Service Provider Council Meeting September 14, 2016 9:30 am to 11:30 am Location: Prospect at 915 33 Street NE
Welcome, introductions and Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes from May 2016 meeting
SPECIAL UPDATE: Contract development - Todd Rich Discussion of contract committee work (attachments). Note: The PDD Contract Template Committee has met throughout the summer and continues to meet on a regular basis to jointly develop a new contract template for implementation April 1, 2017. ♦ The discussions to date have been positive and constructive, contributing to a richer understanding of the operational realities and constraints faced by both PDD service providers and Human Services. ♦ These are complex issues that require focused attention, and while the Committee has agreed in principle on a number of revisions to the template originally proposed by Human Services earlier this year, a number of issues still require discussion and resolution. ♦ The Committee will be meeting on a bi-weekly basis through the Fall to continue its work, which will be informed by input gathered from PDD service providers through a number of mechanisms, including Regional Service Provider Council representatives: Diane Kotkas (South), Todd Rich (Calgary), Phil Stephan, Marilyn Conner (Central), Jim McCuthcheon (Edmonton),Tacey Murphy & Arno Birkigt (provincial & NE), Darren Stubbs (NW). The appropriate way to comment on the contract is to forward any concerns or questions to Todd Rich, CLAS or to Erin Waite, Connections who will collect them for Todd. 4.0
Committee reports and other updates 4.1 ACDS and provincial updates – Clova Lehr MOTION: To nominate Erin Waite, Council Chair, as Calgary Region representative on ACDS Board. 4.2 Workforce Council – Helene deKlerk 4.4 ADWA update – Denise Young NEXT MEETING: 4.5 Other committees and updates Wed. November 9th – 9:30 am Prospect – 915 33 St. NE Adjournment Agendas, Minutes, other info:
SP Council Executive Committee: Erin Waite (Chair), Jayne Myatt (Past Chair), Alexi Davis (Treasurer), Darlene Murphy (Secretary/Communications), Helene deKlerk, Karen Faint, Ryan Geake, Mickey Greiner, Garth Reesor, Jill Winters, Elaine Yost