Connections Spring 2018

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“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself. “ —Henry Ford JANUARY—MARCH 2018

Thank you for your continued support and involvement in the Calhoun County Chamber of Commerce. Here are some of our significant third quarter accomplishments: Program Development 

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YLCC Industry Day was held January 9th. Thirty one students learned about the Calhoun County Economic Development Council and how jobs are brought to Calhoun County. They also participated in tours of Tyler Union Foundry and the Anniston Army Depot. LCC Healthcare Day was held January 11th, giving the class a local and statewide perspective on healthcare. Twenty two members participated, including Jimmie Thompson III of the CLIMB Executive Leadership program. The class toured Autumn Cove, RMC Mediplex, RMC Stringfellow, RMC, Sarrell Dental, Valkyries Austere Medical Solutions, and The Surgery Center. The quarterly Partners in Education Meeting was held January 24th. There were 14 participants representing Calhoun County Schools, Anniston City Schools, Jacksonville City Schools, and Piedmont City Schools. Presented the Chamber Award of Excellence to Jayden Luhn, Cali Sexton, Landon Cole Turner all of Alexandria Elementary School at the January 25th Calhoun County Board of Education Meeting, held at Ohatchee Elementary School. Participated in Piedmont High School's 4th Annual Advantage Plus Program at Jacksonville State University on January 26th. Advantage Plus is part of the 3P program, designed to prepare the 83 seniors for college or the workforce. Phil Webb of Webb Concrete & Building Supplies was the keynote speaker. Break out sessions focused on resume writing, getting your foot in the door, sound financial decision making, social media etiquette, selling yourself, remaining positive, and making friends. Spring Job Shadow Day, sponsored by Eastman & Regions Bank, was held on Friday, February 2nd. Local businesses hosted 89 students from Calhoun County Schools and Anniston High School. Attended The First Tee of Anniston Kick Off Meeting at Randolph Park Elementary School. The First Tee is an in-school program that helps shape the lives of young people by reinforcing values like integrity, respect, and perseverance through the game of golf. Presented Chamber Award of Excellence to four students from Jacksonville High School at the Jacksonville City Schools Board of Education Meeting on February 20th. Special Guest on TV 24's Calhoun County's Most Wanted recorded on February 6th. Spoke about the Leadership Calhoun County and Youth Leadership Calhoun County programs. YLCC & LCC combined days for the February 8th Law & Justice Day, chaired by Sheriff Matthew Wade. The program day included tours of the Calhoun County Courthouse, Calhoun County Jail, Oxford Police Department's Mobile Command Center and Tactical Vehicle, and visits to the Northeast Alabama Law Enforcement Academy & JSU's Center for Applied Forensics. Judges Brian Howell, Bud Turner, Tom Wright, Peggy Miller-Lacher, and Debra Jones, as well as District Attorney Brian McVeigh, and Circuit Clerk Kim McCarson visited and spoke with the 54 class participants. LCC's Local Government Day was held the afternoon of February 8th, chaired by Barry E. Robertson, Commissioner of Licenses. Twenty two class members were treated to a mayoral panel and Q & A with former County Commissioner Ken Rollins. LCC Alumni Spring Luncheon was held on Thursday, February 22nd at the Oxford Civic Center. There were 53 LCC Alumni in attendance to hear guest speaker, Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill. YLCC JSU Day was held Tuesday, February 27th. It included a campus tour with stops at the Nursing School's Brook Stone Simulation Lab, Merrill Hall's new Finance Lab, Meehan Hall's Stadium Towers, the Jack Hopper Dining Hall, and the 12th floor of the Houston Cole Library for the 24 participating students. Participated in United Way's Read Across America Day by reading to Kindergarten students at Pleasant Valley Elementary School on March 1st. Attended Randolph Park Elementary School's Dr. Seuss Breakfast and read to students on March 2nd. Put together 450 Teacher Bags for Worlds of Work. Line Leader at Worlds of Work for Weaver High School March 13th. Attended the Anniston Housing Authority's luncheon discussing workforce development on arch 13th. On Thursday, March 15th Leadership Calhoun County had State Government Day. Twenty two class members traveled to Montgomery to meet with state representatives Randy Wood, K.L. Brown, Steve Hurst, and Senator Del Marsh. Class members sat in on the House and Senate, before touring the State Archives and meeting Governor Kay Ivey at lunch. Alabama Department of Labor's Stephen McCormick and Business Council of Alabama's Mark Colson also took time to speak to the class members about the role of lobbyists in Montgomery.

