CCA Undergraduate Zine: Learn how to apply to CCA

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This is the guide for guring out if CCA is the right art and design school for


CaliforniaCollegeoftheArts is a private,nonprofit* art and designschoolteachingart, design,architecture,andwriting.

We call the progressive San Francisco Bay Area home and understand the important role creative professionals play in solving social, cultural, environmental, and economic problems. That’s why we teach students like you how to make an impact in their community and beyond.

CCA’s story began nearly 120 years ago with a cabinetmaker who believed in making art that mattered. To this day, the heart of our education is rooted in activism and impact, West Coast style.

*Nonprofit colleges like CCA are mission-driven organizations. Our emphasis is on education and services rather than gaining or maximizing profits for shareholder benefit. Profits gained at CCA are reinvested into scholarships for the betterment of our students’ experiences and on-campus resources.

In San Francisco, radical ideas in art, design, technology, and social change converge. CCA is deeply immersed in this dynamic city, drawing inspiration from its vibrant culture and actively shaping its creative landscape.

It’s also a place that feels like home. This is where we find lifelong friends, mentors, and collaborators. This is where we find our people. And where we grow into who we were meant to be.

Adventure and play are healthy aspects of creative expression. Luckily we live in one of the best places to do both. Our backyard is the ocean and redwoods, and our neighbors are creative and innovative go-getters (aka: museums, art galleries, and tech companies).

In and out of class, there are so many ways to live the California dream.

What’s it like at CCA?

We’ll show you!

average number of undergraduate students per class 12 student to faculty ratio 7:1 of faculty are active practitioners in their field

100 %

Students — and even our faculty and staff — who choose CCA are people who feel called toward a creative career that means something. We want to do what we love and make a living doing it.

The community here at CCA is overwhelmingly welcoming and extremely supportive. The teachers in the First Year program especially, since they are there to help with the transition from high school to college. I have made some of the best memories with the people I have met during my first year and can see many of them being lifelong friends.

Selena Ruiz (Illustration)

[1] Heesoo Kwon, Leymusoom Garden: Following Naked Dancing and Long Dreaming, 2024.

[2] Heesoo Kwon, Premolt 10, 2023. Photo by Heesoo Kwon.

[3] Heesoo Kwon, Leymusoom Garden, 2024 (still).

Artadia Awardee and 2025 Fleishhacker Eureka Fellow — one of the largest visual arts fellowships in Northern California — for her work building feminist utopias in the digital realm.

Heesoo Kwon Animation

Winner of the Architectural League’s prestigious 2024 Emerging Voices Award, which honors architects who are redefining architecture with critical practice. He is the founder of The Open Workshop, a design-research office examining the negotiation between architecture and its environment.


Bhatia Architecture 4

[1] Neeraj Bhatia, The Center Won’t Hold, 2021. Photo by Neeraj Bhatia.

[2] Neeraj Bhatia, Commoning Domestic Space, 2021. Photo by Katharina Sauermann.

[3] Neeraj Bhatia in the exhibition New Investigations in Collective Form, 2019. Photo by Ben Kumata.

[4] Neeraj Bhatia, Garden of Framed Scenes, 2018. Photo by Luis Belo.

Awarded the illustration industry’s top honor of the Hamilton King Award for his powerful cover of The Nation magazine — an image about war and peace in Ukraine.

[1] Brian Stau er, Madame Butter y (2022 San Francisco Opera Posters), 2022.

[2] Brian Stau er, WORKBOOK’s Directory of Illustration cover, 2024.

[3] Brian Stau er, The Nation cover, 2022.


There are many ways to make your way to CCA, whether as a rst-year, international, rst-generation, or transfer student. We think everyone should have a chance to grow in a place they feel like they belong.


of our undergraduates transfer from a community college or other accredited four-year institution. We have over 40 articulation agreements with colleges in the region, streamlining the transfer process and ensuring a smooth transition to CCA.

An articulation agreement is a partnership between two educational institutions that creates a pathway for credits to transfer directly from one institution to the other. These agreements can help you pick courses at a certain college or university that will automatically count for credit toward your CCA degree.

We have options for students who want to complete their rst or second year in a community college, for example, and then transfer to CCA. Attending another school before transferring to CCA can give you a solid foundation in general education courses, make time for you to re ne your academic skills and boost your GPA, and create some space for you to decide what you’d like to major in.

No minimum requirements

Apply in fall or spring

Dedicated CCA transfer admissions counselors guide the way

Meet with a CCA counselor to set your transfer plan before you register for courses at another college


You’ll spend your rst year at CCA exploring di erent approaches to creative practices while building the skills necessary for success in our undergraduate programs. Starting in your rst year, this balance of studio and academic coursework will continue through the duration of your program.

