4 minute read
Photo by John Burgess/The Press Democrat
By Cindy Bagley Director of Community Services City of Rohnert Park
I volunteered to serve on the A-Team, and eventually take over as Chair, because I really paid very little attention to the world of legislation, but deep down I knew that it affected me both directly and indirectly and thought, “Hey, if I can start to understand this stuff, anyone can.”
So, here I am, less than two years into my new role and I just got to “interview” a Senator. I quote the word interview because it really didn’t feel like an interview. It was a conversation, a chat, a discussion with an energetic, enthusiastic and supportive State Senator: Senator Mike McGuire representing Senate District 2.
If you aren’t familiar with this name, he is the State Senator that drafted Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 52 (SCR-52). This was filed with the Secretary of State on September 10, 2021, and proclaimed the month of July 2021 as California Parks and Recreation Professionals Month to celebrate the accomplishments and resilience of parks and recreation professionals throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Senator McGuire worked with CPRS around our “Parks Make Life Better!®” Month resolution to draft SCR-52.
In our conversation on October 1, 2021, Senator McGuire demonstrated that, not only does he believe whole heartedly in what we do, but is one of our fiercest advocates and supporters. He commented on more than one occasion about how honored he was to work with us to recognize our profession. He mentioned a few times how proud he was of our professionals for the work we do and the work we did during the pandemic. He recognized, unprovoked, that we pivoted everything we do to support the residents in our communities and “brought communities together” over the last 18 months.
Through our chat, I learned that the Senator grew up in Healdsburg, California in an apartment. Though he and his mom struggled after his parents’ divorce, parks served as his backyard where his family celebrated birthdays, played with friends and made his life more fulfilling. He committed to public service to help those who struggled like he did, live a more fulfilling life.
Here are the specific questions I had prepared for the Senator: 1. What does the term Parks Make
Life Better! mean to you and your family? 2. What initiatives do you support that would advance access to parks for
California residents? 3. As citizen advocates or in their professional capacity, how can park and recreation professionals support these initiatives? 4. What is the best way for a park and recreation professional to communicate with you and your colleagues about ideas for the advancement of park and recreation services in local communities and at the state level? 5. As you are well aware this year’s budget contained significant resources for one-time allocations for park improvements and expansions across the state. However, do you have thoughts on how the state can identify ways to insure more sustainable park and recreation funding for operation, maintenance and programming ongoing?
Because our interview was more of a back and forth dialogue, some questions were answered as part of his message of support of what we do, and others were answered throughout the discussion in a less formal capacity and the “responses” are summarized below:
Senator McGuire spoke a lot about the following needs in California as they relate to parks and recreation: • Increased access to parks • Expansion of opportunities for people to participate in programs o Especially those in underserved urban and rural counties • Another park bond to support the above
When asked how we can support him and other legislators in their efforts to support parks and recreation, he said: • Park and Recreation professionals have their finger on the pulse of the residents in the state and can help legislators learn of their wants and needs; so • Build closer working relationships o Talk early and often to your local leaders! o Every fall, book appointments and talk to local leaders o At the new year, book more appointments and talk about priorities
Ultimately, what it comes down to is that legislators want to hear from us, and more importantly need to hear from us. Funding opportunities are driven by the needs of California residents. The pandemic shone a bright light on the need and importance of parks and recreation services. I was smiling ear-to-ear during this entire conversation and these two comments from Senator McGuire still resonate in my mind and heart about our profession:
“It’s a tough job on a good day, so special thanks for the work done during the pandemic”; and
So, my friends, continue on in your work. Be bold, and advocate for what we do. We have support out there. We just need to be more proactive about connecting to our legislators. We build relationships for a living, so make a goal in the coming year to meet your local senator or assembly member and tell your story. Share with them the awesome work you’re doing, and how we can partner with them to help continue to make lives better for those living, working and playing in California!