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Special Guest on TV 24's Calhoun County's Most Wanted recorded March 27th with Rebecca Cleveland of the David Mathews Center for Civic Life to promote the What's Next Alabama forum series starting on April 4th. Attended workforce development meetings with the Calhoun County Economic Development Council, Gadsden State Community College, area industries, Southwire, and the Anniston Army Depot.

Public Affairs          

Public Affairs Committee met on Thursday, Jan. 11th. Committee hosted the Mayors Roundtable on Monday, February 5th. Coffee and Conversations was on Monday, Feb. 19 with state legislators. 50 Chamber members were present to hear from the state delegation. Conversation with Congress was on held on Wed. Feb. 21st. 70 Chamber members were in attendance with an update from Senator Shelby. Chamber is participating in the BCA/CCA Legislative Conference calls. Public Affairs visited Montgomery with the LCC class to visit our legislators and discuss elements of our Legislative Agenda Hosted bi-weekly public affairs meetings to discuss the upcoming forums and to begin putting together a plan of action to advocate for Fiber Optics throughout Calhoun County Supported Senate Bill 149 which was passed for citizens in rural areas to have access to Broadband internet The Advocate Bulletin, updates on Legislation, is being emailed to members bi-weekly. The Public Forums sub-committee has planned the Forums for the upcoming elections.  Thursday, April 19th, Chamber of Commerce - Calhoun County Judges  Monday, April 23, Anniston City Meeting Center - County Commission  Thursday, April 26, Anniston City Meeting Center - County School Board  Thursday, May 10, Oxford Civic Center - State Representatives

Business Development         

The Chamber's 39th Annual Meeting had 300 in attendance. The Small Business Committee has begun planning the 2018 Night of Laughter & Business Awards, set for Tuesday, May 1. The Tax Seminar on the New Tax Legislation had 12 in attendance. The Chamber has begun sharing "Quick Tips" to our Youtube Channel in a playlist each week. We've also begun uploading videos of workshops offered for on-demand viewing. The Economic Forum on Friday, Feb. 23rd in partnership with JSU had 80 in attendance. The Chamber will be hosting a Business Readiness four week certification program in partnership with the Calhoun County EMA beginning April 12. We'll kick off our Coffee & Conversation series Tuesday, April 17, covering Government Procurement from 8-9 AM at the Chamber. Our next Business Basics Workshop will be with the City of Oxford, on Friday, May 4, at 10 AM at the Bynum Community Center. Get your tickets now for the Night of Laughter & Business Awards, set for Tuesday, May 1, beginning at 5:30 PM.

Organizational Development  

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Chamber Ambassadors monthly meeting was held on January 9 at the Chamber. New Ambassadors were welcomed and a review was presented of the Chamber's annual events. Chamber Ambassadors monthly meeting was held on February 13 at the Chamber. Ambassadors will be visiting members who are 6 months into their annual membership, tracking visit dates and notes in real-time through use of a Google Folder. Chamber Ambassador of the Month, Christine Schmucker, attended the Chamber board meeting on February 22. Chamber Ambassadors monthly meeting was held on March 13. Ambassadors discussed different ways that are members utilize Chamber resources and how to best communicate with our members. Laura Mizzell was recognized as Ambassador of the month in March. The 2018 "Mission Possible" Member Referral Drive was kicked off on January 25. Teams of volunteers will be out talking with business owners about the benefits of being part of the Chamber. Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies were held for: The Rustic Farmhouse, Trinity Ceramics Gifts & More, the new Fort McClellan Credit Union, Tans Down Under's new location in Oxford, and a Ground Breaking Ceremony was held for Murphy USA’s new walk-in convenience store at 45 Plaza Lane in Oxford.

