Curated by Cal & Gary's

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NOVEMBER 9, 2023 - JANUARY 3, 2024

Everyday Gourmet

Embark on a flavour-filled journey with Cal & Gary’s frozen appetizers - the life of the party and the ultimate way to elevate the season.


Starting a

Cal & Gary’s Shrimp or Vegetable Appetizers

Frozen 192-490g Assorted varieties


99 ea

Let the Festivities Begin with Charcuterie Essentials

Founders & Farmers Dried Cranberries or Walnuts 350-400g

Crafting the Perfect Charcuterie Board Visit Calgary Co-op’s Deli, where we curate the finest meats and cheeses. Choose from prosciutto, salami, soppressata, chorizo, and more, each boasting its unique flavour. Mix and match to create a diverse charcuterie experience.

Cal & Gary’s Italian Sliced Meats

70-100g Assorted varieties

No charcuterie board is complete without visting our Cheese Island, housing over 350 cheeses. Experiment with textures and flavours for a wellrounded taste experience.

Founders & Farmers Double Cream Brie or Camembert 300g

Elevate your board by adding honey, fig preserves, olives, pickles, and mixed nuts for the perfect balance. Fruits like grapes, apples, and pears refresh the palate. Presentation matters! Use wooden or marble platters to showcase vibrant colors. Arrange meats in folds, cheeses in wedges, and fill gaps with accompaniments.

Founders & Farmers Sliced Meats 250g Assorted varieties

Cal & Gary’s Fruit or Vegetable Trays Assorted Sizes

Crafting the perfect charcuterie board is an art, and we’re here to help. Choose from our made-to-order tray selection or create your own.

Holiday Cheer Starts With a Joyful Spread

Cal & Gary’s Black Tiger Raw Shrimp Frozen Easy Peel 16/20 Count 340g

Cal & Gary’s Seafood Sauce

or Classic Horseradish 250ml

Cal & Gary’s Empanadas Frozen 320g Assorted varieties

Founders & Farmers Chicken Wings Frozen 900g Assorted varieties

Cal & Gary’s Meatballs

Frozen 680-800g Assorted varieties




Zero Proof, All Fun

Shake Up Your World with Fun & Fizzy Holiday Cocktails


5 minutes Total Time: utes Prep Time: 3 min

Serves: 2

Ingredients: c Kombucha: 1 bottle Orga ni Flavou r er ng Pear and Gi e ic Ju e 4 oz Li m p 3 oz Agave Sy ru and Sa lt m ix rn co er pp Pe nk Pi 1 Pear

Cal & Gary’s Organic Kombucha 500ml Select varieties

: How To Make It rns and sa lt co er pp pe e Muddl s of choice. and ri m glasse lime ju ice into Mix agave and e and shake a shaker w ith ic even amou nts generously. Pour m ri med glasses over ice into 2 ar and Gi nger and top w ith Pe ish w ith fresh Kombucha. Ga rn pear sl ices.

Rosemar y Lem Spark ling Wat on er P

Serves: 4


Tota l Ti me : 35 minutes Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 5 minutes

Ingredients: 1 bottle Sparkl Brin g to a boil in g Spring Wat and let si m mer er - for 1 m in Meyer Lemon ute. Remove fr Flavou r om heat 2 lemons and let steep for 30 m ins. A fter, 1 bu nch Rosem po ur th roug h st ar y Sprigs ra iner into ja r 3 oz rosemar y an d let cool. sy rup 1 cup frozen cr anberries For pu nch, ad d more rosem ar y, How To Make cranberries, le It: mon sl ices an d To make rosem ro se mar y sy rup in ar y sy rup m ix to a serv in g 1 cup su ga r an ju g an d fil l w ith ice. To d 1 cup water p w ith in a pa n w ith 4 ro Sparkl in g Spri semar y sprigs ng Water and . serve.

