2 minute read
CEO of Your Life
You show up. You stand firm. You supersede.
By Frank Jauregui, CCAM
2020 has tested the resolve of each and every one of us!
We’ve been confronted and challenged with so many adversities like no other time in our generation.
We’ve also discovered how amazing and essential we really are to our family, friends, places of employment, our industry colleagues and the communities we so diligently serve.
And yet with this renewed discovery, we continue to battle with self-doubt and negative selftalk that works to usurp our joy and clouds our vision of the tremendous gifts and abilities we bring to our industry.
Manager, you are an amazing value to this industry! You are the face and brand of your organization. You are the ringmaster who orchestrates and helps provide clear direction to your board members and business partners on what happens in the communities you partner with.
But the most amazing reality is that you control how you use your greatest assets -- your individual gifts, your immense knowledge and singular abilities to bless so many around you.
You decide each day how you are going to use those things that make you outstanding and unique. You decide on whether you are going to use these traits to build up or tear down. You are the one who displays their strength not by what people see outwardly but by the battles and struggles that you conquer privately when no one else knows or sees what you go through.
You show up. You stand firm. You supersede. You win every single day even when it seems like you fall back.
Do you know that you are the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of your life? The Oxford Lexico Dictionary provides this definition of who a CEO is. “A chief executive officer, the highest-ranking person in a company or other institution, ultimately responsible for making managerial decisions.”
My friends and colleagues, we work so hard to manage successfully others’ affairs – don’t lose the vision to celebrate your knowledge base, to leverage your talents for self-improvement and to give yourself the kudos and praise you deserve when you achieve success at whatever level you may find yourself at.
As you read this now, decide how YOU will determine the trajectory of your life. Choose to bring light into scenarios that seem darkened by despair. It is a truth that people will always remember you for how you made them feel before anything you may ever say.
When you bring your brand of exceptionalness to this industry we all benefit, but you benefit the most. This is your calling for such a time as this. Which of you will answer this call? I hope that it’s YOU. It’s time for you to step into your position as CEO of your life.

Frank Jauregui, CCAM, is Senior Community Association Manager at The Management Trust – Southern California, ACMC.