Service Provider Council Meeting Minutes Wednesday, January 15, 2020 10:30 am to 2:00 pm Location: Prospect at 915 33 Street NE In Attendance: Erin Waite (Chair), Carlene Chrumka, Dianne Jackson, Norma Wisbling, Helene deKlerk, Donna Jones, Neal Sabourin, Kevin Menin, Heather Porter Sandberg, Clova Lehr, Laura Richeson, Linda Doherty, Bruce Skorobohach, Debbie Johnston, Gerry McCallum, Alexi Davis, Ed Quiring, Megan Wilcott, Denise Young, Brain Wansleeben, Mylaine Tsaprailis, Ryan Geake, Elaine Yost, Kathryn Melrose, Heather McGilvary, Nilima Sonpal-Valias
Welcome and introductions – Erin Waite, called the meeting to order at 10:30am
Changes or additions to Agenda i. Addition of agenda item 7.0: Access Calgary
MOTION: To approve the appended meeting agenda – Helene de Klerk SECOND: Alexi Davis All in favour Motion to approve the November 2019 Council Meeting minutes MOTIION: Bruce Skorobohach SECOND: Elaine Yost All in favour Motion to approve the November 2019 “On the Menu” project selection minutes MOTIION: Kathryn Melrose SECOND: Laura Richeson, All in favour
As a follow-up to November’s special meeting and presentation, Council debriefed and discussed the Disability Program Statistics Presentation
Helene De Klerk gave an update on the Korn Ferry Project. i. Project is being managed by South Region Council and all Regions are invited to participate. ii. The salary data collection will use the methodology from the 2008 study Action: Helene will submit to Erin concrete dates to circulate to Council
Updates: 6.1 Council Project Updates: Three projects have been put forward and approved i. Collective Value Report- Erin explained the next steps for data collection
SP Council Executive Committee: Erin Waite (Chair), Alexi Davis (Treasurer), Heather-Anne McGilvary, Helene De Klerk, John Eng, Ryan Geake, Kathryn Melrose, Tracey Reece, Bruce Skorobohach, Elaine Yost
Action: Erin will communicate concrete deadlines and process steps when available ii. Cultural Awareness Training- A discussion took place about the benefits of the cultural awareness training and logistical questions were asked. The next step in the process is to confirm that thee would be a sufficient number of participants. Action: Alexis will circulate a survey to confirm that we have 20 interested applicants iii. Bus trip to the legislature- Tabled until the Collective Value Report is completed 6.2 ACDS – Nilima Sonpal-Valias reviewed the initiatives of the Service Provider Partnership Committee and the two corresponding sub-committees (Contracts, and Red Tape) Action: Nilima will share feedback to ACDS that Council would appreciate an opportunity to receive communication from the subcommittees iv. ACDS is planning a leadership event in the spring of 2020 v. ACDS conference is May 12-13, 2020 and applications for speakers is open. vi. OH&S will be conducting proactive inspections in February and March focusing on areas of high risk (ACDS and Align have a joint initiative to deliver industry training to inspectors) vii. ACDS is currently offering 50% off website training and is rolling out a training program for Occupational Health and Safety. viii. ACDS hired a new Manger of Accreditation 2) ADWA – Denise discussed the status of the certification pilot project and ADWA’s plan to share the findings Action: ADWA will present at the next Council meeting i. ADWA will soon release a call for Board of Directors members 7.0
A discussion ensued regarding concerns with Access Calgary and possible avenues to get involved and have Industry concerns addressed.
Motion for adjournment at 12:00pm: MOVED: Jayne Myatt SECOND: Ryan Geake All in favour.
SP Council Executive Committee: Erin Waite (Chair), Alexi Davis (Treasurer), Heather-Anne McGilvary, Helene De Klerk, John Eng, Ryan Geake, Kathryn Melrose, Tracey Reece, Bruce Skorobohach, Elaine Yost