SP Council Meeting Minutes Sept2018

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Service Provider Council Meeting Location: Prospect at 915 33 Street NE Wednesday, September 12, 2018 -MINUTESIn Attendance: Elaine Yost (meeting Chair), Kathryn Melrose, Pam McGladdery, Helene deKlerk, Karen Miles, Jane Myatt, Lisa McKee, Diane Jackson, Debbie Johnston, Diane Dmystryshyn, Garth Reesor, John Eng, Brian Wansleeber, Andrea Hesse, Tracey Reece, Michael Berlando, Pam Grotkowski, Kathryn Semio?, Mari-Ann Godlonton? 1.0 Welcome and Introductions – Meeting Chair, Elaine Yost called the meeting to order at 9:30am and welcomed everyone. Attendees introduced themselves, identified respective agencies, and shared some information about what transpired over the summer. 2.0 Changes or additions to the Agenda:The agenda was accepted without changes. MOTION by John Eng and SECONDED by Jane Myatt. CARRIED 3.0 Government Relations Committee (GRC) – plans underway to support effective communication in advance of and related to the spring election – Kathryn Melrose mentioned that the GRC along with ACDS committee is working to develop messages provincially. The GRC has met twice and developed 3 priorities: (1) Creating shared ‘boilerplate’ message that all disability serving agencies could be added to (2) Advocacy Day (may be called something else) (3) Identify people who will reach out to Calgary caucus to request meeting and to reach out to UCP candidates, and AB Party to begin process of education and hope to influence party platforms. - Erin asked Membership Committee/ACDS communications committee if they will be developing tools we can use to save work for Council – answer is yes - Consider a training session at November Council meeting — How to meet with and develop relationships with your MLA — inviting David Swann to present, perhaps CCVO — will depend on Legislature session and other considerations Elaine asked for thoughts or opportunities to meet w/ MLAs. She mentioned they have historically been invited to AGMs. Elaine encouraged attendees to become involved in the process (platform development, etc.) regardless of party to be a voice for the sector and support for services. Andrea mentioned that policy and platform development is happening now. Lots of door knocking is currently happening. The current stage is important- get connected. ACDS Govt Relations meeting (Andrea)- key messaging development provincially. Members have been attending workshops and meeting with people who have expertise in the area of government relations. Members are examining the impact of coordinated messaging. It is important to develop regular conversations w/ MLAs- creating some training opportunities. The AGM will be in Edmonton and connected to session- will have an MLA reception attached – October 30, 2018. *Elaine noted approximately a billion dollars in the current/existing budget and 14, 000 people served annually. SP Council Executive Committee: Erin Waite (Chair), Alexi Davis (Treasurer), John Eng, Ryan Geake, Mickey Greiner, Tracey Reece, Todd Rich, Bruce Skorobohach, Elaine Yost, Kathryn Melrose

4.0 Changes and Updates – Ministry and Region 4.1 Alex Hillyard retirement – changes at Region; Program and Contract relocation Alex’s last day will be Sept 29th. Heather Hansen is currently acting in his position. Ideas for his retirement celebration on October 5 th to show appreciation? Suggestions: possibly speaking/saying something on behalf of the Council. Action: Elaine will follow up and send an email out. 4.2 PDD Review – Update – Opportunity for Council Presentation/Submission Meeting in October to prepare Council submission - TBA - Call for participation Elaine shared that she believes it is in process. Andrea mentioned she received a confidential call in July stating who would be on the panel. Delays have continued, but public announcement should happen within next month.The scope and process will be more focuse/contained given the timelines. Elaine- Executive Committee members suggested having another meeting to identify topics/priorities. (issues around contracts, reporting, intake, etc.) Thoughts on holding a special meeting for this? Attendees agree that it is important to develop consistent messaging and be active participants in the process. Also, identify both concerns and solutions- as opposed to allowing PDD to come up with solutions. Action: Members will let Erin know if they are interested in participating. 4.3 Other Issues? Discussion Elaine mentioned that additional members are needed on Executive Committee 5.0 Committee and Other Updates 5.1 ACDS – Andrea Hesse –  The report coming out of the membership meetings is called The Way Forward. It should come out this week. Good converstations have already emerged as a result of the information within the report.  ACDS has had some recent staff changes: new communications person is a .5 position. She is able to focus on some strategic work around key messaging (Jasveer). Also, new person in training area (Pam). New staff member in accreditation (Susan). Exciting- great expertise. Additional notes from Andrea:  Negotiations ongoing- 1) collaboration and sector consultation, 2) communication, 3) agreement for data-sharing  More happening in OHS realm - continuing development in support of Bill 30, also looking at OHS across sectors and services  Have been meeting w/ Labour to obtain the outcome of the safety inspections report  Looking into providing some additional OH&S training specifically geared towards the disabilities sector *Elaine mentioned that she will be sending out a poll in the near future to get input regarding HR issues and other issues affecting the workplace. 5.2 Workforce Council – Helene de Klerk  Has a meeting scheduled for this Friday- Strategic Plan will be approved and then presented to Council prior to the November meeting. Half of the membership is HR personel and half are EDs, etc. Elaine asked if the minutes are on the Service Provider website. Action: Helene will look into this. SP Council Executive Committee: Erin Waite (Chair), Alexi Davis (Treasurer), John Eng, Ryan Geake, Mickey Greiner, Tracey Reece, Todd Rich, Bruce Skorobohach, Elaine Yost, Kathryn Melrose

5.3 ADWA – Jane Myatt  Ongoing work throughout the summer to promote ADWA membership and certification pilot.  Still looking for people interested in participating in the pilot. As a sector, we need to have an active role and develop a set of standards for our workforce, or one will be imposed on us.  Agencies have the option to buy 20 memberships/spaces and offer to current staff. 5.4 Other provincial updates - DEAM Proclamation  October is Disability Employment Awareness month. Provincial Proclamation is happening on Monday, October 1st. Calgary announcement is happening Tuesday, October 2nd. Additional information (upcoming events, etc.) is available on the website under DEAM. 6.0 Adjournment MOTION to adjourn at 10:54am Jane Myatt - SECONDED – Diane Jackson - CARRIED 11 am - SPECIAL GUEST PRESENTATION Stephanie Dunn and Jennifer Zwicker are with the University of Calgary Public Policy Program. Materials are shared on calgaryserviceprovidercouncil.org

SP Council Executive Committee: Erin Waite (Chair), Alexi Davis (Treasurer), John Eng, Ryan Geake, Mickey Greiner, Tracey Reece, Todd Rich, Bruce Skorobohach, Elaine Yost, Kathryn Melrose

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