Calgary SP Council 2015 AGM Minutes

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Calgary Service Provider 2015 Annual Meeting MINUTES June 17 , 2015 CALL TO ORDER: 11 am - Meeting called to order. Welcome and thanks very much for coming to the annual general meeting of the Service Provider Council. Today we’ll have a brief meeting to conduct the business of the annual meeting. We’ll then have a bit of socializing along with a barbecue lunch. And then we’ll re-convene to hear from Kerry Towle. When I reviewed all of the agenda and minutes from meetings, it was clear how often our meetings are about sharing what we don’t know rather than what we know. We’ve lived now for years under a degree of uncertainty that is paralysing. I can’t imagine what it is like for a family or individual not comfortable with systems and processes to get the services they need. With the new government in place, I think it will take us all some time to work through an entirely new language. We have had the need for ‘business case’ language throughout what we do, even though that was never a fit. Is that gone? Can we talk about what we do in terms of rights and justice, needs and supports rather than a business case? Of course money is a factor, but can the money discussion be about value? The new government, however, allows us to see a potential for change – perhaps significant change. Yet Rachel Notley’s main talking point is ‘stability.’ An irony there. This really will take some time to figure out what the new government will mean for our sector. For now, meetings of the various committees at the provincial PDD level are continuing and all of the ‘transformation’ initiatives are also continuing. There is no news on the safety regulations issue, although some signs of new recognition that there is a problem. Meetings are continuing with the same people and the same direction. Bottom-line, we can all be more hopeful with a new government led by someone who spent a great deal of time learning about our sector’s issues and the challenges with the government support system for people with disabilities. But our concerns have to compete with a great many other social issues, plus the pressures of the economy. Advocacy can’t stop and advocacy doesn’t end when a friendly government is elected. As we know, supporting a successful and full life doesn’t happen because of policy, or even money, for that matter. It’s a lot more complicated and a lot has to come together in the right way for the right reasons in order to maintain and sustain good quality supports. Even if we start to see policy that we think is right and helpful, there will be much more to do. The most hopeful aspect of our new government is the stated and re-stated commitment to listen – to listen to a broad range of voices. This commitment will be challenged by the long list of things to do, the need to demonstrate progress and meet real deadlines required by budgets and fiscal year ends. Our sector will need to up our game: To be smart about consulting within our sector and being efficient and effective in how we bring forward our collective wisdom. I hope we all feel a new energy for this work. It will be extremely valuable for us to continue to listen as well. Today we have a chance to hear a first-hand experience about advocating for seniors and other support systems from Kerry Towle,

former MLA for Innisfail/Sylvan Lake. Kerry was extremely effective while in opposition. When we reconvene after lunch, I’ll introduce Kerry so that we can have a discussion about what she learned from her time in office bringing attention to an often over-looked population of Albertans. I’d now like to quickly run through the formal business of today’s meeting. MOTION FOR APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: May I call for a MOTION: to approve the agenda. Moved by Elaine Yost All in Favour? Against? Approved

Seconded Jayne Myatt

MOTION FOR APPROVAL OF MINUTES: One of the items in your AGM information are the Minutes from last year’s annual meeting May I call for a MOTION: Moved by All in Favour? Approved

to approve the 2013 Annual General Meeting minutes. Alexi Davis Seconded by Debi Lefaivre Against?

REPORTS An annual report for the past year was provided for this meeting. The longest section in it is the report by our Workforce Council which is a reflection of that large, diverse base of people who volunteer to focus on issues related to working in our sector and for agencies to hire and retain staff. The Workforce Council in each region and provincially are undergoing a strategic process. With an almost endless number of issues they could be addressing, the Councils at the provincial and regional levels are working hard to focus their efforts and identify priorities so that they can make meaningful progress. By the fall, we will be able to see the articulated strategy provincially and regionally. I’d like to thank the members of the Workforce Council for their hard work and meetings on our behalf and I encourage everyone to read the report on their activity so you can appreciate the work that is going on on your behalf. PRESENTATION OF 2014 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: I’d like to thank Dianne Jackson of Resicare for the work she’s done on behalf of all of our agencies to manage our Council finances. Dianne’s report on our financial condition, which is fine, is in the annual report. In Dianne’s absence today, I will present them for her. Dianne noted that membership fees more than cover the costs for meetings. Much of the activity that goes on has no cost – like surveys, report-writing and manning various committees. As a result we have a good cash position to put to any new initiatives that arise. Thanks to Dianne for her years of work as our Treasurer. She has chosen not to continue in the role and so I’ll be sure to acknowledge her support at our first meeting in the fall.

2015 Annual Meeting Script


I’ll now call for the APPROVAL OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: May I call for a MOTION to approve the Financial Statements for 2014. Moved by Jayne Myatt Seconded Ryan Geake All in Favour? Against? APPROVED EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE NOMINATIONS: Our Executive Committee has met each month, one week ahead of our general Council membership meeting. At the Executive meeting, we discuss what is coming up, and share information from around the regions and through ACDS channels. These meetings give us an opporutnity to discuss the agenda for the general membership Council meetings the following week and to talk about other initiatives and opportuniites that we hope will be of value to the full membership. I want to thank the members of the current Executive for their time. The Executive is set up with two-year appointments with half of the committee up for renewal each year. Going forward, members of the Committee who will be continuing into their second year are Ryan Geake, Elaine Yost, Darlene Murphy, Jayne Myatt, Helene de Klerk and Debi Lefaivre. This year we have two members who are putting their names forward for Executive: Garth Reesor from L’Arche and Karen Faint from Rehoboth. The meeting handouts included a page with brief bios of the people putting their names forward this year. I’d now like to ask for a mortion to nominate the members of Executive who have agreed to put their names forward this year. May I call for a MOTION the Executive. Moved by All in Favour? Approved

to nominate Alexi Davis, Karen Faint, Garth Reesor, Jill Winters, and me to Elaine Yost Against?

ADJOURNMENT: May I call for a MOTION to adjourn the annual meeting. Moved by Ryan Geake All in Favour? Against? Approved

Seconded by

Helene de Klerk

Seconded Alexi Davis

Meeting adjourned at 11:18 am.

2015 Annual Meeting Script


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