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Letter from the Guest Editor
The Law Journal strives to keep community managers informed and equipped with the information and tools they need to be successful. A key part of being successful and keeping common interest developments running smoothly is ensuring consistent and adequate cash flow.
The primary means of guaranteeing adequate cash flow is assessments; remember, assessments are the lifeblood of communities. Community managers also need to be aware of outside changes, such as lender requirements and crime rates, and their effects on communities.
This issue focuses on the ever-changing laws surrounding assessments and sustaining a healthy community by being up to date on current trends and best practices. In this issue you will find articles that address topics such as the new Debt Collection Licensing Act, collecting across state lines, the limits on fund transfers and key tips for levying special assessments. Additional articles address the impact of stricter lending standards and maintaining a secure community considering the spike in crime.
It is my honor to be the guest editor of the Summer 2022 Law Journal. The Law Journal Editorial Committee received many submissions with great topics, making it difficult to select the articles for this addition. Thank you to everyone who wrote an article and for sharing your wealth of knowledge and expertise.
I hope you enjoy this issue as much as I enjoyed working with the Editorial Committee to bring this to you. I encourage you to reach out to the authors as I’m sure they would be happy to hear your feedback and answer your questions.

Jeffrey A. Beaumont, Esq.
Jeffrey A. Beaumont, Esq., is a senior partner with Beaumont Tashjian and has over 20 years of experience representing common interest developments throughout California.