513 Rules of Conduct 513.06 Company-Supplied Mobile Devices CREATED: October 2007 LAST REVIEWED: February 2017
MANUAL: PERSONNEL Revision number: 0 Page No. 1 of 2 LAST REVISED:
POLICY STATEMENT: Prospect has adopted this policy to govern the use of company-supplied mobile devices in the workplace. For the purposes of this policy, Mobile Devices refers to cell phones, smart phones, tablets, iPads and all other forms of portable communications devices used for business purposes. Company-supplied cell phones are issued to employees who deal primarily with clients and/or employers and are required to conduct business away from their office during and/or after business hours. Other mobile devices are deployed to employees based on job function and requirements of the position, with approval from Human Resources. Data Plans: Prospect has comprehensive cell phone plans for use within Canada that have sufficient capacity to handle work-related matters and limited personal use. Employees are required to adhere to the following processes when utilizing company supplied phones: Access Wi-Fi at home and in any open Wi-Fi areas to reduce data usage. If Wi-Fi is available in Prospect office in which the employee works, the IT department will set the phone up on Prospect’s Wi-Fi. Leave the cell phone at home when travelling outside Canada. If an employee is required to be available when travelling outside Canada, they must ask the head of Finance for permission to add a temporary roaming plan to the phone. Reimburse Prospect for personal use that exceeds plan limits. Acceptable Use: The company defines acceptable business use as activities that directly or indirectly support the business of Prospect. See Computer, Email and Internet Policy 512.07 for further information. Prospect reserves the right to revoke this privilege if users do not abide by the company’s policies and procedures. Employees are strictly prohibited from using mobile devices: While at any work site at which the operation of such device would be a distraction to the user and/or could create an unsafe work environment. Prospect employees entering work sites for companies in which Prospect does business must abide by the policies and procedures on the work site. To store company data (including audio and video) using the devices mass storage capacity unless authorized to do so. If authorized, the employee is required to delete the related data as soon as it has been utilized for the intended purpose. Sensitive data should not be kept beyond 24 hours. For taking photographs of company facilities or personnel without first obtaining express written permission from the company. Cellular phones can be a distraction in the workplace. To ensure the effectiveness of meetings, employees are asked to turn phones to silent and limit their use to urgent communications only.
513 Rules of Conduct 513.06 Company-Supplied Mobile Devices CREATED: October 2007 LAST REVIEWED: February 2017
MANUAL: PERSONNEL Revision number: 0 Page No. 2 of 2 LAST REVISED:
Excessive personal calls and texts during the workday, regardless of the phone used, can interfere with employee productivity and be distracting to others. Employees are directed to limit personal calls and texts during work time, and use personal cellular phones only during scheduled breaks or lunch periods in non-working areas. Operating Motor Vehicles: When operating a motor vehicle, employees are governed by provincial laws regarding the use of mobile devices when driving. If allowed in the province in which they work, the use of hands-free mobile phones should be kept to a minimum. When using hands-free, employees should: Pull over and stop; Allow a passenger to operate the phone; Use voice mail and respond to the call at a safer time; or Let someone else drive, allowing the employee to safely make or receive calls. Employees are solely responsible for any fines and/or charges laid by the authorities for illegal use of a mobile device while operating a vehicle in the course of their employment. Employees who choose to violate the policy will face disciplinary measures up to termination, or face legal responsibility, if in the course and scope of their duties they are involved in a car accident and there is evidence that they were using their mobile device while driving. Security: Employees are responsible for the safe keeping, care, and custody of the company-supplied mobile device(s) that has been assigned to them. If the device is lost, stolen or damaged, employees may be asked to pay for repairs or replacement unless the employee supplies sufficient proof that the device was lost, stolen or damaged outside their control. If the employee’s mobile device is lost or stolen, Prospect’s IT department must be notified immediately so that appropriate action can be taken to safeguard company information. To prevent unauthorized access, devices must be password protected using the features of the device. The device must be set to lock itself with a password or PIN if it is idle for one minute or more. If the employee’s mobile device is lost or stolen, Prospect’s IT or Human Resources department must be notified by phone immediately so that appropriate action can be taken to safeguard company information. Employees are prohibited from downloading, installing or using an application that presents security or legal risks to sensitive corporate information. The IT department can provide employees with more information on such risks.