CRSPCC Meeting Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Location: Prospect Human Services
Minutes 1. Welcome, Introductions and Review of Agenda – Council Chair, Erin Waite called the meeting to order at 9:30 am. Introductions were made and the agenda was accepted as circulated. Announcements: The Picture This Film Festival is coming up in March. Lots more information will be coming out in the next weeks. 2. Approval of Minutes MOTION by Aaron Semkuley and seconded by Bruce Skorobohach that the minutes of the November 18, 2015 Council meeting be adopted. CARRIED. 3. PQR Discussion - biggest news is the inclusion of the Master Agreement, there was no indication previously that this would be included - some agencies are not in compliance with some of the requirements (ie: safety inspections) - there is a general frustration with the length of time it is taking to get answers to questions - in the submission, “services” means services you currently provide plus those you might want to provide, or areas of the province you might want to provide services in. Some categories don’t match up with PDD categories - family managed contracts are not part of the PQR process - some agencies in the north are starting to prepare dissolution plans in the event they don’t get onto the PQR list - a response to the letter sent to Premier Notley was received from Minister Sabir and said that it was important to ensure there are both small and large agencies to meet the need and that the procurement process had nothing to do with reducing the number of agencies. This letter will be circulated to members - ask that non-profits who have a board of directors to ask the chair/president to send a letter asking for more time as the February submission date doesn’t give enough time to receive a legal opinion -Erin is meeting with the Membership Council on Friday and will get the legal information and will share this information - ask agencies to hold off on submitting their PQRs until legal opinion has been received - will likely be a real change for ACDS and their funding - Edmonton Service Provider Council Executive met last week to work on a strategy - suggested that we develop a list of questions and send them to the individual responsible for PQRs - all the changes happening have not been communicated to families, perhaps a list of questions could be shared with families - Erin will compile questions to submit if agencies can get questions to her by Monday, January 18, 2016
4. Committees and Other Updates a. ACDS Update on Procurement - working together and separately to develop questions and concerns to take to government - initial legal opinion will come on Friday - there is a question about what contracts now mean to agencies - south region is also getting a legal opinion and will share with all regions b. Safety Regulations Update - consultations are underway, Ann Nicol is on the committee however the discussion is not public - Ann has said that she is pleased that it is a true consultation, nothing is “off the table”, any concerns can be brought up for discussion however it was noted that some self-advocates in attendance do not think this is necessarily true - have recognized that it’s a bigger process than was originally thought and that the deadline may need to be changed - Municipal government is part of the committee which is very beneficial so it is not seen as only a PDD issue - although committee proceedings are confidential, there will be some points posted on the Human Resources website c. Workforce Council - Erin briefly reported on this in Helene’s absence - provincial strategy has been developed to look at priorities, scope, definitions, etc. and to clarify how the provincial group and the local groups work together - will need Service Provider Council input on priorities d. ADWA - working on the certification process - hoping to launch a pilot project looking and individuals and how they meet the certification standards - if any agency would like a presentation they are asked to contact ADWA e. PDD Update - service plan is now called outcomes plan - seems to be changes at PDD but nothing is being communicated - Integrated Service Delivery Model apparently coming out in February
5. Accessible Housing – Nicole Jackson - Accessible Housing works on accessible and affordable housing - working internally on how to communicate when accessible housing is available in the marketplace - email Nicole if you would like to be made aware when units are available - City of Calgary is working on affordable housing - designing a survey with a goal of showing what’s available and what the numbers are - there is a real “blind spot” around housing needs for the disability sector - survey will be coming in a couple of months and agencies that lease, own, rent accessible
housing is encouraged to participate in the survey as it is time to get accurate data in hand in order to provide information - if more information is needed please contact 6. Vulnerable Persons Self Registry – Patty Desormeau, Diversity Resources Team, Calgary Police Services - Calgary has the largest diversity unit in North America - Vulnerable Persons Self Registry Database was launched in October and there is a link to it on the Calgary Police Service website - fire/police/EMS can all access the website, if a call comes in to a particular address then it will flag that there is someone at that address who needs extra help - can also enter information such as: how to approach, what are triggers, potential of violence, etc. so that the police have valuable information when responding to a call - individual (or family/guardian/caregiver) enters the information online and it is then submitted to the Diversity Resource Team - only system that has a photo attachment - the individual decides how long they want their information kept in the system, can be up to two years and then would need to be re-registered - once the registration is done the individual will get an email when it’s been accepted and then will receive another email 30 days before expiry to remind them to re-register - completely separate from the police database and can’t be accessed by police for investigation, only for emergency services - database is for the City of Calgary, typically the RCMP would not have access - posters were handed out, if further information is needed Constable Desormeau can be contacted at or by phone at 403-428-8153. 7. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 am 8. Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 9, 2016; 9:30 am Prospect Human Services, 915-33 Street NE Upcoming Meetings:
May 11, 2016 – 9:30 am and June AGM – time & location TBA