2 minute read
President’s Message
By Thomas Freeley, CAMEx, CCAM, President & CEO
Anyone disagree that our industry needs to be elevated? Community management is a growing industry. But as an industry, we’re a small community. As a community, we should help each other. Support each other. Guide each other. ELEVATE each other. Whether you work for a management company or direct hire of an HOA, help elevate your team members. Teach them through California-specific education. Support them through California-specific certification. Promote their hard work accomplishing their CACM certification to your clients by including this flyer in your board packets: Is Your Community Manager California Certified?
There are so many ways to elevate our industry, but it starts with elevating each other. Have you nominated anyone for a Vision Award? No? Why not? I know that you know someone that deserves to be nominated for an award. I’ve heard comments that we need to add a lot more awards. I think the Vision Awards should be viewed as a special recognition for work above and beyond. Yes, the application process takes a little time, as it should for a special recognition, but never let a process stop you from accomplishing a goal. The process isn’t a journey. The journey is the “why” that special someone should be recognized.
It’s impossible to summarize everything we are doing at CACM in an article or two, so reach out and ask any question about our expansion goals and accomplishments to date. Ask about the amazing Industry Partner Councils and how you could get involved in the associated local committees to help shape your local networking and educational events. Ask about the potential of being a CACM Board or committee member. Offer a suggestion on how we can help elevate you, or how you can elevate the industry.
Until I see you again, ELEVATE someone, and you’ll be elevating the industry.

Thomas Freeley, CAMEx, CCAM, President & CEO