CAC 2009/10 Annual Report Preview

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Elevating Outreach to California Avocado Growers In 2010 CAC took significant strides in overhauling grower communications. In order to transform Commission operations to bring further value to avocado growers, CAC staff spent time in the field, including one-on-one meetings with growers and industry stakeholders. Through grove tours demonstrating measures to ensure food safety, the workings of ET controllers and organic operations, CAC staff left each grove visit more educated and better equipped to provide support. Having a more connected staff and grower relationship helps CAC anticipate the needs and priorities of the growers; with the overall goal of creating a more productive California Avocado industry while supporting the premium California brand. CAC began addressing the needs of California Avocado growers by overhauling various grower communication vehicles, including: • A new grower website and Greensheet; allowing growers to more easily access pertinent information, with emphasis on grower-focused and production research information: • Cultural management assistance, through Grower Fact Sheets, videos and educational handouts • Field days and Grower Seminar Series

In 2009-10 CAC facilitated many one-on-one and small group grower meetings to foster interactive communication. Here CAC President Tom Bellamore meets with growers Bob Staller and Alan Cavaletto.

Industry Affairs Through a proactive approach on critical issues, CAC achieved some notable successes in 2010; such as securing economic value, alleviating regulatory burdens and improving industry competitiveness for avocado growers throughout the state. Topping the list of issues were water, invasive pests and food safety; concerns that will likely remain in 2011 and beyond, requiring continual Commission involvement on behalf of growers.



Below is a snapshot of some of the accomplishments in 2010: • Extension of the Special Ag Water Rate (SAWR) for avocado growers in San Diego County Water Authority’s service area: As a result of advocacy by CAC and avocado industry members, the Water Authority Board unanimously voted to extend the SAWR through December 31, 2012. This hard-fought extension is valued at nearly $5 million annually to avocado growers in the Water Authority’s service area • Removal of Hass Avocados from Medfly Host List: As a result of CAC’s efforts, the USDA removed Hass Avocados from the Medfly host list in April 2010. Consequently, growers under Medfly quarantine are no longer required to apply pre-harvest bait treatments to Hass Avocados before movement • California Avocado Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Manual and Standard: Upon directive from the Board, CAC and the GAP Committee, in conjunction with growers, handlers, the citrus industry and auditing bodies, have worked continually towards producing the official California Avocado Industry GAP Standard. Significant progress has been made and in 2011 CAC plans to introduce the manual and standard to avocado growers and industry stakeholders More highlights on marketing, industry affairs and production research will be included in CAC’s 2009-10 Annual Report, soon to be announced in The Greensheet: Visit to view monthly reports of the CAC’s marketing accomplishments.

3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0

In 2009-10 the California Avocado industry had one of the largest crops on record with 534.5 million pounds of California Avocados. At an average price per pound of 75.4 cents, the California industry achieved the highest-gross crop value in its history, at nearly $403 million.


CAC Assessment Rate Reductions


2.62% 1.95%

7% Industry Affairs

California Avocado Industry Five Largest Crop Years Ranked by Total Crop Value



Price per LB

09/10 05/06 92/93 86/87 83/84

534.5 600.9 569.8 555.6 492.5

75.36 56.78 20.70 16.90 18.50

1.60% Research 10% Production

19% Administration 64% Marketing

Total Crop Value $MM

402.7 341.2 117.9 93.9 91.1

The higher than anticipated revenues, coupled with prudent spending, increased the California Avocado Commission’s (CAC) reserves in 2009-10 allowing CAC to propose a budget that will invest more than $14 million toward California Avocado marketing, research and additional projects to advance the industry in 2010-11.

12 Mauchly, Suite L Irvine, California 92618-6305 | (800) 344-4333 |

2010-11 Proportion of CAC Budget by Department

In addition to adopting the proposed 2010-11 budget, the Board of Directors approved a significant reduction in the assessmentrate for 2010-11, from‘08 1.95 percent to 1.60 percent, an 18 percent ‘07 - ‘08 - ‘09 ‘09 - ‘10 ‘10 - ‘11 reduction from 2009-10 and a near 40 percent reduction from 2008-09. CAC Assessment Rate Reductions


2.62% 1.95% 1.60%

‘07 - ‘08

‘08 - ‘09

‘09 - ‘10

‘10 - ‘11


sponsible Farming


Trade (Retail and Foodservice) Highlights The core strength of CAC’s retail program is the personal contact CAC’s Merchandising team has with key retail accounts and their ability to utilize the Commission’s data assets to demonstrate California Avocado contribution and profitability at retail. The Merchandising team also leverages CAC’s consumer advertising to achieve prominent quality displays, feature ads and promotional activity in season. For foodservice accounts that already use Fresh California Avocados, CAC created programs and menu concepts to encourage greater usage during the season. Summertime promotions with Subway, Baja Fresh and others were among the successes in 2010. The Commission also used menu planning to develop foodservice accounts that added California Avocados to their operations for the first time, thus expanding distribution.