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Business & Biscuits was sponsored and hosted by the YMCA of Calhoun County at 29 W. 14th St. in Anniston with over 50 in attendance. Guests were treated to breakfast in the newly remodeled gymnasium and learned about programs at the Y. Business & Biscuits was sponsored and hosted by Sunny King Ford in Anniston with over 60 in attendance. Business & Biscuits was sponsored and hosted by Cheaha Bank in Jacksonville with over 50 in attendance. Lunch & Leads was sponsored by NobleBank & Trust and hosted at Los Mexicanos Restaurante in Oxford with over 60 in attendance. Lunch & Leads was sponsored by and hosted at the Noble Street Deli inside Alexander's at Noble Shops in Anniston with over 40 in attendance. Lunch & Leads was sponsored by Eastman and hosted at Mellow Mushroom in Oxford with almost 70 in attendance. Business After Hours was held at American Back Institute in Oxford with over 100 in attendance. Business After Hours was held at the Civilian Marksmanship Program in Anniston with over 150 in attendance. Hosted Google Livestream program "Open for Business" at the Northeast Alabama Entrepreneurial Center, 1 of 5 scheduled workshops for business owners through our Google City Partnership. Business After Hours was sponsored by Alabama Power and held at Classic Too! in Anniston with over 100 in attendance. Guests brought supplies and made monetary donations for the tornado recovery efforts in Jacksonville. 25 new members joined the Chamber during the first quarter of 2018. The Chamber has 1155 members.

Tourism          

Serving on planning committee for Noble Street Festival, set for Saturday, April 7. The Chamber Staff will be in the information booth at the Noble Street Festival, April 7. January 22, we hosted an attractions meeting. Applying for grants, meeting with schools and planning with community members and organizations for a new education & quality of life program, set for August 2018. Attended first 2018 Cheaha Challenge Meeting, for the event set for Sunday, May 20. 128 Welcome Packets sent. March 3, the Chamber will again participate in JSU Preview Day at Pete Mathews Coliseum. The JSU Marketing Students collaborated in research, concepts and proposals, presenting to our marketing subcommittee on February 26 for the brand name development project. March through April , the JSU Graphic Design students in the JSU Art Department are researching, developing and designing new logo proposals for the Marketing sub-committee to review and select. March 3, we greeted more than 100 students and their family members at JSU's Spring Preview Day at Pete Mathews Coliseum. March 6 through 13, we hosted Brice Shirbach from PinkBike, the world's largest action sports website. Our feature story will be published soon and feature our community's cycling narrative.

Public Relations                

The Visit Calhoun County Facebook Page now has 1580 likes. had more than 741 visitors. The Visit Calhoun County blog has generated more than 207 pageviews. @VisitCalhounCo has 554 followers on Twitter. @VisitCalhounCo has 396 followers on Instagram, with 786 new likes and 11 comments from 22 pictures. The Chamber Facebook page has 4355 likes/Followers. had more than 4,700 visitors, with 1222 directory searches of our online membership directory. With 2 active job postings garnered 62 views. Our event calendar received more than 1671 searches. Our 4 Hot Deals received 12 hits. The Chamber's Twitter, @CalhounChamber, has 1291 followers The Chamber's Blog garnered 18 views. The Chamber's January E-Newsletter, distributed January 2, had 558 opens, of the 2114 sent. The Chamber's February E-Newsletter, distributed January 29, had 538 opens, of the 2125 sent. The Chamber's March E-Newsletter, distributed February 26, had 511 opens, of the 2142 sent. The Chamber's App, Calhoun2Go, has 183 users.

