Service Provider Council Meeting Minutes Wednesday, September 11, 2019 9:30am – 12:00pm Location: Prospect at 915 33 Street NE In Attendance: Erin Waite (Chair), Heather-Anne de Boer, Dianne Jackson, Dawn Leonard, Pam McGladdery, Linda Doherty, Helene de Klerk, Kathryn Senio, Heather Porter Sandberg, Bruce Skorobohach, Mickey Greiner, John Eng, Robyn Jackson, Dawn Burgoine, Brian Wansleeben, Bill Forman, Kyle Maclean, Neal Sabourin, Diane Dmytryskyn, Clova Lehr, Rilla Websdale, Laura Richeson, Gerard Dathan, Kevin Menin, Ryan Geake, Pamela Grotkowski, Gerry McCallum, Debbie Johnston, Andrea Hesse, Liz Mortlock 1.0 2.0
Welcome and Introductions – Erin Waite (Chair), called the meeting to order at 9:31am and welcomed all attendees. Additions to Agenda • Max Bell Public Policy Training Institute – training program that runs a series of afternoon courses between Calgary and Edmonton § Sessions are designed to enhance knowledge about developing and informing public policy § Registration open until October • Premier Council funding up to $1,500 grant to celebrate International Persons with Developmental Disabilities Day (December 3, 2019) • Cyber Security Insurance § Policy update link on website § Council members to share issues regarding to cyber compromise and cyber insurance (i.e. what have they done and how much it has cost their organization) § Neal shared that most cyber insurance claims are attributed to human error, but there are preventative measures § Neal will touch base with Erin to organize a possible presenter MOTION: To approve May meeting minutes: Erin Waite, SECOND: Helene de Klerk. All in favour
During the AGM meeting in June 2019, Erin discussed that there is approximately $20k cash balance, accumulated from prior years’ membership fees • Reserving $5k for emergency funds, there will be $15k available for a project for Council members to invest in. Erin suggested the project should be more of a macro focus to support most of the Members • Projects possible include training programs, quality monitoring, and outcome evaluations • Debbie suggested that they could invest in research and a presentation to showcase the benefits of Council members and to advocate for what the membership does MOTION: For Council to recognize and support a decision made by simple majority vote of Members at a lunch session following the November Council meeting where a project(s) will selected. SECOND: Ryan Geake. All in favour.
Erin discussed her experience with pre-election non-communication by Government civil service extending into the summer. There was a freezing of spending and decisions were being postponed until the issue was raised in the media and then decisions were processed. Table discussions on the topic were held with the following points raised: • Pamela, Gerry, Debbie, Andrea, Liz § During Spring, requests were being denied or delayed even with capacity. Some were directed to multiple different people, and received no answer § Post-August, requests were once again being approved § New PDD service coordinators § Additional information required for approval § Emphasis on health and safety risk, regardless of capacity § PDD budget system needs to be dismantled. Funds to be determined based on outcomes. • Dawn, Brian, Bill, Kyle, Neal, Diane § Delay in approval and/or requests being denied § Updates not materialized § Vacancies not being filled § Nutrition dismissed • Kathryn, Heather, Bruce, Mickey, John, Robyn § Delay of intake and approval § Additional required information § Lack of flexibility § High risk cases are a priority for approval • Clova, Rilla, Laura, Gerard, Kevin, Ryan § Consistent communication is needed with government § Delays in approval § Families asked to pay for costs § Answers were sometimes that it wasn’t their jurisdiction so they were directed to someone else which caused delay § Questioning and unsure what’s happening in government § Possibly provide an organizational chart to advise who to contact • Dianne, Dawn, Pam, Linda, Helene § Different answer given to organizations § Cost of back and of work and communication § CFAP no longer exists, and has been replaced with CIP – funding has been cut in half § With all contracts up for renewal in March 2020, what will be happening to PDD contracts since there is no Contract Committee and there has been no talk about a new Template? ACDS updates (additional information available through ACDS newsletter): • Formal support plan mechanisms for data sharing and management • Funded children services initiative to increase health and occupational safety • Pro-industry inspections § Legislation change between Round 1 and 2 § Round 3 will occur in the fall and the “spirit” will be inspected
Minutes: September 2019
• New Standards will be released 2021-2022
• New training resources online: § PBS training § Training and learning management system • A web form is to be completed and sent to Erin if a committee member meets with an MLA to establish a government relations network • September 27 – Calgary Membership Meeting
PDD Calgary Upadate: Allan Govender and Heather Hansen -
Allan acknowledged that the budget is yet to be released, but it may be tabled in October FSCD and PDD approval process have had additional steps added which created a backlog o PDD – all funding and capacity requests to be reviewed before approval by Pat Firminger and Heather. Prior to these changes, requests were only reviewed once a month, but now they are occurring twice a month. o FSCD – requests are reviewed weekly Critical crisis reports need to be communicated by manager and contract specialist o Allan mentioned the clause in contract that permits program manager/director to access funds for emergency o Critical incident reports to also be sent to a generalized email that is monitored 24/7 by Heather and Allan to attend to issues in real time Capacity is ultimate decision with Pat and Heather to ensure that funding goes to most critical and urgent needs. Decisions are individually driven which is why they need additional information FSCD focusing on what is required to help the family and PDD focusing on health and safety PDD is confident in open and willing discussions with Deputy Minister and Assistant Deputy Minister Allan said that there will likely be no drastic changes to the contract template. As a response to the McKinnon report, it will likely focus on health and education
Minutes: September 2019