9 minute read
Happiness Hacks
Scientifically Proven Ways To Get Back To Happy
By Emily Yost, Director of Marketing & Communications at CACM
I’ve always been impressed with the mental toughness held by community association managers. Your ability to ‘kill them with kindness’ or maneuver the toughest of situations requires chutzpah, self-confidence, patience and a heart for serving others. You experience an intense conversation with such grace and go about your day as if the situation never happened!
Along the way, I know you’ve had support from co-workers and family who remind you that it will all work itself out. You’ve had happy distractions of going out with friends, seeing the latest film released at the movie theatre, attending a sporting event and yelling for your favorite team at the top of your lungs. But wait…all of those things were ripped from you with the onset of COVID-19. Since March, our ability to ‘vent’ to others has been dramatically decreased to an occasional chat with a co-worker, immediate family or your cat (although he/she is a great mood enhancer). It isn’t necessarily the best ‘decompression session.’
The world has been experiencing new mental health challenges impacted by COVID-19. For a community management professional who handles high stress situations on a daily basis, the impact has taken a bit of a toll. After hearing stories from across the state of the strain on emotional health and happiness, I set out on a quest to find out more about “happiness hacks” and the science that backs them up. I’m excited to share my action list of ways you can get back to happy!
1. Exercise.
According to health psychologist and lecturer at Stanford University, Kelly McGonigal when you exercise your brain produces endorphins, dopamine, adrenaline and endocannabiniod that are associated with feeling happy, confident, capable, feeling less anxiety, stress and even physical pain.
2. Play with your pet.
There is a good reason they are called “Emotional Support Animals.” Spending quality time petting your favorite animal is scientifically proven to lower blood pressure, make you feel calmer and even increases your serotonin and dopamine levels!
3. Eat better.
I know this will shock you (not!), but food affects your mood! Consider falling in love with some of these mood altering foods:
a. Leafy greens like spinach and kale. They are rich in folate and the nutrient is linked to a decrease in negative moods and depression, as it produces dopamine in the brain!
b. Mushrooms are also a source of vitamin D and vitamin D boosts serotonin in the brain putting you in a naturally better mood.
c. Tumeric carries natural antidepressant qualities.
d. And don’t forget to sip on some green tea! A study found that people who drank five or more cups of green tea per day had a 20% lower level of tress than those who drank less than one. Salmon is high in omega-3 fatty acides which stave off depression.
4. Laugh
… even when you don’t feel like it. This simple, yet profound act oxygenates the mind and body. According to Laughter Yoga creator, Dr. Madan Kataria M.D., “The body cannot differentiate between fake and real laughter. One gets the same physiological and psychological benefits. Clinical research conducted at Bangalore, India and in the United States has proved that Laughter lowers the level of stress hormones (epinephrine, cortisol, etc) in the blood.” There is even an app you can download to guide you through your laughter yoga session!
5. Listen to music.
Take a dance break and sing along to your favorite tunes! Yes, sing like you are in your own music video. No one can hear you and it completely alters your mood! University of Manchester researchers discovered that a tiny organ in the inner ear (called the sacculus) is connected to a part of your brain that registers pleasure. The sacculus registers frequency notes that are associated with singing almost instantly, giving you a warm and fuzzy feeling.
6. Get more sleep.
I don’t know about you, but I’m a beast if I haven’t gotten enough sleep. The body must rejuvenate. Allow it to work for you, not against you.
7. Wake up early
and do something new in those special morning hours. You’ve heard the old saying, “Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” Amazing things happen in the early morning hours when it is quiet. Take a morning walk, read a book, write a to-do list of things you’d like to accomplish for the day providing you an opportunity to check them off at the end of the day as achievements.
8. Go outside.
Your body needs Vitamin D and it increases serotonin in the brain enhancing your mood, all while helping you feel calm and focused.
9. Open the shades.
Many of us work in ‘cave-like’ work environments and simply come up for air to eat lunch. If your office environment is dark, consider letting in some sunlight. A ‘light and bright’ work space assist you with focus, all while enhancing your mood.
10. Celebrate Through Your Sense of Smell!
Invest in an oil diffuser and citrus essential oils (orange, lemon and grapefruit). They bring out positive chemical reactions in your brain and ease stress. The floral oil Jasmine, is also known to increase the positive effects of these citrus scents.
