SP Council Meeting Minutes JAN2017

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CRSPCC Called Meeting Wednesday, January 11, 2017 Location: Prospect Human Services

Minutes In attendance: Erin Waite, Ann Sims, Jill Winters, Todd Rich, Darlene Murphy, Deanna Rachkewich, Norma Wibling, Kevin Menin, Ann-Marie Latoski, Diane Dmytryshyn, Bill Forman, Garth Reesor, Adrienne Sabourin, Jayne Myatt, Bruce Skorobohach, Pam McGladdery, Joanne Hart Sweazey, Elaine Yost, Lenni Rae, Mickey Greiner, Neemi Kassan, Nathan Van Norman, Aaron Semkuley, Mylaine Tsapeailis, Joan Lee, Ed Quiring, Denise Young

1. Welcome and Approval of Agenda – Service Provider Council Chair, Erin Waite opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. The agenda was acceped as circulated. 2. Approval of Minutes: Motion by Aaron Semkuley and seconded by Kevin Menin that the minutes of the November 2016 meeting be approved as circulated. CARRIED. 3. New Contract Discussion – Todd Rich - promised that the contract would be released at the beginning of January but it hasn’t been as yet, appears to be stalled at the Minister’s office - contract committee is not permitted to disseminate the contract - will have a series of meetings around the province for questions/answers after the contract is sent out to agencies - In the Issues & Concerns Tracker, areas in green don’t necessarily mean that the issue has been resolved, sometimes it has just been discussed - problems lie in the first three areas of the tracker: 1. Some of the terms seem to support an “Agent” relationship between Human Services & Service Providers rather than an “Independent Contractor” relationship; 2. Flat rate for administration and the right to expense and manage these administrative funds; and 3. The elimination of service providers being able to retain surplus funds annually as well as the requirement for service providers to repay deemed surpluses at the end of the contract term. At the end of the contract term the government decides what is surplus. - can move up to 20% of funds between areas as long as funds are not for capital costs or to provide bonuses for senior staff - still no real determination of what is administration and what is not – fee for service vs service delivery - the government appears to only want to pay for services to the client – the amount that is allocated for that one client - service providers really are a hybrid between fee for service and block funding - contract represents a fundamental shift in who you are contracting with - see a term with that one client, or the length of term of your contract, which is why capital expenditures are not allowed - allowed to move surplus (with restrictions) during your contract term which could be 1-3

years - contract itself doesn’t deal with funding, deals with how you provide services - at the end of the contract term both the government or the agency may elect to not renew contract, which could cause havoc to people’s lives - PDD can still make decisions but within the framework of the GOA, PDD understands the impact on people’s lives - intent is that the business model we are currently working under will stay the same - PDD Budget includes Manpower (front line, service delivery, administration); Administration (operational, capital assets) and Ancillary Program Costs - Budget will inform what we report on annually - Auditor’s report on the statement, no mention of audited financial statements - funding models are very diverse throughout the province - many issues are waiting for the Q & A for clarification – will probably release the Q & A document at the time they do the cross-province meetings around the new contract - PMF reporting is changing with the new contract, the new framework doesn’t deal with outcomes but is a report of goal attainment - Program Logic Model and reporting on outcomes has been shelved for the time being - when contract and Q & A is released the Issues/Concerns Tracker and Position Paper may need to change - may need to have a meeting or conference call between receiving the contract/Q & A and attending the government cross-province meetings so that we are not caught at the meetings unprepared - have heard that there may be a 2-5% cut in the new budget, not known if this will be across the board to all agencies or not 4. Housing Update / Supportive Living Accommodation Standard Review - Ann Nicol was unable to attend the meeting today - it was decided to form a committee to look at this and report back to Service Provider Council - Pam McGladdery from URSA will coordinate the committee, various agencies agreed to be involved with the committee (Larche, Supported Lifestyles, Scope, Wheatland, Vecova, CSPD, URSA, Resicare) Safety Standards - all of the safety standards are no longer in effect, homes with people with disabilities are considered to be no different than for the general public (other than homes for 4 or more clients) 5. Update on Communication Project: Workshops, Plan, Grant Received – Erin Waite - please sign up for the workshops if you haven’t yet, we are really encouraging two people from each agency to attend - workshop fee is paid by Service Provider Council, agencies will be invoiced $15.00 per person for lunch - $5,000 grant has been received from the Calgary Foundation for a Communication Strategic Plan 6. Committees and Other Updates 6.1 – ACDS – Ann Nicol was unable to attend this meeting 6.2 – Workforce Council – see report attached with these minutes 6.3 – ADWA – See report attached with these minutes


7. Other Information - Chiefs of Staff were shuffled before Christmas, now Adrienne King, Chief of Staff for Minister of Human Services - a letter was sent from Council with congratulations and offering help or compiling information if needed - Carbon Levy Rebate – grant announced for energy efficiency projects/upgrades. Government doesn’t seem to understand that agencies are more concerned with the ongoing rise in expenses - information about the carbon levy needs to go out in plain language format so that clients can understand about the rebate 8. Adjournment - the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 am. 9. Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 8, 2017 – 9:30 am – Prospect

NOTE: All Service Provider Council documents are available at the website: calgaryserviceprovidercouncil.org


ADWA update January 2017 We will unveil our new website later this month (same location as before at www.adwa.ca). The new design is mobile friendly, making it easier to access our resources from any device. We have also beefed up the website with expanded information on ethics, certification, worker rights and responsibilities and professional development resources. You will still be able to access our archive of previously published E-Bulletins. We also continue to provide free advertisement of available jobs for service providers and family-managed services. Our links include one of the sites most requested by service provider management: the PDD Program Manual, which contains PDD's mission, official mandate and things they can be held accountable for. In addition to the improved website, we also have a whole new member management system attached to it. This element will allow us to operate our certification process by supporting candidates to apply online for certification (free during the pilot) and upload documents as evidence for meeting the core competency standards.

Calgary Workforce Council Update December 2016 Diversity Sub-Committee - The survey drafted by the sub-committee was delayed in being sent to service providers. With the holiday season upon us, the survey will be sent out in February. - A meeting will be explored with the Centre for Newcomers for the February committee meeting to learn about resources available to service providers. Succession Planning Sub-Committee - The sub-committee continues to work on the development of a succession planning tool. Currently, the committee is identifying the skills needed in the core competencies and job specific competencies for CEO, director and manager/coordinator positions. Competency Field Test - The report for the competency field test is being finalized. A report will be distributed to the workforce councils upon completion. Provincial Workforce Council Update - Provincial Workforce Council met on November 16, 2016 in Leduc. o Ann provided updates regarding both procurement within the disability services sector and the work of the contract committee as well as the safety standards report. o The co-chairs of the PWFC will be connecting with membership through ACDS to gather information regarding what is wanted from the workforce council and workforce messaging (current issues and how to obtain more minister support). - Calgary Workforce Council discussed inviting the co-chairs of the Provincial Workforce Council to one of the Calgary meetings for an update on provincial strategic priorities and the areas Calgary has identified to focus on.


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