Total U.S.% of Consumers Who Rate California Avocados Higher than Other Origins on…

70% 60%


Food Safety

30% 20%

Premium Quality

50% 40%

Several of the nation’s largest contract feeders and 19 operators with more than 9,700 locations featured dynamic California Avocado promotions.

*Regular 6" sub on 9-Grain, wheat or Italian bread without cheese or condiments that contain fat. SUBWAY FRESH FIT ® is not a diet program.

©2010 Doctor’s Associates Inc. SUBWAY® is a registered trademark of Doctor's Associates Inc.

California Avocado Corporate Accounts

Fair Labor Practices

90% 80%

Environmentally Responsible Farming






Marketing: Energizing the California Brand 20serves as 40a key 60 The California Avocado Grower 0Campaign 60 70 80 90 100% component of the Commission’s marketing effort, contributing to CAC’s success in increasing brand awareness and consumer preference for California Avocados. The percent of shoppers who look for country of origin and care that avocados are U.S. grown has increased with “importance of U.S. grown” up from 43 percent in 2006 to nearly 70 percent of avocado consumers in fall 2010*.

2010 Retail Coveage


*Source: Avocado Tracking Study Fall 2010

A top priority of the 2009-10 business plan was achieved with successful strengthening of brand and attribute ratings.

Consumer Advertising in 2010 Consumer advertising is a pillar of CAC’s marketing investment designed to position California Avocados as premium in order to optimize value for California Avocado growers. Radio, print ads in regional magazines such as Sunset, outdoor billboards in high-traffic areas, fitness center posters and grocery cart ads in core markets positioned California Avocados as top of mind with consumers. CAC also advertised nationally in culinary and lifestyle magazines such as Cooking Light, Eating Well, Saveur and in online media. The combination of advertising delivered 1.1 billion consumer advertising impressions in 2009-10, which was a 49 percent increase over 2008-09. Public Relations CAC encourages consumer purchase and demand (awareness and preference) for California Avocados with extensive public relations outreach. The 2009-10 campaign included California Avocado grower stories focused on local farming and community, a cadre of artisan chefs who promoted the versatility and premium quality of 2 HAND GROWN IN CALIFORNIA

California Avocados and nutrition communications. Key messages in 2009-10 included information about the concentration of beneficial carotenoids in California Avocados, the use of avocados as a fat replacement in baking and suggesting avocados as a first food for babies and toddlers. Celebrity Chefs Susan Feniger and Mary Sue Milliken demonstrate California Avocado recipes to influential media and food bloggers at a pre-Cinco de Mayo event. The chefs and CAC Cinco de Mayo Public Relations efforts received over 185 million impressions.

Online Marketing and Social Media A fresh design of CAC’s consumer website,, encourages expanded avocado usage through featured recipes and nutrition information. In 2010 CAC fully engaged with California Avocado fans on social media, with posts, photos and videos on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Flickr. Social media interactions measure more than half a million impressions per month. CAC’s Facebook page launched in March 2010, and California Avocados gained more than 51,000 fans by the end of October.

The California Avocado Grower Campaign elevated California branding in-store at retail. In 2010 CAC called on key decision-making retailers across the country.

Jonathan Dixon, internationally recognized avocado expert who has made notable scientific contributions to the global avocado industry, joined CAC as research program director.

Production Research/Technical Investment In 2010 CAC’s Board of Directors affirmed that research and development must remain a Commission cornerstone and that room for improvement exists. The Board identified the need for CAC’s research program to evolve, becoming closely aligned with CAC’s future vision and strategic needs. To achieve these goals, the Board put in place plans for a new production research and science management review process in which they will tackle setting high level goals and objectives, to integrate science with grower and marketing needs. The new review process and accountability system, set to roll out in 2011, will support CAC’s strategic priorities, and strengthen California Avocado grower competitiveness, sustainability and profitability. 2009-10 CALIFORNIA AVOCADO COMMISSION HIGHLIGHTS 3

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