11. Put down your mobile device(s).
Let go of the immediacy of technology and the tension and stress it brings as you peruse social media in today’s chaotic climate.
12. Bring in a new plant or fresh flowers.
Lovely to look at, these beauties psychologically lift your mood. According to an article in Boston Magazine, “plants actually have many health benefits, such as reducing stress, boosting mood, and enhancing productivity and creativity. House plants also help improve air quality. ... These plants help boost oxygen levels and remove pollutants and toxins from the air, such as formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene.”
13. Take more social time.
We all need a friend who listens to us and lifts us up. Access your friends list and make mental note of the ones who are ‘always happy.’ Those are the friends you want to keep close— whether it’s a phone call, lunch date or excursion to your favorite golf course or nail salon.
14. Help others for at least two hours per week.
You’ve heard of “runner’s high”, did you know there is such a thing as “helper’s high?” Helping others not only provides you an opportunity to socialize with a purpose, but it lifts your mood, releases endorphins in the brain and gives you the same euphoric feeling as running a marathon (without all the huffing and puffing!)
15. Meditate.
Try simply focusing on your breathing in a quiet room as it does increase your happiness levels, consider a meditation YouTube video (there is a meditation video for everyone!) or visit your favorite nature spot and close your eyes as you listen to earth’s natural soundscape. It’s beautiful, magical and reminds us that there is so much more than just what we’re going through in that moment.
16. Practice gratitude.
Take the time to count your blessings each day. Count your friends. Count the breath in your lungs. Count the job that you have. Count the love you have from family and friends. If you meditate on these blessings, you’ll find you are the richest person in the world!
17. Spend money on experience, not things.
Time is one of the most expensive (and valuable) commodities we have. Plan an outing with friends or family members. Experience life today! What you’ll also find is that you don’t have to spend a fortune on fun experiences. Just being with those you love seem to do the body good.
18. Practice your spirituality or faith.
Practicing your religious or spiritual beliefs reminds you of life’s meaning or purpose providing you with a sense of well-being and comfort. The Washington Post published an article on the subject that I found just fascinating!
19. Embrace opposing feelings.
Yes, you heard me correctly— embrace the good, the bad and the ugly! It’s okay to have a down moment. Embrace it, recognize it and carry on. We all experience them from time to time. The magic lies in not letting them rule you.
20. Learn something new.
The feeling of achievement is powerful! Consider a mentor in the community management industry. Reach out to a colleague you admire. Need assistance in finding a mentor? Reach out to CACM.
21. Relax your expectations.
We carry such high expectations for ourselves and when we look on social media, it seems that everyone’s life is so much more exciting and happy than ours. So, slow down on trying to “achieve happiness” at every moment.
22. No.
Learn the word “no” and don’t be afraid to use it. Warren Buffet shares,“The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say ‘no’ to almost everything.” You can’t be all things to all people or eventually, you will crumble. Overworked and overburdened individuals are NEVER happy.
23. Celebrate strengths while recognizing weaknesses.
It’s more than okay to be yourself.
24. Practice the ‘Ron Wilson Approach to life’.
This one is an ode to my father, Ron Wilson. He often shared with me as a child that you should never live in the euphoric highs of life or live in the lows of life. Both of those are fleeting feelings. Treat life like it’s just an average day and you’ll find blessings in each moment, rather than just a few.
25. Keep a journal.
Write down how your feeling, what you’re grateful for and any meaningful events or moments you’ve experienced in the last 24 hours. Psychology Today published an article that shared this, ‘It’s often said that journaling helps you act as your own counselor. Another benefit of journaling is that it can boost your happiness by helping you focus on the creativity, beauty, connection, fun and love in your life.”
What I learned in this process was that there is only ONE thing we cannot continue to do…stew in our current situation. The list above is an ACTION list. We, as an industry, are constantly serving others. We recognize that service matters in the lives of the individuals who live in the communities we serve. What we often miss, is that in order to take care of someone else, we must first take care of ourselves. It’s time to take an active role in our own happiness.
Do you have a Happiness Hack others in the community management industry should know about? Share it on our social channels: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn with #myhappinesshack.