January Events

January 4, the YMCA of Calhoun County hosted the Chamber’s Business & Biscuits at their Anniston location at 29 W 14th Street.

January 11, Leadership Calhoun County had their Healthcare Day, touring Autumn Cove, RMC Stringfellow, Regional Medical Center, Valkyries Austere Medical Solutions & Consultants, Sarrell Regional Dental, The Surgery Center and the Oxford Mediplex.

January 9, Youth Leadership Calhoun County toured Tyler Union and the Anniston Army Depot for their Industry Day. January 12, The Rustic Farmhouse celebrated the ribbon cutting for their location at 175 Plaza Lane in Oxford.

January 10, NobleBank & Trust hosted the Chamber's monthly Lunch & Leads at Los Mexicanos in Oxford, with more than 60 member representatives attending. January 23, American Back Institute hosted the Chamber's Business After Hours at their 828 South Quintard Avenue location in Oxford.

The Chamber Ambassadors held their monthly meeting on January 9 at the Chamber. The Ambassador program consists of enthusiastic volunteers from the Chamber membership who donate their time to help build member commitment and raise community awareness of Chamber activities and benefits.

January 24, Trinity Ceramics Gifts and More celebrated the business' new ownership with a ribbon cutting at their 1230 Noble Street location in Anniston.

39th Annual Meeting

January 25, the Chamber celebrated its 39th Annual Meeting at the Oxford Civic Center with more than 250 members and representatives in attendance. At the Annual Meeting, each year, we celebrate the many successes of the past year and preview our plan of action for the coming year, as we swear in the new Board of Directors and announce the Chairman’s Cup Recipient and Ambassador of the Year. 2017 Ambassador of the Year: Washin' Coin Laundry's Ken Barrett Ken has stepped up this year as the Ambassador Chair and continues to do all that is needed for our Ambassador program to grow and succeed.

The Chamber honored the late Joel Denney with the Brenda Dozier Hollis Chairman's Cup, and his wife Nancy and children, Jace & Jenny, were presented Joel's Chairman's Cup by Greg Brown. Joel Denney was a dedicated servant for this great community and this chamber, including leading the Military & Security Affairs Committee. It was our honor to present Joel’s Chairman’s Cup to Nancy Denney.

2017 Chairman Barry E. Robertson passes the gavel to 2018 Chairman Rod Nowlin.

Our guest speaker was Mr. Greg Barker, current Executive Vice President for Customer Services at Alabama Power Company.

The Anniston Star’s Bob Davis honored Patty King with the Citizen of the Year.

January Events February Events

January 26, Fort McClellan Credit Union celebrated the grand opening of their 1010 Golden Springs Road location in Anniston with a ribbon cutting.

February 1, Sunny King Ford hosted the Chamber’s monthly Business & Biscuits at their 1507 S. Quintard Avenue location in Anniston.

Thank you to everyone who attended our "How will the new tax law affect you" Seminar with Warren Averett! If you missed the workshop, check out our YouTube channel for this workshop recording and more! February 1, Tans Down Under celebrated the grand opening of their second location at 1716 Hamric Drive East, Suite 1, in Oxford with a ribbon cutting.

January 18, during the Calhoun County Board of Education meeting at Ohatchee Elementary, the Chamber’s Program Director Krychelle Smith presented the Chamber’s Award of Excellence to the following students from Alexandria Elementary School: 1st Place - Jayden Luhn (3rd Grade) 2nd Place - Cali Sexton (4th Grade) 3rd Place - Landon Cole Turner (3rd Grade)

Each fall and spring, the Chamber partners with schools and businesses throughout Calhoun County to provide students the opportunity to shadow in the career fields of their interest. If your business would like to participate in future job shadow days, please email

February Events

February 8. Youth Leadership Calhoun County joined forces with Leadership Calhoun County for their Law & Justice Day, with tours of the courthouse and county jail and hearing from Law Enforcement Agencies.

