3 minute read
President's Message
By Tom Freeley, CAMEx, CCAM, President & CEO
And just like that, 2023 is in the rearview mirror! How did that happen?
For CACM it has been a very busy year with expansion across the state in order to better serve you. We’ve grown the number of networking and educational events we are holding locally; we have grown our education program with a new certification program for Industry Partners and through a new sub-specialty for Lifestyle Management; and we’ve expanded our team both at our Southern California and at our new Northern California office. Like you, I firmly believe that we can’t properly serve if we aren’t there.
We anticipate continuing to grow and expand in 2024 with new team members in local markets, added educational and networking events, fun events including a Day at the Races, and more.
This year we formed new committees including our Industry Partner Councils in Northern and Southern California and 13 Local Committees representing regions throughout the state to make sure we are addressing the needs locally of our members. I hope you have had the opportunity to join us in your local market. If not, no worries. You will in 2024!
We’ve also expanded our efforts to educate stakeholders about the community management industry. I attended the California Association of Realtors’ convention for the first time in support of California-specific certification and was invited to participate as a panelist on Public Policy and Regulations again, supporting California-specific certification. We also opened conversations to introduce CACM’s community management education and certification programs at local community colleges.
Legislatively, 2023 was a challenging, yet significant and successful year, with the passage of new laws governing meetings by teleconference and quorum requirements, among others. Turn to page 23 for a full recap of the bills that became law this year. THANK YOU to the CACM members that testified on a few bills this past session. Your input and testimony is invaluable.
It’s been an eventful year to say the least. I’m grateful for the opportunity to see many of you and meet many of you for the first time. Your support of California-specific education and certification is what makes CACM such an amazing organization. I look forward to continuing to provide a community for growth, networking, and professional development next year!
I hope you have a fantastic holiday season and my best wishes for a successful 2024! I can’t wait to see you at one of our Law Seminars!