Cal & Gary’s Sparkling Water 1L Select varieties

Cal & Gary’s In-store Cut Fruit Assorted varieties & sizes

Dish It Up

Showstopping Sides for Every Palate Glazed Maple Srirachaemp Hearts H h it w s Carrot side dish

30- 35 minutes Total Time: utes Prep Time: 5 min 30 minutes 25e: Cook Tim

cut the car rots ug h to ha nd le, and cooled eno . ces into 2” lon g pie Ing red ients: sri racha mi xrup s wit h the maple ton gs, tra nsfer 4 tbsp Maple Sy Toss the car rot on or spo ha d rac tte Sri slo p a h 2 tbs ture and wit ed bak ing sheet, tter, melted a parch ment lin ch ex tra gla ze 1 tbsp Sa lted Bu er the car rots to mu too wd Po ve n ha mi to t ½ tsp Cu bei ng carefu l no sy rup wi ll bu rn . Reser ve the n Powder ¼ tsp Cin na mo on the pan or the sri racha gla ze. wder ple ma ¼ tsp Gin ger Po Ba g ing ain rem er 1 Ca rrot Steam s ted oven for art s in you r prehea 2 tbsp Hemp He Cook the car rot or until the edges have beg un te tas to r ppe tes nu Bla ck Pe mi te 20 ut tas ome thicker. to abo Sa lt the gla ze ha s bec Him alaya n Rock to da rken and of the reserved gla ze after e som h wit Ba ste It: How To Ma ke n to 425’ Fa hrenheit 10 mi nutes. Preheat you r ove g dish, sea son , rup rots to a ser vin ple sy n ma the er eth Tra nsfer the car d bla ck pepper and Him alaya isk tog wh , pot d an all in sm cke In a , cum ain ing wit h fresh cra d butter, gin ger zzle wit h the rem . dri te, tas sri racha , melte ng to a boi l. Set aside. to t rts p hea rock sal bri le wit h the hem cin na mon and gla ze and spr ink and the microwave ked in bag er am . When coo Pla ce the ste s for 2-3 mi nutes cook the car rot

Serves: 2-4 as


Roasted Br usse Walnuts and Cr ls w ith Pancetta, anberr y Total Time: Serves: 4 as a 25 minutes sid e dish

Ing red ients: 4oz pancetta or bacon , cut into 1 Steamer Ba g 1” lon g str ips Br ¼ cup dried cra ussels Sprouts nberr ies ¼ cup wa lnut pie ces 2 tbsp butter 2 tbsp wh ite wi ne vinega r or lem ½ tsp cra cked on juice bla ck pepper How To Ma ke It: Preheat you r ove n to 375’ Fa hre nheit Cut the sprout s in ha lf len gth wi se. In a large cast iro over mediu m hea n pan* fry the pancetta str ips Set aside leavin t until browned and cri spy. g and pla ce you r the rendered fat in the pan bru in a sin gle layer. ssels sprouts, cut side dow n, oven and cook Tra nsfer to you r preheated for around 15 mi nutes until well

Prep Time: 5 min utes Cook Time: 20 minutes

roa sted and ten der, flippin g the 10 mi nutes. sprouts after Wh ile the sprout s wa lnuts in a dry are cookin g, toa st you r Once they are pan over mediu m-low heat. lig htly toa sted, sti r in the butte wh ite wi ne vin ega r, pepper and rem r, cra nberr ies and bla ck ove from heat. When the sprout s wa lnut mi xtu re, are cooked , toss wit h the top wit h the cri tra nsfer to a ser vin g bowl an d spy pancetta. *If you don’t ha ve sprouts, you can a pan large enoug h for the pancetta fat plu toss them in the rendered s 1 tsp canola oil on a bak ing she and cook them et method wi ll tak lined wit h parch ment. Th is e a few mi nutes lon ger to cook.