February 20, the Civilian Marksmanship Program hosted Business After Hours for Chamber Members at their South Range and air rifle facility on Sentinel Drive in Anniston.

February 14, Chamber members showed their love for the Chamber and joined us for Lunch & Leads at Noble Deli, in Alexander's at Noble Shops, located at 1118 Noble Street in Anniston.

February 21, Senator Shelby stopped by the Chamber for a chat with Chamber Members and members of the general public and to present an update from Washington during our Conversations with Congress.

Thank you to Bob and Carolyn Orchid for hosting our Hotel & Motel Meeting at their lovely Springwood Inn Bed & Breakfast, and thank you to all our hoteliers that were able to attend!

February 19, the Chamber hosted Coffee & Conversation with Representatives Dr. Barbara Boyd, Randy Wood, Steve Hurst, K.L. Brown & Becky Nordgren, providing an opportunity to meet and hear from state legislators.

February 22, Leadership Calhoun County hosted their LCC Alumni Luncheon at the Oxford Civic Center, featuring Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill.

February 23, the Calhoun County Chamber & Visitors Center hosted its 16th annual Economic Forum at the CMP South Range in Anniston, presented by Jacksonville State University's School of Business & Industry, JSU's Center for Economic Development & Business Research, and BR Williams Trucking, Inc.

February Events March Events

February 27, Youth Leadership Calhoun County toured Jacksonville State University for their JSU Day. March 1, Cheaha Bank celebrated 10 years in Jacksonville by hosting the Chamber's Business & Biscuits at their 1500 Pelham Road South location.

Each year, the Chamber & Visitors Center recognizes individuals from the hospitality and service industry that go above and beyond standard with the Recognition of Service Excellence Award. This year's event was hosted on February 28, at the Longleaf Botanical Gardens and featuring an update from Cheaha State Park. This year’s honorees are: Yvonne Adams from Fairfield Inn & Suites Sharon Barnes from the Alumni House at JSU Sarah Burke at the Anniston Museums & Gardens Gwen Cherwaty at Panera Bread Oxford Kristy Farmer at Peerless Saloon & Grille Victoria Ginn at Fuji Japanese Cuisine Tydricka Groce at Hampton Inn & Suites Cyrus Hill at the Holiday Inn Express & Suites Deanna Jones at the Hampton Inn Jacksonville Christy Kowatch at the Hampton Inn Jacksonville Kellie McClanahan at Courtyard by Marriott Katina Shellings at the Home2 Suites by Hilton Nancy Turner from the Alumni House at JSU Gerald Walker at the Hilton Garden Inn Timothy Beard at Hotel Finial Mary Safford at the Hotel Finial Sarah Watson at the Hotel Finial

March 8, Murphy USA celebrated the groundbreaking for their walk in station expansion to include ethanol-free gas, and a larger facility to accommodate more customers at their Oxford Walmart location at 45 Plaza Lane.

March 14, EASTMAN hosted the Chamber’s monthly Lunch & Leads at Mellow Mushroom, located at 33 Industrial Drive in Oxford.

March Events

On March 15, The Public Affairs Committee and the Leadership Calhoun County Class paired up to take a visit to Alabama's capitol for LCC’s State Government Day. Through a fun-filled day of touring the capitol buildings and observing the house floors in session, we heard from several elected officials and speakers about the importance of staying engaged in government efforts.

March 20, Alabama Power sponsored Business After Hours for Chamber Members at Classic Too.

