2019 Calgary Service Provider Executive Nominations The following members are continuing their two-year term as Executive: Ryan Geake, Kathryn Melrose, and Elaine Yost. Due to an Executive Council member joining to cover for an Executive member who could not complete her term, members are asked to consider a nomination for the second year of a two-year term for Tracey Reece. To ensure we have half of the full slate renewed in alternate years, Erin Waite’s name is put forward for a one-year term. Nominations for a one-year term: Tracey Reece, Director, Residential & Day Services, Calgary Alternative Support Services Through her 20-year career in the human services profession at Tracey has demonstrated commitment to supporting adults with disabilities. She is continuously seeking to gain more skills and broadening her education by completing her Masters of Social Work within the next five years. Tracey was born and raised in Calgary and is fun, light-hearted, and always up for an adventure. Erin Waite, Agency Director at Connections Erin’s leadership at Connections followed a career in corporate communications. Erin has grown Connections, quadrupling the number of families supported, and creating a Financial Coach program. Erin active in an advocacy role and is on the ACDS Board, a Bow Valley College Disability Studies advisory, Calgary’s Social Policy Collaborative and volunteers on the board of Decidedly Jazz Danceworks and with involvement in Ask Her YYC, and at the Calgary International Film Festival. Nominations for a two-year term: Heather-Anne Boer, Director of Programs and Service Delivery, CLAS Heather’s background includes working within the elementary school systems, developing job profiles and competency models for various workforces, as well as administration within Higher Education. Heather is completing her Doctorate of Education specifically focusing on the needs of the workforce within the developmental disability in Alberta. Alexi Davis, Director of Programs, Prospect Human Services Alexi has over 15 years’ experience in human services, designing award-winning services that engage stakeholders across sectors. At Prospect he leads innovative diversity projects, including services immersed in the arts and outdoors. Alexi participates on a number of councils, including the Calgary Employment First Network (CEFN), Calgary Council of Addiction and Mental Health (CCAMH), and the Immigrant Language and Vocational Assessment Referral Centre (ILVARC) Advisory Committee. Helene de Klerk, Owner and Executive Director, New Age Services Helene has a plethora of experience in working with vulnerable populations with 25 years working with persons with developmental disabilities. She has carried out many roles in the sector, continuing CET Team Leader Surveyor, chaired the Accessible Housing Committee, member of Work Force Council, and a member of PDD’s Complex Need Committee. 1 of 2
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John Eng, Director of Operations, L’Arche John, as a CPA and CGA, has managed in both the private and non-profit sectors. John has extensive experience working as finance director for various organizations such as, Ontario March of Dimes, Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care (Toronto), Kerry’s Place Autism Services, and seniors care and accommodation at St. Paul’s L’Amoreaux Centre. John’s goal is to ensure that administration serves to provide individuals with disabilities a good quality of life and a dignified position in society. Bruce Skorobohach, Director – Community Support Services Department, Columbia College Bruce has worked in Community Disability Services for over 35 years and over 30 years in his current role. Bruce and his team of 45 professional, passionate, and dedicated staff, provide employment and community access services for over 125 adults with developmental disabilities. Bruce is a Registered Social Worker, and a Certified Career Development Professional through the Career Development Association of Alberta.