SP Council Meeting AGENDA Jan2018

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Service Provider Council Meeting Wed. January 10, 2017 9:30 am to 11:30 am Location: Prospect at 915 33 Street NE


Welcome and introductions


Changes or additions to Agenda? Approval of Minutes from November 2017 meeting


Developing a common agenda – see next page


Government/Policy updates: 4. 1 Contract update: Additional Council meeting planned for February 4. 2 Bill 17 – Labour Code – new employment standards in place – impact?


Storybank Project update – Erin Waite


Committee and other updates 5.1 Supportive Living Accommodation Standards Review – Pam McGladdery 5.2 ADWA – Denise Young 5.3 ACDS – Andrea Hesse



NEXT UP: Special Meeting: February TBA – Contracts Service Provider Council regular meeting: Wed. March 14 COUNCIL INFORMATION: Calgaryserviceprovidercouncil.org – now includes Workforce Council info.

SP Council Executive Committee: Erin Waite (Chair), Jayne Myatt (Past Chair), Alexi Davis (Treasurer), John Eng, Helene deKlerk, Ryan Geake, Mickey Greiner, Todd Rich, Aaron Semkuley, Bruce Skorobohach, (Secretary) Elaine Yost

Developing a Common Agenda We now have an open door to communicate our reality providing services and managing agencies to those in the Ministry who set policy – the Deputy Minister and Assistant Deputy Ministers. This is a new channel of communication to people who are brand new to their portfolios. Deputy Minister, Shannon Marchand, and Assistant Deputy Ministers, John Stinson (Policy, including for AISH and FSCD) and Cynthia Farmer (Program Delivery, all contracts and service delivery including related to AISH and FSCD), are all expressing keen interest in ‘how things work’ – not at the top, in terms of policy, but how it all translates on the ground, for agencies and to the individuals we serve. Their challenge in understanding our sector is its complexity – they are hearing lots but also lots of conflicting and contradictory information. Our challenge in conveying information to them is the complexity – do we have singular, consistent messages to convey? To be more effective, we have to start taking responsibility for our own messages and information and ensure that we are ready to respond when asked for solutions. To this end, we will have a discussion in groups to table important perspectives. With these perspectives gathered from you, the Executive will take the top priorities and develop an action plan for developing clear messages and information. By March, we need to have clear and common perspectives on what is important for individuals to receive the supports they need. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION Please come prepared to add your ideas. 1. Service Planning – identify the ideal way to create a service plan for an individual What is the single most important purpose of a Service Plan? What is the most important stage? 2. Training Frameworks — what training is necessary across the sector for front-line and what training is ideal? What categories and types of training are critical at your agency? Who should be involved in the training processes — ACDS? ADWA? PDD? Other? 3. New opportunity — if you could add one area of expertise to improve services what would it be? Imagine that you were provided with a block of funding to add expertise— a person or a department — that would augment what you can offer to your clients. 4. Nilima Sonpal-Valias, new at ACDS in strategy and research and steeped in the history and issues in PDD, asks you to tell her the most important research to do for the sector. What areas of research could we do? What would have the most impact? 5. PDD outlined a referral process that was a flowchart where the SP was in a small box at the end of the process. How would you replace that process? What would an effective process look like for PDD to get services in place for an individual? SP Council Executive Committee: Erin Waite (Chair), Jayne Myatt (Past Chair), Alexi Davis (Treasurer), John Eng, Helene deKlerk, Ryan Geake, Mickey Greiner, Todd Rich, Aaron Semkuley, Bruce Skorobohach, (Secretary) Elaine Yost

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