2 minute read
Letter from the Guest Editor
As a new year begins and the rush of the holidays is behind us, we often reflect on what we achieved in the past year and set our sights on our goals for the coming year.
Often, it’s easy to let the demands of this very fast-paced industry distract us from what is right in front of us, and we often forget about how many talented collaborators we have contributing to the success of CACM. It’s refreshing to see how many dedicated partners we still have working towards building better communities. It is a true pleasure working with the staff of CACM and the contributing attorneys.
In this new issue of the Law Journal, many authors focused on what the new year brings to common interest developments, covering new laws such as Assembly Bill (AB) 1033 regarding ADU sales and AB 1572 tackling the issue of water conservation. Many of our communities face problems like the trending hot topics addressed in this issue, such as free speech (timely given the upcoming campaign year) and how we move forward from the impacts of the Alta Del Mar decision regarding email correspondence. Our responsibility and duty is to ensure that we keep our teams and clients informed and in compliance as we navigate through the new year.
I sincerely thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be the guest editor, and I hope you enjoy this issue of the Law Journal.