Cal & Gary’s Chickpea Chips


EARN Cal & Gary’s Steam and Eat Vegetables Select varieties



Cal & Gary’s Quinoa

454g Assorted varieties

Cal & Gary’s Salads

120g Select varieties

Select varieties and sizes


Cal & Gary’s Hemp Hearts 454g



Founders & Farmers Pulses 900g Select varieties

Green Gifting

Sustainable and Organic Stocking Stuffers for a Planet-Friendly Holiday! Lather Yourself in Award-Winning Sustainability Indulge in Cal & Gary’s Carbon Capture Bar Soap and enjoy all natural ingredients that are good for you, and the environment! With our clean carbon capture program, we’re removing more than 6 tonnes of atmospheric carbon dioxide and reclaiming it into a unique, sustainable soap your skin will rejoice in.

Cal & Gary’s Carbon Capture Bar Soap 130g Assorted varieties

599 ea

Cal & Gary’s Tea

15 Pack Select varieties

Cal & Gary’s Organic Fairtrade Coffee Ground or Whole Bean 340g

Cal & Gary’s Organic Cold Ground Spices 50g Select varieties

Double the Delicious One Cut, Two Mouthwatering Meals

Bottom Sirloin Tri-Tip Oven Roast or Grilling Steak Cut from Canada AA Beef

This holiday season is filled with joy and celebrations, but it can get hectic. We have a solution - one roast, two recipes. First, achieve mouthwatering medium-rare perfection with a low-temperature, oven-baked, reverse-sear method for a classic roast—a true showstopper for your holiday feast. And the magic continues with the leftovers, as you craft gourmet tri-tip roast beef sliders featuring zesty horseradish and creamy camembert. It’s an elevated meal for the day after, saving you time during this busy season.

Cal & Gary’s Pacific White Cooked or Raw Shrimp

Cal & Gary’s Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil 500ml

Frozen Assorted Count Sizes 340g

Cal & Gary’s Organic Pickles Pickled Beets or Pickled Jalapenos 500ml

Tri-Tip Sliders Horseradish an w ith d Camembert Serves: 3-6 Ing red ients: ¼ cup cla ssic hor 2 tbsp organ ic serad ish ma 2 tbsp tra dition ple sy rup al 10 -12 oz tri-tip dijon mu sta rd roa 30 0g camember st beef, sliced thi n t, cut into slices 6 mi ni brioche bu ns, spl it

ip Slow Roast Tri-T Serves: 4-6

hou rs 1 hou r to 1 ½ Total Time: utes Prep Time: 5 min minutes 15 r hou 1 r to Cook Time: 1 hou

a Ing red ients: 1 ½ tbsp paprik der 2 lb tri-tip roa st der 2 tsp garlic pow pow oil in ola tbsp can 1 tbsp cum n pin k salt 2 ya ala Him tsp 2 ck pepper 2 tsp ground bla powder 1 tsp cin na mon 2 tbsp butter

Total Time: 8 minutes Prep Time: 5 min ute Cook Time: 3 min s utes

How To Ma ke It: In a sm all bow l combine the hor sy rup and dijon serad ish , maple and mi x well. Cut you r brioch e side wit h the hor bu ns in ha lf and spread eac h roa st beef on the serad ish sauce. Div ide the ber t on the top bottom ha lves and the camem s. the cheese ha s Toast in a toa ster oven until me bu ns have sof ten lted sli ghtly and the brioche ed, aro un d 2-3 mi nutes. Co each bottom wit ver h a top and enj oy!

n a heavy cast iro ha s rested , in After the roa st oil over mediu m d an r tte bu ski llet, melt the ick ly sea r the roa st on all hig h heat and qu h the butter and oil from wit sides, bastin g the pan .

