2016 Annual General Meeting Wednesday, 8 June 2016 Minutes Attendees: Alexi Davis, Helene De Klerk, Tim Dmytryshyn, Diane Dmytryshy, Karen Faint, Aurea Centeno, Ryan Geake, Dyann Gould, Elaine Yost, Clova Lehr, Doreen Hogarth, Pamela Grotkowski, Dianne Jackson, Nicole Jackson, Jeff Dyer, Maline Jenkinson, Debbie Johnston, Vivene Parkinson, Ann-Marie Latoski, Clova Lehr, Pam McGladdery, Kevin Menin, Darlene Murphy, Neemi Kassam, Judy Galbraith, Darlene Murphy, Jayne Myatt, Ed Quiring, Garth Reesor, JohnEng, Adrienne Sabourin, Neal Sabourin, Aaron Semkuley, Aaron Semkuley, Bruce Skorobohach, Michael Campbell, Erin Waite, Norma Wisbling, Denise Young, Kathleen Biersdorff, Ann Sims, Troy Lacher, Debi Lefaivre 1. Welcome and Call to Order: Erin Waite, Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:20 pm. 2. Approval of Agenda: MOTION by Elaine Yost and seconded by Jane Myatt that the agenda be approved as circulated. CARRIED. 3. Approval of the 2015 AGM Minutes: MOTION by Alexi Davis and seconded by Ryan Geake that the minutes of the 2013 CRSPCC Annual General Meeting be approved as circulated. CARRIED. 4. Reports: the Chair and Committee reports were presented to membership. 5. Financial Report: MOTION by Jane Myatt and seconded by Ryan Geake that the 2015/16 CRSPCC Financial Statements be accepted as presented. CARRIED. 6. Election of Directors: Biographies for the seven nominees were presented. Call for nominations from the floor was repeated three times. MOTION by Garth Reesor and seconded by Karen Faint that the following individuals be elected to the CRSPCC executive: Ryan Geake, Elaine Yost, Darlene Murphy, Jayne Myatt, Helene deKlerk, Aaron Semkuley and Mickey Greiner. CARRIED. 7. Adjournment: MOTION by Aaron Semkuley and seconded by Debi LeFaivre that the meeting be adjourned at 1:30 pm. CARRIED. Guest Speaker The meeting was followed by an interactive session with special guest, Pat Firminger, newly appointed Regional Executive Director as she offered information about the restructuring in the region using Alberta Supports. In addition, each agency introduced themselves, gave information about their program and stated areas they would like to see improved or focused on in the future.