CRSPCC Meeting Wednesday March 14, 2018 Location: Prospect Human Services MINUTES In Attendance: Erin Waite (Chair), Pam McGladdery, Ann Sims, Ann-Marie Latoski, Elaine Yost, Diane Dmytryshyn, Garth Reesor, John Eng, Julie Ridley, Denise Young, Shauna Pilipchuk, Ed Quiring, Debbie Johnston, Jayne Myatt, Pam Grotkowski, Gerry McCallum, Helen deKlerk, Deanna Rachkewich, Clova Lehr, Larry Fedun, Kevin Menin, Mylaine Tsaprailis, Bruce Skorobohach (Secretary) 1.0 Welcome and Introductions – Council Chair, Erin Waite called the meeting to order at 9:33am and welcomed everyone. Introductions were made. 2.0 Picture this….film festival – Denise Young, Calgary SCOPE – previewed the film titled, “My Dad th Matthew”. The 17 Annual Picture this… festival will be held from April 11 to 13, 2018 at the Calgary SCOPE Society. Visit for more details. 3.0 Changes or Additions to the Agenda: The agenda was accepted with the removal of Item 5.2 – Supportive Living Accommodations Standards Review. 3.1 Approval of Minutes from January 10, 2018 Meeting: MOTION by Elaine Yost and SECONDED by Garth Reesor, that the Minutes of the January 10, 2018 Council meeting be approved as circulated. CARRIED. 3.2 Approval of Minutes from Special Meeting on Contracts February 2018: MOTION by Elaine Yost and SECONDED by Jayne Myatt, that the Minutes of the Special Meeting on Contracts that was held on February 14, 2018 be approved as circulated. CARRIED 4.0 Government/Policy Updates 4.1 PDD Review - mentioned in the Throne Speech. From Alberta Hansard - March 8, 2018: “More also needs to be done to make sure every Albertan can live to their fullest potential. Accordingly, your government will support our most vulnerable neighbours by improving income support programs. We are also conducting a review of the persons with developmental disabilities program to determine how best to support persons living with disabilities”. A letter was sent by Erin Waite, on behalf of the Calgary Service Provider Council to the Honorable Ifran Sabir re: commitment to work with the Ministry on the Review, and recommended principles and process recommendations. 4.2 Bill 17 – Labour Code: Update – Erin related that ACDS and ALIGN are working together on a joint solution involving the Care Giver Exemption that will work for Service Providers. ACDS encourages all Service Provider’s to send individual letters to the Government re: the impact of all the new legislation and gaps in how they will manage all the changes. Action: Erin to forward documents to CRSPCC members that the Edmonton Region Council of Service Providers sent to Shannon Marchand - Deputy Minister, Community and Social Services, that provide an overview of the consequences faced by stakeholders when the Government of Alberta makes decisions without providing the corresponding compensation in contracts. Action: Denise Young to forward the OHS Discussion Guide from Alberta Labour to Erin for distribution to CRSPCC members. 5.0 Committee and Other Updates:
5.1 ACDS - Clova Lehr • •
Registration is open for the ACDS Spring Conference - May 7 to 9, 2018 in Edmonton; CET implementation and process challenges. ACDS is looking at doing things differently. Nilima Sonpal-Valias will be leading a broader conversation on the essence of CET and what the accreditation process is trying to measure. Clova also asked that Service Providers forward their feedback directly to her. Feedback from the CRSPCC members attending this meeting included: what is the purpose of CET?, “less paper, more people”, what is the role of the Government in setting standards?, Service Providers need to be involved in setting standards, this is an opportunity to impact other systems, organizational framework needs to be a smaller piece with more emphasis placed on what Service Providers value, how do Service Providers prepare for future changes? (Clova related that with any new standards, Service Providers have one year to prepare). Clova related that quality of life standards are key, and that ACDS wants continuous improvement to be a shared effort between Service Providers and ACDS.
5.2 ADWA – Denise Young and Shauna Pilipchuk – Shauna and Denise provided an overview of the ADWA certification Process. PowerPoint presentation and hard copies will be distributed. 6.0 Adjournment MOTION to adjourn at 11:39am - Jayne Myatt - SECONDED Pam McGladdery - CARRIED