e sea rin g. No tes: know n as revers first and Th is method is wn ing the meat w cooked and bro n tha r ll It: the Ra How To Ma ke n to 250º Fa hrenheit and pu oven, thi s is slo fin ish ing it in the . Tri-tip is a good choice for Preheat you r ove refrigerator. Pat dry and end of the browned at the few different rea son s. First the tri-tip from room temperatu re. Combine a thi s method for lar sh aped cut, wh ich mean s allow to come to d pepper in a sm all bowl and e egu irr rat an all , it’s an a different the spices, salt tri-tip. Tra nsfer the roa st to ts wi ll cook at the thi nner par par ts. By cookin g the roa st ma ssa ge into the a wi re rack and pla ce on the thicker the h n k throu ghout. st wit tha roa n pan until the a sheet a more eve coo s a tendency you r oven. Cook for rare, wly, it en su res ha slo it so , cut centre rack of 0º a lea ner ern al temp of 12 p. Lower Also, tri-tip is rea ches an int rare and 130º for mediu m, ked at a hig h tem m the to dry out if coo ult in less moisture loss and 125º for mediu an hour. When to res ps tes nu tem mi g 45 cookin approx im ately d, remove from atu re is rea che foi l. Allow to a juicier roa st. desired temper sely cover wit h loo d an n ove the . tes nu rest for 10 mi

Cal & Gary’s Organic Pure Maple Syrup 370ml

Go Global For Effortless Weeknight Meals

Cu rr Chickpea Yellow Serves: 4


30 Minutes Total Time: Minutes Prep Time: 10 Minutes 20 e: Cook Tim

Ing red ients: d and rin sed ick pea s, dra ine 1 can organ ic ch ½ lime ion , diced ¼ cup yel low on , cru shed 2 cloves garlic ½ tsp paprik a 2 tsp coconut oil gar 1 tsp brown su powder 1 tsp tur meric in ¼ tsp ground cum der ¼ tsp ch ili pow mi lk 1 can coconut rice, option al 2 cups basmati al 4 na an , option , for gar nish Fresh cil antro

It: How To Ma ke garlic and wit h a lid , cook . 1. I n a large pot t in coconut oil hea m diu me d yel low on ion on tra nslucent an til un t hea m Cook on mediu fra gra nt. cum in, ch ili powder, ground s 2. Add tur meric gar, and ch ick pea su wn bro a, powder, paprik nt, sti rri ng gra fra til un k to the pan , coo frequent ly. d let sim mer for mi lk, cover, an y. 3. Add coconut sti r occasion all to g nin ope , 15 -20 mi nutes e lime on top. eez squ t, hea 4. Remove from to packa ge rice accord ing 5. Cook basmati instruction s. , ser ve wit h h fresh cil antro 6. Garn ish wit d enjoy! an an na or e basmati ric

Cal & Gary’s Naan Traditional or Garlic 200g or 600g

Cal & Gary’s Rice 907g Select varieties

Cal & Gary’s Organic Beans or Chickpeas 398ml Select varieties

Cal & Gary’s White Corn Tortillas 450g

Founders & Farmers Spices 75-130g Select varieties

Simplify the Season Easy Meals to Conquer the Holiday Hustle

Make this holiday season about flavour, family, and fun. Here are three quick and easy meal ideas, so you can savour every moment: Classic Pot Roast Dinner: Enjoy slow-cooked tender beef pot roast with veggies. Serve with warm brioche buns for a comforting and quick meal. Creamy Ham and Potato Soup: Warm up with a creamy ham and potato soup. Add roasted potatoes and top with brioche croutons for a cozy, flavourful meal. Carrot Pesto Pasta: Cook pasta, sauté carrot ribbons, blend with marinara, serve and top with parmesan for an easy weeknight dinner. Looking to add more protein? Try Cal & Gary’s Meatballs on top!