Our 2018 Nominees are: Sustaining Small Businesses of the Year Anniston Water Works The Harris Agency New Leaf Marketing Pate's Painting, Design and Remodeling Pine Hill Country Club Regional Dental Center - Dr. Young Emerging Small Businesses of the Year The Rustic Farmhouse Growing Trends Rosa Lee Jewelry Coleman Tree Service Young Entrepreneur of the Year Karla Eden- Taste of Eden Jean & Steven Ellison - The Music Box Christa Morphis - Model City Insurance Laura Mizzell - Mizzell Marketing

Thank you to Dr. David Cummings for your contributions to the community and Chamber for over 30 years! #Longevity

Non-Profit of the Year CAST 2nd Chance The Dannon Project The Learning Tree, Inc. Interfaith Ministries St. Michael's Medical Clinic Disabled American Veterans Chapter 98 The Neely Henry Lake Association HOPE Women's Services (Sav-A-Life)

New Members January—March Mark Holden Destiny Limousine 1 B Harris Street Jacksonville, AL 36265 (256) 886-6581 Limousine/Car Service Suzen Robertson Anniston, AL (256) 453-8954 Friends of the Chamber Jay Lee Innova Pure Inc. 1400 Commerce Blvd. Anniston, AL 36207 (205) 396-8644 Manufacturer Justin Casey Modern Woodmen of America 4990 US 278 Hokes Bluff, AL 35903 (256) 453-0466 Insurance Pieper Herren Tans Down Under 1716 Hamric Dr. E #1 Oxford, AL 36203 (256) 832-0333 Tanning Salon Ishtiaq Farooqui Murphy USA 45 Plaza Lane Oxford, AL 36203 Convenience Store/Gas Station James W. Williams Anniston, AL 36207 Friends of the Chamber Melanie Raulerson Federal-Mogul Motorparts 2599 Al Hwy 21 North Jacksonville, AL 36265 (256) 435-4700 Distributor-Vehicular Parts Manufacturing Steven Turley Professional Auto Body, LLC 7435 US Hwy 431 Alexandria, AL 36250 (256) 770-4275 Auto Repair Service

Lori Warren Alabama Court Reporting, Inc. 109 Jefferson St. N Suite 8 Huntsville, AL 35801 (256) 304-5451 Public Service

Lane Weatherbee Piedmont Commercial Development Authority Piedmont, AL 36272 (256) 239-4444 Non-Profit Organization

Kaye Barrett Scrappy to Happy Canine Training Anniston, AL 36207 (256) 624-0765 Dog Trainer

Lyle Holland-Pastor Jacksonville First United Methodist Church 109 Gayle Ave. SW Jacksonville, AL 36265 (256) 435-6021 Church

Kenny Wright Wright Media, LLC 1865 Hillyer Robinson Pkwy Anniston, AL 36207 (256) 770-1554 Advertising

Jim Watkins Almus Media-Oxford Herald 2445 Vestavia Dr. Birmingham, AL 35216 (205) 937-0180 Newspaper/Advertising

Lisa Amerson Lisa Amerson for Board of Education Wellington, AL 36279 (256) 405-9341 Friends of the Chamber

Jim Pitts $10 Taxi Alabama Anniston, AL 36207 (256) 375-9029 Taxi Service

Nakia Littlejohn Wright and Associates Medical Logistics LLC 200 Main St. Units 1 and 2 Weaver, AL 36277 (256)239-8984 Medical Consulting Tony Diez Feeding Alabama Inc. 175 Sherman Dr. Oxford, AL 36203 (256) 454-3160 Non-Profit Organization Jesus M. Perez I.L.E.A.D. Institute of Leadership Education and Development Anniston, AL 36207 (254) 530-2953 Leadership Development Ryan Fritts Struts-Jacksonville 500 Forney Ave. NW Jacksonville, AL 36265 (256)782-0106 Restaurant Ryan Fritts Struts-Oxford 88 Ali Way Oxford, AL 36203 (256) 835-8102 Restaurant

Julia Brown Brown’s Cleaning Service 350 McCoy Road Ragland, AL 35131 (205) 472-2587 Cleaning Service James Allen Lloyd Crabapple Cove Ranch 4310 Eulaton Road Anniston, AL 36201 (256) 310-4440 Weddings & Special Events

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