Service Provider Council Meeting Wednesday, January 9, 2019 Location: Prospect at 915 33 Street NE MINUTES In Attendance: Erin Waite (Chair), Alexi Davis, Elaine Yost, Karen Miles, Deanna RachKewich, Kathryn Melrose, Pam McGladdery, Helene deKlerk, Nilima Sonpal-Valias, Lisa McKee, Debbie Johnston, John Eng, Andrea Hesse, Kevin Menin, Bruce Skorobohach, Larry Fedun, Debbie Johnston, Ed Quiring, Kathryn Semio, Mari-Ann Godlonton, Danny Nykolaychuk, Denise Young, Tim Dmytryshyn 1.0 Welcome and Introductions – Chair, Erin Waite, called the meeting to order at 9:30am and welcomed everyone. Attendees introduced themselves and identified respective agencies. 2.0 Notes from Erin – Erin mentioned that Connections has received additional funding for Financial Coaching (including tax clinics) that could be offered to member agencies to provide services to their individuals and families. The services assist individuals with receiving their entitlements which are often missed by professional tax preparers unfamiliar with disability tax credits and other benefits. Erin asked meeting attendees to contact her for more information to have a tax clinic manned by Connections in member agency’s offices for their individuals and families. Erin also mentioned that she had distributed copies of Lunch n’ Learn surveys to identify possible future topics at all tables and asked each attendee to complete one. 3.0 PDD Review Paper – Erin reviewed and summarized the paper she authored and submitted for the PDD Review. Highlights and discussion responses: • Paper focus is on a more macro level- systemic issues • Letters/papers submitted by individual agencies will vary in content and be more specific • Erin wanted to ensure all Council members felt comfortable responding the points within the letter • Messaging emphasized that community agencies need to be recognized as partners in the Review process. • If members of Council work together to identify roles and responsibilities, we can make the recommendations regarding PDD as a funder to more effectively align resources to where the work gets done - better use of current funds, vs. more/additional funds. • Denise Young mentioned that Scope submitted a paper primarily focused on the challenges of seniors, including the issues of no capacity and the current barriers they are facing. • Denise also submitted a paper on behalf of ADWA and presented on behalf of the Alberta Citizen Advocates for Change Action Hall. • Vecova presented to the Panel and Vecova’s representative was asked to share their submission with members. 4.0 • • • • •
PDD Review Process – other comments/questions/discussion By the end of January, the PDD Review panel members will generate a report based on the themes that have emerged during the Review. The report will be submitted to Minister Sabir and most likely, to the general public. Erin will work on drafting a letter to Sabir regarding SPC’s recommendations for the review process. There was a brief discussion regarding the paper Edmonton submitted for the Review (Erin attached copy of paper to email recently sent out to SPC members). Erin noted some distinct differences in recommendations. Attendees discussed the possibility of calling a special meeting in February to discuss the report and asking Ryan Geake, as Panel member, to Chair.
SP Council Executive Committee: Erin Waite (Chair), Alexi Davis (Treasurer), John Eng, Ryan Geake, Mickey Greiner, Tracey Reece, Todd Rich, Bruce Skorobohach, Elaine Yost, Kathryn Melrose
Erin mentioned an issue raised during the Review: Family Managed Care vs. agencies/service providers - should we address the issue by planning an event so families can connect with agencies and discuss current concerns? Attendees agreed this would be a good plan. Erin asked for volunteers to assist with the planning and organizing of an event. Volunteers: Elaine Yost, Denise Young
Erin requested that Vecova share the content of recent presentation with SPC in the near future.
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Committee and Other Updates Erin followed up with Allan Govendar regarding perceived discrepencies and confusion about current PDD processes, lack of clarity, and gaps in communication. She invited Allan to attend an upcoming SPC meeting. Alexi Davis suggested looking at the old vision statement for the sector and updating it to ensure that we have a common and powerful statement. Erin followed up by asking for volunteers to work on this. Elaine Yost provided a brief update on OH&S and the current challenges with inspections of residential housing settings. Andrea Hesse was able to confirm that round 2 of the OH&S inspection program has been terminated/finished. Andrea also mentioned that ACDS will present to inspectors at the end of January due to their lack of understanding about PDD clients and services. The presentation will involve some joint educational work. ACDS updates (please see attached document) Adjournment
11 am - SPECIAL GUEST PRESENTATION Premier’s Council Presentation - John te Linde and Shino Nakane (see attached document for content) • The purpose of the Council is to be an advisory agency – accountable to the Premier • Council is currently made up of 15 members throughout Alberta • Members come from diverse backgrounds and skillsets • All members either have family members with disabilities and/or work in the field • Council presenters emphasized they are happy to follow up with service providers in the future, but emphasized they have to remain within their role as advisors as opposed to advocates
SP Council Executive Committee: Erin Waite (Chair), Alexi Davis (Treasurer), John Eng, Ryan Geake, Mickey Greiner, Tracey Reece, Todd Rich, Bruce Skorobohach, Elaine Yost, Kathryn Melrose