Academic courses Includes Humanities and Sciences courses

Writing 1 — Prepare for college-level writing, reading, and discussion.

Introduction to the Arts & Introduction to the Modern Arts — Gain a foundation in the history of art, architecture, and design in diverse world cultures from prehistory to the present.

Foundations in Critical Studies — Choose from arts-focused history, social science, math, science, or philosophy coursework.

Drawing Learn about drawing’s connections to numerous disciplines and be exposed to diverse cultural contributions through studio critiques,* classroom discussions, and eld trips.

First Year Core Studio courses

Many of your classes will be hands-on in studio

4D Work with your peers on digital video, sound, image sequencing, web-based media, and more as you learn to tell time-based narratives. Drawing

These courses are designed to help you develop core studio art skills and get hands-on right away in various workshops and labs.

2D Explore all the possibilities in mediums like graphic design, photography, painting, and illustration.

3D Study how we interact with space and the material world through disciplines like architecture, physical product design and prototyping, sculpture, and craft making. (This is where you get to use the woodshop!)

*Critiques are a fundamental part of the art school experience. “Crits” teach you how to give feedback in a constructive manner and teach you how to present your work in a professional way.

Learn more about your rst year experience



Studio Electives

Studio electives

Choose from unique courses and begin exploring a wide range of topic areas in the studio your very rst semester. You can take a class in your major or try out a major you’re curious about.

First year community

First year community


Participate in events like Drawing Disco (we laugh, we draw, we dance!), and get to connect with other ambitious and creative rst-year students outside of class.

Learning through doing

The way we teach and learn is di erent from other art and design schools, especially because of our location in the Bay Area. CCA prioritizes learning through hands-on experiences. You’ll be introduced to innovative global industries, recognized organizations, and established professionals during CCA courses.

In a recent sponsored studio with Samsung Research, for example, CCA Interaction Design students worked alongside Samsung engineers and designers to reimagine household objects tailored for sustainability and to meet Gen Z lifestyles. These courses give students real-world experience and professional connections before they even graduate, while o ering companies fresh perspectives and solutions.

COOL COOL shoe design



Every undergraduate program at CCA delivers the essential skills and rigorous preparation you need to pursue an impactful career in art, architecture, design, or writing. And we make it pretty engaging every step of the way. Just consider these recent course examples and descriptions.



Learn the basics of ceramic construction, while exploring the rich history and tradition of clay and the medium’s current in uence in contemporary art.

Research the history of footwear, gather inspiration, and design your own shoe collection for a nal project.

B op


Engage in interdisciplinary analysis of the aesthetics and politics of Black popular music since WWII with an emphasis on the 1960s.

Create visual art that responds to the history of LGBTQIA+ culture, activism, and identity.

Read representative literature on both sides of the AI debate, watch imaginative science ction lms, and imagine a future with intelligent robots.

Robots Rise of the


Explore how writing about the future can actually be a vehicle for describing, and perhaps even critiquing, the present or past.

Architecture Physics for and Design

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Research and engage with historical photographic practices used as investigations into truth, reality, and fact.

Learn how to transform materials and shift perceptions in your visual art practice and exhibition.

Learn foundational principles for laws of motion, conservation, and gravitation, as well as the properties of matter, light, and sound.



Investigate the construction of monsters and “the monstrous” through analysis of literature, art, and lm across diverse cultures and time periods.

A campus for the

Recent additions to our campus

More than 82,000 square feet 60-person lecture hall

Outdoor courtyard Dye & Fiber Garden

Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts

An entire oor of artmaking facilities with cutting-edge tools:

Hybrid Lab with a PCB mill, Carvey benchtop 3D carving machine, and CircuitPython bootloader technology

Digital Fabrication Lab with CNC routers and a rapid prototyping studio

Renderings courtesy of Studio Gang.

Jewelry and Metal Arts bench, chemical, and hammer rooms

Spray booth, sandblasting and nishing area, model shop, and open bench room

We believe in impact-centered art and design so much, we’ve doubled down with a newly expanded campus.

Printmedia Vandercook press and Rutherford and Takach lithography presses

Sculpture metal shop with JET drill press and MIG welding machine

withDigitalCraftLab a KUKA robot and 3D Potterbots

andFurniturebench machineshop

Ceramicsbench, glaze,andkilnrooms



Illustrations by Ingrid Yang (BFA Graphic Design 2021).

art school in the nation for

With a degree in art, design, architecture, or writing, your career options are as diverse and expansive as you can imagine. CCA alumni are directing nonpro ts, designing buildings and sustainable environments, changing the face of modern art and design, running their own businesses, and working with underserved communities. In short, CCA alumni use their arts education to shape the world and serve as exemplars in their elds of study.

best value colleges for art majors

Source: Payscale of alumniundergraduate obtained a job within a year or more of graduating ofundergraduatealumni reportedtheirCCAeducation wasrelevanttotheir rstworkexperience

*ROI, which stands for return on investment, is a way to evaluate the value of your college degree investment by comparing the net pro t it could generate over time to its initial cost. ROI rankings help you make informed decisions about your future education.

