SP council Meeting Minutes Nov2017

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CRSPCC Meeting Wednesday November 8, 2017 Location: Prospect Human Services MINUTES In Attendance: Erin Waite, Elaine Yost, Ryan Geake, Pam Grotkowski, Andrea Hesse, Deanna Rachkewich, Ann Sims, Aurea Centeno, Debbie Johnston, Sheri Wyllie, Diane Dmytryshyn, Helen de Klerk, Jayne Myatt, Todd Rich, Dyann Gould-Harvey, Pam McGladdery, Maline Jenkinson, Dianne Jackson, Ed Quiring, Aaron Semkuley, Mylaine Tsaprailis, Garth Reesor, John Eng, Mari-Anne Godlonton, Bruce Skorobohach 1.0 Welcome and Introductions – Council Chair, Erin Waite called the meeting to order at 9:30am and welcomed everyone. Introductions were made. 2.0 Changes or Additions to the Agenda: The agenda was accepted with the following addition: Item 6.5 – Other Provincial Updates: ACDS. Approval of Minutes from September 2017 Meeting: Date changed from January 11, 2017 to September 13, 2017. MOTION by Aaron Semkuley and SECONDED by Elaine Yost that the Minutes of the September 13, 2017 Council meeting be approved as circulated with the date change. CARRIED. 3.0 Legislation Updates Bill 17 - Labor Code: new Employment Standards – Erin Waite and Elaine Yost attended an information session with Employment Standards. New standards are effective January 1, 2018. There remains a lack of clarity on the changes to the standards as training and facts sheets are not up-to-date. Important that employers understand changes, not agree to something and then claim a lack of knowledge. Look carefully at the changes, especially overtime and leaves. The impact from the Employment Standards Code changes may not be evident until they need to be addressed. Andrea Hesse related that Service Providers should email any questions to Employment Standards and share copies of these responses. Erin related that the costs to employers are more on the 20 to 25% range, rather than the 12% that Service Providers receive through funding. Andrea related that these changes are part of a larger conversation regarding costs. Bill 22 – The Resident and Family Councils Act - The Act is intended to guarantee residents and families the right to establish self-governing councils at any long-term care and licensed supportive living facilities with four or more residents licensed under the Supportive Living Accommodation Licensing Act (SLALA). PDD funded Service Providers are an unintended consequence of the legislation. Ryan Geake related that Action Hall members have concerns over the rights of Individuals where family are members of such a council. The Ministry of Health along with the Community and Social Services Disability, Inclusion and Accessibility Division will be seeking input through a public consultation process prior to December 31, 2017. Implementation of the Act is targeted for April 1, 2018. There has yet to be any notice provided for the consultations. Andrea Hesse related that ACDS would be participating in this consultation process and encouraged any Service Providers that would be impacted to also participate. Once ACDS receives will notice of the consultations they will forward this information to Service Providers. 4.0 Storybank Project Update - Erin Waite related that the project is ramping up again. A new writer has been hired. Looking for new story leads. Stories are meant to educate people in Government about the work that we do, this in an effort to change our relationship with Government. As such, would like to have stories from all Service Providers to reflect the range and diversity of services that we all provide. Service Providers can invite Erin Waite, Alexi Davis, or Ryan Geake to attend staff meetings to promote the

project. Action: Erin Waite to forward the Guideline Document for the Storybook Project to Service Providers. 6.0 Committee and Other Updates 6.1 Contract Committee – Todd Rich: The Provincial Contract Advisory Committee (PCAC) will be meeting on November 8 for the first time since the new contract template was implemented on April 1, 2017. Committee will be discussing feedback on the contract template, issues that Service Providers are having with contract implementation, PMF, and looking at a couple of policy statements. Todd will ask for clarification as to which Quarterly PMF Reports are currently required by PDD. Some agencies have expressed confusion over what is required for the Quality of Service Performance Measures. Service Providers have the ability to provide quarterly adjusted budgets to PDD. Todd related that this is a good practice. However, some Service Providers have been told by PDD not to submit these adjusted budgets. PDD has been auditing some Service Provider client files to ensure contract compliance. 6.2 Supportive Living Accommodation Standards Review – Pam McGladdery: Meeting with the City of Calgary to be held next week. Heather Mazur has been assigned by PDD to work with this group. 6.3 Workforce Council – Helen de Klerk: Kim McCullough and Michelle Wolfe, Co-Chairs of the Workforce Council met with the Service Provider Council Executive on November 1 to provide an overview of activities and ask for direction. Projects include Succession Planning, and Diversity. Direction from the Executive was to continue with this work, get feedback from Service Providers on their workforce issues, and deal with the Terms of Reference at a later date. Helen has talked to Legal Guidance regarding our workforce and related immigration issues. Legal Guidance can provide free workshops but would require Service Provider input in terms of what information we would require. Action: Helen to forward an email through Erin to Service Providers asking for input on what information they would like Legal Guidance to present. 6.4 ADWA – Erin Waite: ADWA has received funding approval from Alberta Labour to support the certification process. 6.5 Other Provincial Updates: ACDS – Andrea Hesse ACDS AGM and Leadership Event was held on October 18 – 19 for input on strategic plan, membership engagement, and communication strategies. ACDS needs more touch points and better engage members. ACDS Board is looking at their structure. Jamie is no longer working at ACDS. This has provided ACDS with an opportunity to create a new position with focus on member engagement. ACDS and other umbrella organizations have been in high level discussions with Occupational Health and Safety re: workforce, funding challenges, limiting regulations and checklists, supporting implementation and training to create an environment of safety. Occupational Health and Safety to share the report from this consultation. Provincial Workforce Council – looking at modifying their approach to be more focused. Recommendation 3 from Safety Report????????????? ACDS membership has expressed interest in a leadership forum. ACDS will be contacting membership regarding opportunities to educate the Ministry on what we do. 7.0 Bow Valley College Disability Studies Program – Donna Jones

Bow Valley College offers the only Disability Studies Program in Alberta. Currently 80 first year, 55 second year, and 25 on-line students enrolled. The Disability Studies Program also has a contract with NE Region, and is providing a blended delivery program for New Age Services. The Disability Studies Program has tried to make the process as easy as possible for agencies to accommodate practicum placements. First practicum is focused on front-line work. Second practicum is focused on complex needs. Third practicum is focused on understanding leadership including program evaluation and conflict resolution. Practicums are 135 hours and depending on the practicum take place on either Tuesdays and Wednesdays (first practicum) or Thursday and Fridays (second practicum). Students may also be available on evenings and weekends. Practicum students have completed training in CPI, Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), and have completed their Police Information Check. Each agency determines how to best supervise the practicum student(s). Supervision does not need to be an intensive process. Agencies provide a mid-term and final evaluation of the practicum student. The final practicum includes a capstone project. Practicums in the area of complex needs are currently taking place. Effective January 2018, additional practicum placements are needed, for both first and second year students, especially with adult services. The Disability Studies Program secures practicum placements for first year students. Second year students typically find their own practicum placements. In either case Service Providers are encouraged to contact Donna Jones at Bow Valley College for additional information or to offer a practicum placement. 8.0 Adjournment MOTION to adjourn at 11:30am - Jayne Myatt - SECONDED Helen de Klerk - CARRIED

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