Conversion of celsius vs fahrenheit Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit calculator is a quick way to convert temperatures from one scale to the other temperatures scales, To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit ,multiply 1.8 by the Celsius temperature to get the result. Then add 32 to the result to get the final Fahrenheit temperature. ◉ Celsius is a unit of temperature that is used by meteorologists worldwide. It is based on the triple point of water. The melting and boiling points of water are taken as 0°C and 100°C, respectively, so water freezes at 0°C and boils at 100°C at one atmosphere of pressure. ◉ -40° Celsius and fahrenheit are the same in terms of the reading temperatures on the thermometer. ◉ Temperature readings are 0 degrees celsius and 32 degrees fahrenheit.
Formula of Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion ● ºF = (ºC x 9 / 5) + 32 ● ºF = (ºC x 1.8) + 32 ● ºF = Fahrenheit Temperature Scale ● ºC = Celsius Temperature Scale
Celsius versus Fahrenheit. Celsius versus fahrenheit for check b.p and f.p and norma temperature
-273.15 ºC
-459.67 ºF
Absolute zero temperature
-40 ºC
-40 ºF
celsius and fahrenheit thermometer read same at -40º
-17.78 ºC
0 ºF
zero fahrenheit temperature
0 ºC
32 ºF
Freezing of water
0.01 ºC
32.018 ºF
Triple point of water
27 ºC
80.6 ºF
Normal temperature of the room
37 ºC
98.6 ºF
Normal temperature of the human
100 ºC
212 ºF
Boiling point of the water
5600 ºC
10112 ºF
Surface of the sun temperature