Root, Prefix, and Suffix Test
Choose the best answer and write the letter that corresponds with that answer on the line. ________1. Knowing the meaning of the Greek root aero helps the reader understand that “aeronautical” refers to traveling in: A. air B. galaxies C. water ________2. Knowing the Greek root hemi helps the reader understand that the word “hemicycle” means something that is shaped like: A. many circles B. a large circle C. half of a circle ________3. Knowing the meaning of the Greek root biblio helps the reader understand that the word “bibliography” means a list of A. birds B. people C. books ________4. Knowing the meaning of the prefix –post helps the reader understand that the word “postscript” means a note that is A. at the end of a passage B. different from a passage C. in the middle of a passage ________5. Knowing the meaning of the Greek root aero helps the reader understand that exercise that is “aerobic” is exercise that increases the use of: A. air B. bones C. weight ________6. Knowing the prefix semi- helps the reader understand that “semicircle” means A. a half circle B. inside a circle C. many circles
________7. Knowing the Greet root bio helps the reader understand that the word “biology” means the study of: A. words B. time zones C. living things ________8. Knowing the prefix super helps the reader understand that “superstructure” means a structure that is A. smaller than most structures B. built over another structure C. made of many structures ________9. Knowing the Greek root mim helps the reader understand that the word “mimeograph” refers to a machine that makes: A. food B. copies C. music ________10. Knowing the suffix –ant helps the reader understand that the word “defiant” means A. the study of defying B. in the act of defying C. the opposite of defying _________11. Knowing the Greek root geo helps the reader understand that a “geologist” is a person who studies the: A. structure of Earth B. classifications of insects C. cultures of different countries
________12. Knowing the suffix –ess helps the reader understand that the word “tigress” means A. a baby tiger B. many tigers C. a female tiger
________13. Knowing the Greet root chron helps the reader understand that a “chronograph” is a machine that marks things according to: A. length B. time C. distance ________14. Know the meaning of the Greek root hemi helps the reader understand that “hemisphere” means A. half a sphere B. above the sphere C. the opposite of a sphere ________15. Knowing the suffix –ist helps the reader know that the word “conversationalist” means A. the study of conversations B. having the quality of a conversation C. someone who participates in conversations ________16. Knowing the Latin root aqua helps the reader understand that the word “aquanaut” is a scientist who lives A. in a biodome B. in a tree C. under the water _______17. Knowing the Greek root photo helps the reader understand that the word “photosphere” means A. a sphere of light B. inside a sphere C. a very small sphere ________18. Knowing the root graph helps the reader understand that the word “graphology” is the study of A. pie graphs B. handwriting C. books ________19. Knowing the prefix a- helps the reader understand that the word “amoral” means a person A. without morals B. needing morals C. wanting morals
________20. Knowing the Latin root micro helps the reader understand that a “microscope” helps people to see: A. the mind B. small objects C. hard objects
Circle the correct answer. Time
21. The root dem means. . .
22. The suffix –ism means. .
23. The root migr means. . .
24. The root tele means. . .
25. The root phon means. . .
26. The root meter means. . .
27. The prefix mid- means. . .
28. The root mort means. . .
29. The root scrib means. . .
30. The root test means. . .