Sources: CCA Data 2022–2024, Payscale

I knew early on I didn’t want to settle for anything less than being an artist full-time.

Location matters when landing a job

Location matters when landing a job

Whether it means providing access to exclusive events for networking or nding alumni mentorship for personalized career advice, we’re committed to helping you break into your creative eld. Through internships, sponsored studios*, and recruiting events with employers, our students get front-row access to and gain invaluable experience from some of the biggest brands in the world.

* Sponsored studios are courses in partnership with outside companies or organizations.

Attending CCA Career Expos is a critical step toward establishing your career. Participating employers at recent expos — which are exclusive to CCA students and alumni — include Perkins&Will, Charlotte Russe, Chronicle Books, SF Center for the Book, Center for Community Arts, IDEO, Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco, SFMOMA, Microsoft, Gap, Adobe, Good Future Design Alliance, Santec, Pottery Barn, Williams-Sonoma, and Gensler… Just to name a few. ;)

Employers hire CCA grads

When you attend CCA, your Bay Area neighbors can become your future employer. Just look where our recent alumni have landed — most often through connections made in CCA courses, career fairs, and community activities.

We have whole teams dedicated to making sure you understand all your financial aid options and opportunities. Your dream school is possible.

Art in your heart, $ on your mind? in CCA-funded scholarships awarded each year of our students receive some form of financial aid

There are types of financial aid million ~$29 89%


Merit-based financial aid is awarded based on academic achievement and quality of portfolio.

Need-based financial aid is awarded based on financial need.

More on need-based financial aid

Are you a DACA, Dreamer, or undocumented student?

Allare welcome FINANCIAL AID

Fill out the California Dream Act Application (CADAA) instead of a FAFSA form. The CADAA does not require a social security number.

You’ll be able to apply for need-based aid via an institutional form (that also does not require a social security number) provided by CCA after you apply.

Part of your application to CCA will include a portfolio of examples of artwork or writing you’ve created. Your application portfolio is an opportunity to share who you are, how you think, and what you care about.

Clockwise from top right: Design Process — The Lobstar, 2022.

The Lobstar, 2022. The Lobstar (detail), 2022.

At CCA, we’re interested in your ideas, not just your technical skills (we’ll help you develop and ne tune those later). When we review your portfolio, we want to learn the “why” behind your artwork.

Portfolio application pieces by Joaquin Zuniga-Perlstein (he/him)

The Queen — Design Process, 2022.

The Queen — Spring Fashion Show, 2022.

CCA’s portfolio requirement is wide open, giving you the freedom to express yourself authentically — we don’t limit the portfolio to just art related to your major. This re ects our interdisciplinary curriculum.

The House of the Lobster — Senior Exhibit, 2022.

Ready to apply to CCA?

Let’s do this! Here’s what you’ll need to apply online through the CCA Application or Common Application:

Personal essay

High school and/or college transcripts

Letter of recommendation

Portfolio (submitted through SlideRoom)

First-year applicants must submit 10–15 portfolio pieces

Transfer and second-degree applicants must submit 15–20 portfolio pieces

Proof of English proficiency (international applicants only)

Nonrefundable application fee of $70

Application fee waivers are accepted for domestic students with limited financial resources. You’ll be able to request the application fee waiver when you fill out your application to CCA.




First Year Early Action Deadline

Early Action means that you can get your admissions decision and scholarship award offer early, usually before the end of that calendar year! These decisions are non-binding, meaning you can accept or decline a college’s offer of admission after you’ve been admitted.

First Year Priority Deadline

First-year applicants must submit an application by this deadline to be considered for all undergraduate institutional scholarships, including the Visionary Practice Scholarship, merit, named, and all-college honors.


Transfer Priority Deadline

If you apply by the Priority deadline, you're guaranteed to be considered for CCA merit scholarships!

to schedule a 1:1 virtual appointment or portfolio review with an admissions counselor.

Want to take a test drive first?

Check out CCA Pre-College, in-person or virtual programs for high school students who will complete their sophomore, junior, or senior year by summer. Create work for your application portfolio, try out living on campus and taking college-level courses, and earn three college credits you can transfer almost anywhere. Need-based, merit-based, and full-tuition scholarships for Pre-College are also available!


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