3 minute read
CalCPA Health Accepts Financial Services Firms
By Genna Armanini
While recently attending a broker event in Los Angeles, several brokers we spoke to thought CalCPA Health ONLY wrote CPA firms. Financial services firms are also in play. In recent years, the California Society of Certified Public Accountants (CalCPA) has expanded to include a broader swatch of firms, including financial professionals.
So, what exactly is a financial services firm? Generally, think of businesses that help with or manage other people’s/businesses money, such as: wealth management, advisors, financial institutions, fiduciaries, loan brokers, retirement, tax, leasing, etc. This is a good opportunity for health insurance brokers because all their existing (business) customers have CPA and financial services firms they can easily prospect to.
If you haven’t worked with CalCPA Health before, now is the time. We are a trusted carrier with long-standing relationships, (70% of groups have been insured for over 10 years). Here are some reasons to write some business with us:
• Largest and well-known provider networks: CalCPA Health rents Anthem’s Prudent Buyer - Delta Dental – Vision Service Plan (VSP) networks
• Large selection of HSAs – Offering the most HSA plans in CA compared to other carriers (CPAs and financial professionals like HSA plans – they understand the tax benefits)
• Fully integrated HSA administration – making it easy for firm admins
• Long history of stable premiums – 3.4% average rate increase over the past 9 years
• Low participation for Kaiser stand-along
• Level 7% commission (first & renewal) for small group (2-50 enrolled)
• Complimentary COBRA administration
• Owners-only firms are eligible
• Owner and W-2 spouse can be written as a small group
• Rates are based on the employee’s ZIP code – not the firm’s home office
CalCPA Health was created by the California Society of Certified Public Accountants in 1959 so their members have access to quality healthcare and benefit plans. If you have written cases with us in the past or if you have never heard of us, we ask that you look at what we have to offer you and your clients. This is a sure way to increase your book of business.
CalCPA Health – Health plans for CPAs and Financial Service Firms since 1959
Medical – Dental – Vision – Life – LTD
To find out more about what CalCPA Health has to offer your clients, please visit us at www.CalCPAHealth.com/CalBroker
Genna Armanini is the Marketing Director of CalCPA Health, a California domiciled carrier providing health plans to CPA and financial services firms. Genna has worked at CalCPA Health for over 23 years, growing brand awareness, helping maintain high retention, and enabling subscribers to become strong advocates for their health and well-being.
CA License #4386816