Calgary Workforce Council Strategic Plan CWC Co-Chairs 2/26/2019
Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2 Alignment ...................................................................................................................................................... 2 CWC’s Strategic Priorities ......................................................................................................................... 2 CWC’s Vision ............................................................................................................................................. 2 CWC’s Mission........................................................................................................................................... 2 Strategic Direction and Goals for the CWC ................................................................................................... 3 Two Year Strategy ......................................................................................................................................... 4 STRATEGY ONE – COMMUNICATIONS................................................................................................. 4 STRATEGY TWO – HUMAN RESOURCES .............................................................................................. 5 STRATEGY THREE – SKILLED AND HEALTHY WORKFORCE .................................................................. 6 NEXT STEPS ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Introduction This document outlines the strategic direction from the Calgary Workforce Council (“CWC”). The plan is a continuation of the previous plan and is aimed to improve the effectiveness and sustainability of the CWC Committee. The initiatives and strategic planning is for the period of March 8, 2019 to December 11, 2020. This CWC Strategic Plan has been developed to ensure there is continued collaboration between the Service Provider Council and various operating committees that align with the CWC initiatives.
Alignment There are many over-arching components of the CWC’s Strategic Plan structure that must be both understood and considered in the development of the Strategic Plan. The following three (3) are those reviewed in the development of this plan.
CWC’s Strategic Priorities The three cornerstone strategies identified by the visioning session held May 11, 2018 include: 1)
Communication of the sector - to build awareness and clarity around employment opportunities available in the community disability services sector. Focus will be on attracting people into the sector, raising the profile of the work and establishing pride for the professional nature of the work.
Human Resources – to gather information about the workforce and industry standard resources in order to identify trends, best practices and promote awareness to strengthen organization HR capacity.
Skilled and Healthy Workforce – to develop a professional workforce that offers continuous learning while promoting a healthy work-life balance. Focus remains on creating a knowledgeable, motivated and healthy workforce.
CWC’s Vision The Vision statement for the Calgary Workforce Council: The Calgary Workforce Council (“CWC”), collaborates and develops work initiatives through a collective impact framework to identify and deliver effective solutions to challenging systemic issues facing our sector.
CWC’s Mission The Calgary Workforce Council (“CWC”) will take a leadership role in implementing the vision, through providing best practices, partnering in respectful collaboration and encouraging dialogue in support of obtaining a diverse, well-trained and stabilized community disability services workforce recognized as professionals providing valuable services.
Strategic Direction and Goals for the CWC This CWC Strategic Plan identifies the outcomes and goals for the period of March 8, 2019 to December 11, 2020. Many are a continuation of the previous plan, while others have been revised or newlycreated to reflect the direction of the committee and how it’s working towards achieving the members and sectors systematic concerns and issues.
Two Year Strategy STRATEGY ONE – COMMUNICATIONS To build awareness and clarity around employment opportunities available in the community disability services sector. Focus will be on attracting people into the sector, raising the profile of the work and establishing pride for the professional nature of the work. Take on a supporting and partnership role with established committees working towards a common goal (e.g., ACDS, ADWA, Anthony & Holmes Consulting Ltd., Bow Valley College, Centre for Newcomers Society of Calgary, CCVO, CIWA, Ministry of GOAL 1.1 Labour, PDD, Service Provider Council, Training and Advisory Committee, etc.) ACTIONS DEADLINES STATUS 1.1.1 Develop partnerships with community partners, agencies and communities that align April 2019 Continuous with the CWC’s strategic plan and objectives 1.1.2 Collaborate with partnerships on CWC initiatives and utilize the expertise to aid in January 2019 Continuous fulfilling the CWC’s mission 1.1.3 Provide updates on initiatives with supporting partnerships and committees Continuous On-going 1.1.4 Review the effectiveness of our communication initiatives January 2019 Measures of Success ➢ Effectiveness of community partnerships o Partnerships provide value to CWC membership ➢ % decrease in CWC members position vacancies o Attrition tracking with target of >20%
STRATEGY TWO – HUMAN RESOURCES To gather information about the workforce and industry standard resources in order to identify trends, best practices and promote awareness to strengthen organization HR capacity. . GOAL 2.1
Explore initiative(s) within the area of succession planning.
ACTIONS 2.1.1 Continue working committee efforts from previous strategic plan 2.1.2 Build a succession planning template for agencies to start utilizing as a resource to build internal agency plan 2.1.3 Roll-out and train agencies on the use of the template 2.1.4 Evaluate the template via FAQ and troubleshooting GOAL 2.2 2.2.1
DEADLINES October 2018 January 2019
STATUS Continuous In-Progress
February 2019 September 2019
Work collaboratively to build solutions to identified changes/issues/challenges in 2.2.1 & 2.2.2
Stay current of legislation changes and discuss any impacts and best practices it may have on the sectors funding and agency resources 2.2.2 Identify systemic issues/challenges within committee membership and sector Measures of Success ➢ Completion of succession planning tool ➢ Training sessions were held ➢ Evaluate effectiveness of succession planning tool – via questionnaire (1 year)
September 2018
October 2018
STRATEGY THREE – SKILLED AND HEALTHY WORKFORCE To develop a professional workforce that offers continuous learning while promoting a healthy work-life balance. Focus remains on creating a knowledgeable, motivated and healthy workforce. GOAL 3.1
Build an effective workforce through cultural competency
ACTIONS 3.1.1 Build on current diversity knowledge with establishing new partnerships 3.1.2 Align competencies with internal training • Establish how to educate management teams on the importance of building cultural competencies into agency training programs GOAL 3.2 3.2.1. 3.2.2 3.2.3
GOAL 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3
STATUS Continuous
Support sector to commit to an educated workforce Mental Health training to align with accreditation and support needs Complex Needs training to align with accreditation and support needs Supporting qualified workforce to obtain staff that work commendably towards client goals Provide awareness to agencies on benefits
DEADLINES October 2018 November 2018
June 2019 June 2019 June 2019 June 2019
Build retention strategies that create a healthy workforce
Advocate for competitive wage for sector employees Benefits that attract and retain employees Training and development opportunities for skilled workforce, leadership and succession planning Measures of Success ➢ Reduction noted (not recorded) in: o # of Leaves of absences, conflict resolutions concern, attrition rating
October 2018 April 2019 October 2019
NEXT STEPS 1. Review plan with committee members 2. Review plan bi-annually to adjust and align timelines and priorities with current initiatives 3. April 2020 start development of new two-year strategic CWC Strategic Plan