2 minute read
My Experience at CalBroker
By Emma Peters
My name is Emma Peters, and I have worked as an intern and then a media assistant at California Broker Magazine since September of 2023. I graduated college from Point Loma Nazarene University with my B.A. in Literature. After I graduated, I knew that eventually I wanted to apply to graduate school to pursue English studies at a higher level, but I wanted to take a year or so to get more job experience before I continued my schooling. I was incredibly fortunate to have a connection to Phil Calhoun (publisher of Cal Broker) who was looking for an intern to assist with the magazine.
Although my degree did not specialize in health insurance, Phil recognized that I had skills in writing, research and organization which could be valuable for Cal Broker. He and others in the Cal Broker team made sure to train me in the programs used in magazine production, introduced me to industry experts and allowed me to shadow the creation of an online publication. I was also able to participate and collaborate with new developments to the magazine such as the E-Calendar. Not only was I valued for what I brought to the company already, Phil was invested in my professional growth as he provided ample opportunities for me to grow within Cal Broker and elevate my position. In the transition from Intern to Media Assistant I had more responsibility in the editing process for the magazine and in choosing articles to write for each month. Because of this job, I have gained significant experience in different forms of writing, professional networking, participating in the process for an online publication and much more. I have met and interacted with many professionals which I wouldn’t have known otherwise and have felt valued as an individual.
Thank you, Cal Broker!

Emma Peters is the media assistant at California Broker Magazine. She recently graduated from Point Loma Nazarene University summa cum laude, with a Bachelor of Arts in Literature and a minor in Humanities.