resources into their planning requirements. While not all of CalCIMA's legislation efforts make it to the Governor's desk, their work continues to influence and effectuate change in policy to the benefit of every member.
• AB 2433 (Salas) and SB 389 (Roth) Materials – PreQualification Testing • SB 41 (Galgiani) Amends the Truck and Bus Regulation • AB 1910 (Ma) Portable Equipment • CalCIMA pursued two bills SB 1048 (Roth) and SB 649 (Roth) and negotiated with Caltrans and CHP to allow increased weight for mixer trucks due to air pollution control devices.
This led the way for the adoption of AB 2061 (Frazier) to allow increased weight for vehicles powered by natural gas.
CalCIMA also continues its efforts to reduce regulatory burdens and provide compliance assistance and training. This has been accomplished by mobilizing their member network to work proactively on state and local levels to help eliminate and/or reduce impacts due to onerous regulations. Their accomplishments include negotiations to remove, reduce, and modify potentially unworkable regulations while clarifying unique impacts to the materials industry that ultimately make many regulations more achievable. CalCIMA's list of accomplishments are noteworthy
Build It.
Dig It. Plan It.

Dream It.

Pave It.
Reclaim It.
and impressive and include success in a variety of topical concerns, including air, water, land use, fish and wildlife, materials, business and labor, safety and health, federal funding, legal, education and training.
CalCIMA's advocacy and policy team has positioned itself to have a seat at the table with powerful interest groups where they can collectively engage in activities that protect their member's interests. Their relationship with groups, such as the California State Association of Counties, for example, has positioned the Association to prepare for and adequately respond to challenges facing the industry. CalCIMA continues to work alongside a strong coalition of transportation partners and association members to secure and preserve sustainable infrastructure investments such as The Road Repair and Accountability Act (SB 1). CalCIMA was also there to
Move It.

answer the threat to repeal SB 1, helping to raise funds for the No on Proposition 6 Campaign. They had a seat at the table with Coalition to Protect Local Transportation Infrastructure and worked long and hard to spread the message that Prop 6 was bad for public safety, jobs and the economy.
Over the last year, CalCIMA has significantly increased and enhanced platforms, tools, and resources for communications and begun expanding capacity and expertise. In 2017, they launched a new memberwebsite with online event registration, integrated list management and enhanced member communication resources. Job postings are also available on the website. The CalCIMA member content hub features access to technical research and reports, including updated economic impact reports and analysis of industry air quality improvements over the last 20 years. Additionally, their quarterly publication, Conveyor Magazine, offers content such as member profiles as well as features highlighting safety, regulatory, technical and legal issues. There is also a CalCIMA YouTube channel and Facebook social media presence to further spread the industry message as well as echoing and amplifying member and industry news. CalCIMA is also taking on skilled labor force challenges by partnering with the California Community College System. This partnership is designed to increase the number of prepared students for entrylevel employment in the growing construction materials industry.
Discover the unlimited benefits of being a CalCIMA member. For more information on how CalCIMA membership can benefit your company, please log on to www.calcima.org or call (916) 554-1000. n