Founders & Farmers Beef Pot Roast

550g or Pulled Pork 650g Fully Cooked Previously Frozen




Founders & Farmers Carrots 2lb or 5lb Alberta Grown Canada No. 1

Cal & Gary’s Mini Potatoes Founders & Farmers Boneless Dinner Ham

Assorted varieties Product of Western Canada Canada No. 1

Honey Ham or Black Forest 800g

Cal & Gary’s Brioche Loaf

or Mini Buns 200-500g Select varieties

Cal & Gary’s Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil

750ml or Vinegar 500ml or Balsamic Glaze 250ml

Founders & Farmers Potatoes

5-10lb Bags Select varieties Grown in Western Canada Canada No. 1

Cal & Gary’s Artisan Pasta

Assorted varieties 500g

Cal & Gary’s Marinara Sauce

or Arrabbiata Sauce 750ml

Crepes for Every Craving

From midnight munchies to brunch bliss, DIY or ready-made, we have crepes for every taste.

Cal & Gary’s Crepes 540-630g Select varieties

Tip: Make your own sweet or savoury creations using our plain crepes.

Whisk Up Some Holiday Magic With All The Best Ingredients Cal & Gary’s Flour 1-2kg Select varieties

Founders & Farmers Baking Items

Cal & Gary’s Butter

Assorted varieties & sizes

Sweet Treats

Your favourite holiday indulgences


Cal & Gary’s Eggs 12 Pack

Founders & Farmers All Butter Shortbread 500g

Cal & Gary’s English Chocolate & Toffee

1299 ea


Cal & Gary’s Ice Cream 500ml Select varieties

499 ea

1199 ea

Cal & Gary’s Bagged Candy 150-200g

Founders & Farmers Swiss Milk Chocolate

With Honey & Almond Nougat 400g

799 ea

From Sugar & Spice to Everything Nice Find Your Perfect Holiday Slice in our Bakery

Founders & Farmers Sweet Selections Cookie Tray

Cal & Gary’s Butter Tarts Original or Pecan 480-510g

24 Pack

Cal & Gary’s Cheesecakes

600g Select varieties

Cal & Gary’s Portuguese Tarts Founders & Farmers Cookies


Founders & Farmers Festive Cake

450-550g Select varieties

12 Pack Select varieties

Founders & Farmers Almond Coffee Ring 454g

Founders & Farmers Pies 10 inch Select varieties



NOVEMBER 9, 2023 - JANUARY 3, 2024

From November 9, 2023 to January 3, 2024


from every sale of this item will be donated to your local food bank*

Let the holidays be about joy, not stress. Shop for everything you need online, and we’ll deliver the festive cheer to your doorstep.

Cal & Gary’s Chocolate Pecan Clusters 340g


99 ea

*Up to a maximum of $10,000

At Participating Stores ....... Prices in effect November 9, 2023 - January 3, 2024 at all Calgary Co-op locations excluding the High River location. All advertised limits are applicable per household, while supplies last. No rainchecks. During a sale, Calgary Co-op Food Stores make every effort to supply sufficient advertised merchandise to meet your needs. Because of circumstances beyond our control, some items may be out of stock. Also, due to the size of some Calgary Co-op Food Stores, a complete line of advertised items may not be carried. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by these shortages. Although we strive for complete accuracy in our advertising, errors sometimes can occur. When an error is discovered, a correction notice will be posted in Calgary Co-op Food Stores to bring the error to your attention. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All items may not be available in all stores. Actual items may vary slightly from illustrations. Some illustrations are serving suggestions only. GST is extra where applicable. Certain items may be subject to additional recycling or deposit fees. *Calgary Co-op app download and registration required. All items with a percentage bonus offer apply to the purchase price paid excluding deposit, environmental and taxes where applicable. For eCommerce, earned Calgary Co-op Bonus Cash is based on your fulfillment date. Visit for contest rules and additional terms and conditions. Health information is provided for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional health advice. This general information is not intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional. Any information, advice, or suggestions given by Calgary Co-op staff is not a replacement for medical advice from your Doctor, Dentist, or professional Practitioner. Consult with your healthcare professional with any questions you may have.

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